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Everything posted by billsboys

  1. Yes we all know the TV announcers don't know the game as well as they should, but that was the wrong call. This season had so many bad or missed calls that it's unbelievable how many there were! Think about it.
  2. The league needs to do something about this. Steelers deserved to win today. The officials I think wanted to see the Colts win.
  3. Are you saying Given should be the #1 reciever? We already have a decent WR replacement for Moulds. Evans will be #1 WR if Moulds does in fact leave and Parrish will likely be #2. If they sign Givens he will be #2 and Parrish will be #3. Simple as that. But, the problem is with Givens is that he gets injured quite frequently.
  4. Maybe, but that would be HUGE chunk of our salry cap goes to Moulds and don't forget we need to resign some of our players as well as sign draft picks.
  5. As we all know it's all about the salary cap. To keep Moulds we would have to pay SO MUCH MONEY. This would cripple our chances of resigning other good players on this team. Don't get me wrong I would love to have Moulds back next year as a mentor to our wide recievers but I think he will be gone and will likely be picked up by the Eagles, since the don't have a Wr core. It's sad, a player who has been so loyal to us Bills fans likely leaving for good. If this happens Evans will obviously be #1 and likely Parrish #2. The ONLY two good things that Evans has that Moulds doesn't have anymore is young age and quickness. Moulds is getting older so he's not as quick as he used to be. I hope he comes back but it's looking more likely he won't be back. How sad. If he's gone, then all I have to say is thank you Moulds for all the great memories.
  6. Flutie could do better than Brady PUT HIM IN!! I as a Bills fan want to see him play.
  7. They have Flutie on their team. I miss the old days with Flutie.
  8. No kidding this team is rebuilding. And in order to help this we need to draft a DT in the first round and a LT in the second. Third LG to replace Bennie Anderson(terrible)
  9. It's going to be loud and crazy! Mostly to the welcome of Levy!
  10. Aren't Bills suppose to hate the Cowboys. Why pursue a guy from a team that we don't like very much? Watch by the end of next week Haslett will be the new HC! He's the only one that seems interested in the job.
  11. He is the best fit! Haslett and Marv, good combination!
  12. I like them both. Can't the both be on the sideline. DC-Haslett HC-Levy That would make me a happy Bills fan.
  13. Also Haslett took the Saints to the playoffs.
  14. That was before MM left. And also I talked it over with other Bills fans at school. They said Jim was a better choice, so after thinking it over Jim would be a better choice. He also has recent experience as HC. Not Cottrell.
  15. I'm 90% sure this organization will make the playoffs in 2007!!
  16. ESPN RADIO IS GREAT AT FINDING STUFF OUT!!! Jim is who I wanted to be HC all along!
  17. What is talking so long! We need to get coaches into this organization NOW! We have to get the guys situated and being planning for next season. We have to sign the best coaches out there now before they all go somewhere else and were left with crappy coaching staff once more.
  18. Buy! Who else but the great Marv Levy! And I don't say this because of his age. WHO CARES ABOUT HIS AGE? He can still bring this team out of the hole there in right now.
  20. 50-65% chance I sort of hope he's the new coach. I would be great to have him because he played for the Bills and he expressed interest in the job(HC). If he doesn't want the job it will be either Cottrell or Levy in my opinion.
  21. There are going to be more 1) Haslett's signing as HC 2) Gray's firing 3) OC hiring 4) DC hiring I say 4 more.
  22. I Do! Didn't he play linebacker for the Bills?
  23. Didn't Haslett play Linebacker for the Bills? He was an all-star player. I support Haslett being HC despite his coaching record. Come on guys he was coaching the Saints, of course he would have a losing record.
  24. 10 hours and 39 minutes to go. I can't wait!
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