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Gotta Dream

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Everything posted by Gotta Dream

  1. Need a solid Defense. Trade up to get one of the stud linemen. Build on our strong DB's and let the Defense support this team. Next year, address the offense.
  2. Trade him for the right price, but it's going to be hard to get the "right" price. Probably could only get 3-5th rounder.
  3. With what we have, he should start....and that's pretty sad.
  4. Man, when I saw Edwards was DC, I was so hoping it was Herm Edwards.
  5. Great links... I love this: "Pittsburgh does not draft more for defense than other teams. In fact, they probably draft for defense less. Since 2000, Pittsburgh has drafted for defense on just 30 out of 69 picks — or 43 percent. If you take the top three rounds, the Steelers have drafted for defense 50 percent — 13 of 26 — since 2000. They draft well, so they don’t have to keep re-tracing their steps on defense."
  6. Great find. I think you're on to something. What a resume!
  7. I hope he gets fired and then comes to the Bills.
  8. Jim Kelly and Bruce Smith No doubt. They aren't hall of famers for nothing.
  9. Watching Smallville on TiVo - with my wife. Yes, I am a loser.
  10. Never was mad at him. + Replays showed, they got away with it. Officials blew the call, and Buffalo got shafted again!
  11. Funny. NO. Pull AVP out of retirement (a la Kurt Warner).
  12. You make some great points, and that is what worries me. I'm afraid of this weak class of QB's and their question marks? The Bills do not have a good record of identifying even average quarterbacks. I wouldn't want to "reach" or "settle" on a QB this year, just because we need one. I agree with a skilled FA QB, and maybe "reach" for a QB after the 1st round. I admit, I only know about the QB's from watching only a few games, and from the posts that are here, but it doesn't seem like a very strong class. Go FA this year, pick up a "sure-fire" prospect at #9 and build this team for a run in a few years.
  13. Yes. There is no doubt, that when he has been in the league, he has always been in the top 5 QB's playing. His teams were known by his offense.
  14. Is he tough? What is his make-up?
  15. You got me there. But how many "sure thing" QB's picked in the first round become above average QB's? ( I don't have time to look it up). Saying that, how good are these QB's anyway? They are top of the class in this years draft, but how would they stack up against Sanchez?
  16. - Awesome! He made a mistake. Definitely. But being in Philly, this guy has been a good team player. He's repented of his mistakes. And he's actually improved as the year has gone on. He's really worked hard to get back to where he was. I think he'll break out this year. But I think Philly will pick up his option. (unless it's too late).
  17. For me, I'd rather have the perennial all-pro. I just don't think the Bills are ready for a high risk pick like a QB in this draft. We need the sure thing. The Bills really screwed up with Maybin. We are not in a position to pick a "high risk - high reward" player. Too much of a gamble.
  18. Totally agree. Painting the silver lining on brown. It's the Bills' greatest gift. Can't wait to see who they draft, and how they spin the picks to give us great hope. I am so sarcastic! Or am I??
  19. No more players on the downside of their careers. McNabb is a head case. He will never make it in Buffalo. He'd be great in a dome though....
  20. Great point. I wonder if we would win a bowl game?
  21. One of the best GM's in the NFL ever! Not signing him was obviously the worst move RW ever made. Yes of course Peyton Manning would have helped any GM, but he is still the man when it comes to running a franchise.
  22. QB at 9 this year is too desperate. To play in Buffalo, the QB has to have a certain personality. They have to have the attitude of a LB and the balls of a Buffalo. The most talented QB without these attributes will fail in Buffalo. It's a special town. A hard working town. That's why Cali boys can't make it here. McNabb won't make it. Claussen is too much of a pretty boy. Bradford is too weak. Don't know if anyone is out there that can make it this year. Pick the best OL or DL available that will fit the offense/defensive philosophy of the coach.....and hope again! NO PROJECTS!!!
  23. Makes me sad to think how good the Bills "Could have been"
  24. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!
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