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Olaf Fub

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Everything posted by Olaf Fub

  1. I agree 100% The kicker missed a couple of gimmie field goals but he's a true freshman in his first game. It was a great crowd for a UB game. The team really did some things well. I was there and I've been a season ticket holder since their second year in division 1-A. This is the most optimistic that I've been after game one.
  2. I went to the game Saturday. I watched the replay of it tonight and I've got to be honest, I don't know what the Hell you're talking about. Tasker was critical of the team. He gave a honest assessment of what was going on. You're taking his secondary comment totally out of context. Now, he didn't hate the team. He wasn't completely negative about everything the Bills did. He wasn't ultra critical. He also did not make cheap and classless jokes about Ralph Wilson or Marv Levy's age. Based on your above comments, my guess is that this is the kind of coverage you'd like to see of the team. Which is fine, to each his own. (But personally, if a football game was presented with that much negative bias, I'd turn the sound down.)
  3. If I had to pick one in regards to the draft, I'd lean towards Marv is a genius. Whitner, Williams and Simpson have all looked good. Everyone else is a question mark so far, including McCargo. (IMO, you judge a GM based on how successful the draft is as a whole, not on an individual pick. Even the best GMs will have picks that are busts.) But, like you said, it's too early to tell. How a player looks 3 practice games into his career doesn't mean much.
  4. I agree with most of the above comments. He's improved. He seems to be learning from his mistakes. At the beginning of training camp, I was skeptical that he was going to be a starting QB in the NFL. I'm optimistic now that by the end of this season, he'll be considered a solid starter. If he continues to eliminate the negatives in his game (e.g. he's still making some inaccurate throws), he might actually turn out to be a pretty good one.
  5. Current- Marvin Harrison All Time- Barry Sanders
  6. My pick, Oh my God! Todd Collins. The clowns in the mid-eighties were pretty bad also. My Father, who has had season tickets since 1960 has nominated MC Reynolds or Al Dorow. (the pre Jack Kemp era)
  7. In Marv's workout video on the Bills site, Chris Brown specifically says in his report that Marv does eat "red meat". It does not metion anything about Marv being a vegatarian. See "Unbounded Enthusiasm" on page 3
  8. I think this is a great analogy. Ultimately, A GM should be judged by how the organization performs as a team. Were the Bills sucessful under TD? Hell no! He had all the players metioned in the "Super Bowl" team above and was able to produce a 5-11 season. If this happens (and I hope it does) he shouldn't receive credit for their success. (and if the Bills stink for the next 3 years, he shouldn't get the blame. Marv's the GM now, he gets the lion's share of credit or blame. He has the most influence on what the team looks like in 2006 and beyond.) Just bringing some talent into an organization isn't enough to make you a good GM. A GM's job is to build a team that wins. Look at Mike Milbury in the NHL. The Islanders drafted practically a who's-who of all stars while he was GM. He traded most of the talent away for short term fixes and the Isles were an average to poor team for his entire term.
  9. I don't buy the "the Ravens were the only team that might pick him" line. Teams leak to Peter King only what they want to leak. I don't think he has any idea which team was interested in what player.
  10. That was an excellent interview. Thanks.
  11. Character got the Bills to four straight Super Bowl. It's the reason for the comeback against Houston. Marv's teams were full of players with character and intellegence. On a 53 man roster, not all the players are going to fit the criteria perfectly. That doesn't mean you shouldn't strive for it. Character also does not mean you have to be an alter boy. After watching Jim Kelly on Quite Frankly, I find it hard to believe anyone still thinks he is a dummy.
  12. My favorite was this "reach". Why didn't Polian get value? Shame on him for falling in love with one player.
  13. Kiper has them 17, 30 but McCargo is not in the top 100. Ourlads 37, 42 and 68. I've gotten both book for many years. They're fun. They are also wrong about players a lot. (but, to be fair, it's a hard thing to predict.)
  14. I agree we need the OT. I hadn't thought about a LB but you make some good points. I'd like to see some depth on D line also.
  15. I watched the NFL network for most of the draft this year, I thought it was a lot better than Espn. Corey Chavious (sorry about the spelling) was good also.
  16. I'd like to see O-line. Ourlads had the Bills taking Klopfenstein in the second round. I read his write up, he sounds pretty good and I wouldn't be dissappointed with him either.
  17. The only thing the media know is what information each team wants to leak to them. We assume that a guy like McCargo is going to be there in late second round because that's what the draft books say. Who knows, McCargo might have been drafted within a few picks. The books might be wrong. I buy Ourlads and Kiper's book each year. They're fun to read but I don't think they are a good indicator of NFL success. I rather see the Bills draft a guy "too early" but still get him, then gamble that he'll still be there with their next pick.
  18. Yeah, if Whitner turns out to be one of those "dime a dozen" players like Troy Polamalu, I'll be dissapointed. I think they are going OT next but I'm fine with DT also. I was kind of shocked by the 1st round pick also, but now I'm starting to like it.
  19. I would have rather had a "hand on the ground". Whitner must be a better safety prospect than the two DTs. Teams aren't getting that much for trading down. A deal must not have been there. It'd better to draft a good player early than to miss one by waiting too long. (Polian did this a few years ago with Freeney, everyone said he was a reach at the spot the Colts picked him.) I was glad to see Marv show some guts, go against the draft books and draft who he thought would help the team the most.
  20. I think this is a smart move by the Texans. (But spending 26 million guaranteed on a guy who hasn't played a down in the NFL is flat out nuts.) McCallister screwed up his knee last year, so New Orleans might take Bush. I wonder who is going to drop to eighth now?
  21. Missed the thread below.
  22. I can see the Bills doing something like this. I hope they can do it.
  23. John Clayton is reporting we signed Anthony Thomas to a one year deal. A Train If true, I like it. He'll make a good back up. Plus, we won't need to spend a draft pick on a RB now.
  24. OK, you're talking smack and I've got to sit here and take it because, you're right, UB has stunk. Just know this, when UB beats Miami, I will hunt you down on this board and show you no mercy.
  25. Look, I agree that Miami is a much better program than UB but calling UB a bad high school team is a little much. UB was ahead of Miami in the fourth quarter two years ago in Buffalo. Plus teams can turn it around quickly in the MAC. Northern Illinios used to be the league's doormat. They turned it around and were in the top 25 for a few weeks 2 or 3 years ago. I don't think they are going to a bowl game anytime soon but I think they can be competitve in the MAC. If Gill is a good coach/recruiter then it might be in the next couple of years.
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