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Peter Griffin

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Everything posted by Peter Griffin

  1. Once the Inner Circle realizes we are headed for an expensive top 5 pick, look for them to find a way to motivate the team to get to 7 wins. With the 11th pick in the 2010 NFL draft, the Buffalo Bills select...............
  2. He's only 1 year older than T.O. Can we bring him back as a slot receiver?
  3. I just picked Philly in my suicide pool 1 - They are coming off a bye 2 - They are playing the bucs at home 3 - They are getting Westbrook and Mcnabb back 4 - Their upcoming schedule looks pretty tough so I can't see picking them again
  4. The refs have been in the bag for the Pats for years. I first noticed this Donte Whitner's rookie year when, after his TD return the refs called a late phantom PI call that the commentators couldn't even guess who the call was against. The m.o. is almost always the same. The game is called evenly except for a huge break for the Pats early in the game, then one late in the game. They'll often give the Pats a bad break when it doesn't matter (i.e., opponent has 2nd and two from their own 30 yrd line) This bias is a well known fact - yesterday I was watching the Giants-Chiefs game and the announcers said something along the lines"...there goes Vrabel lobbying the officials for a holding call. Hes not going to get one though, that only works for Patriot players, he's not used to being a Chief yet..."
  5. Nice - I tried that last year but they were always shut down or terrible quality.
  6. We ended up at Buffalo Wild Wings. Pretty crowded but there we tables to be had if you were willing to wait a little while. Overall not too bad. I'd be interested to hear other experiences. Thought about going to Beginnings II in East Syracuse but I thought that place might be too crowded.
  8. I believe the answer is no. A blackout is a blackout. There are no last min exemptions for Sunday ticket. The game will be available in the Syracuse area on Sunday Ticket because this isn't a blackout - this is the FOX / Bills-Giants Conflict. Twice per year, when an NFC team comes to Buffalo - Fox might show the Giants instead. Last year I read somewhere they would show the Giants if the Giants were at home only but I guess that was incorrect.
  9. week 2 is out: http://www.the506.com/nflmaps/
  10. It's longer....and better!
  11. UPDATE: We're told that the new offensive coordinator will be quarterbacks coach Alex Van Pelt.
  12. Here was my source... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...18182411AAPdL1U not too official, but hey, you get what you pay for. I did miss the Browns, who run a 3-4.
  13. Lots of talk recently about the Bills vs the 3-4. Here is an interesting stat: All 6 division games this year are against 3-4 defenses All 10 non-division games are against 4-3 defenses Has any team ever made the playoffs at 10-6, yet been swept by their division?
  14. yeah....and the sad thing is they still find a way to make tons of mistakes
  15. You don't seem to have many studs on your team. Who did you pick first? I picked 5th in my league. My first 4 rounds went.. Jones-Drew Andre Johnson Ryan Grant TO
  16. SI/CNN fools.....Orlovsky and Sorgi are plain awful
  17. 1 - Ralph Wilson lent Al Davis money during the AFL days to keep the league afloat 2 - Al Davis went to Syracuse University 3 - Syracuse greats have all worn the number 44 4 - This year is Superbowl 44 Coincidence? I think not.
  18. the jests game will replayed at 11 on SNY (time warner in syracuse)
  19. Don't you study the mock drafts? I'd bet you a friendly nickel Everette Brown has a better career than J Byrd. Plus - We really needed a DE but do we really need another Youbouty?
  20. I think he means Jerry-us Bird. You know - the guy chosen right before Everette Brown, Connor Barwin, Phil Loadholt and William Beatty.
  21. Year 1 - Can't sniff the field Year 2 - Sophomore Slump Year 3 - Shows Promise Year 4 - Stud in the making Year 5 - Holds out Year 6 - Signs with the Niners for the biggest contract in history.
  22. I was hoping the bills were gonna draft hi.
  23. Since nobody has mentioned it.....I'll throw out St Patrick Cathedral - It's really pretty impressive. It's somewhat near the MOMA and Central Park IIRC.
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