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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. Ha ha ha! As for my avatar, that's me during my 'lean phase'.
  2. A little less Muscle Milk and PROOOOTEIN and no more Jager Bombs and they'd be on their way!
  3. Agreed. I want him to earn an extension because of his play on the field, not because "he's not JP" which for some on the board seems to validate his greatness.....
  4. Has anyone said Kirby Puckett yet? And how about Cecil Fielder (and his son Prince)?
  5. Dang it...beat me to it!
  6. For those of you interested in the Jets... http://www.winnipegjetsonline.com/
  7. taterhill for Commissioner of the NHL. This guy gets it! Bettman the douche does not! This is a major league pissing contest and one I hope Gary Bruce Bettman loses.
  8. As a former Winnipegger (and a person who attended the last game in Jets history (a Game 6 loss to Detroit)) I can tell you losing the Jets ripped the heart right out of the city. And it's never recovered from it. My family over there still to this day mourn the loss of the team and pray that sometime, someone will bring the team back. The city owns the name and logo still....
  9. That's an insult to beets!
  10. "JOBA! Gets away from the television! Mama's watching her stories!"
  11. Brad gets his team into the playoffs and he's on the hot seat. Our coach leads us to a stunning collapse and 7-9 season and he's awarded a three year deal because Big Cat thinks he's a heck of nice fellow... Where is the justice in the NFL?!?
  12. ...if you're nothing but a Jauron apologist. 1 winning season in 9 stints as a head coach. It's ALWAYS the players' faults....
  13. I seriously cannot believe that you cannot see the correlation between the NINE seasons of poor quarterback play that has followed Dick Jauron everywhere he has coached and the struggles of Trent Edwards. Yes, it is speculative...but if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck... We get it. You love Dick Jauron the same way a mother loves her screw-up son.
  14. Not as dim as you seem to be thinking that Dick's coaching has nothing to do with how Trent performs on the field. But hey, it's all good right since they are BFF's texting each other all hours of the night.
  15. No, you didn't. You pointed the finger to one position - the QB and claimed that all those teams rose up because of QB play. The reality of it is (and I use "reality" knowing full well that you have no concept of what reality is except one where Jauron is the greatest coach in the world, has won multiple Super Bowls, and has used his charm, grace and civility to broker peace agreements between Israel and Palestine) their coaches too average (in the case of Pennington) and very inexperienced (in the case of Ryan and Joe Flacco) and devised game plans to protect their short comings and put their teams in a position to win. With JP and Trent you just CANNOT make the argument that Dick J and his merry band of misfits have set up our QBs with the coaching to win. Now back to your dream world of Dick Jauron - Time Man of the Century.
  16. And that argument was BLOWN AWAY by the fact that teams such as Atlanta and Miami have done it in LESS than 3 years. And those are just examples in the LAST YEAR. If one took the time to look over even the last 10 years, you'd have countless of examples of teams able to turn their fortunes around in less than 3 years. But you're oblivious to those examples aren't you? Care to explain how Atlanta and Miami did it and Dick and his boys can't?
  17. Me too! After this write-off year with Jauron the Eternal Loser at the helm, the young guys will have a taste of playing in the NFL with no expectations this year from the fans. Then when a REAL head coach comes in next year, the players will have a year under their belt, they'll be amazed at what competent coaching looks like and pull an Atlanta Falcons and win the division. 2010 BABY!!!!
  18. Please change your screen name from "The Big Cat" to the "The Big Jauron Apologist". In all my time on this board, I have never seen someone so weakly argue a point. GG has cornered you with his argument. Jauron's inability to build a roster over THREE YEARS is why this year's draft is finally addressing his self-inflicted wounds. GAME. SET. MATCH. You and your "gushing" source (Mrs. Jauron) can both go to he!!. I'm going to take the word of a friend who actually played for the loser and couldn't stop gushing about what a difference in attitude the team experienced when they jettisoned his sorry @ss to Detroit and brought in a REAL coach with a WINNING attitude. It's loser attitudes like yours and the non-stop excuses you make that have permeated the players in the Bills' locker room to make this team as vanilla as vanilla can get.
  19. So...this is what StuckInCincy's kids do on the weekends....
  20. And I recall Trent remarking after the CLEVELAND game (because goodness knows they were a powerhouse last year...) something about not being ready to play and not being ready for their defense. This team did piss-poorly against any team running a 3-4 defense. That has nothing to do with the talent and everything to do with DJ's shite coaching.
  21. I find it funny that your Chicago source "gushes" over DJ but my Chicago source (a man who played for Dick and still plays in Chicago) went with the "he's a nice guy" and that's all he's got approach. I tend to go with my source, a longtime friend and one who seems to echo the statements on any rational observer - that Dick Jauron can't win.
  22. I could care less how many yards he throws for as long as he throws for 2-3 TDs a game. His multiple touchdown games were too few and far between so far in his career. He MUST improve that this season. NO EXCUSES. No "Peters isn't around" or "the O-line is too young" or ANYTHING. He must find the endzone consistently this year. Otherwise, him and DJ can text each other in the unemployment line.
  23. Am I the only one who thinks that Bills football (win or lose) is just plain boring to watch under Dicky J? I feel asleep during games last year.... This year is Dick's swan song. With his ability to coach and win against teams with winning records and our schedule for next year, I see no better than a 5-11 season. I wish I could be more positive but with Skeletor behind the bench (and his number 1 fan Big Cat cheering behind him) this team is destined for failure. Bills Football 2009 - Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I am looking forward to 2010 when Ralph hires a cheap coach out of college that defies his hiring practices and turns the team into a 12-4 juggernaut....see I can be positive!
  24. Well Big Cat, I have a inside source too, one who played for Dick Jauron during his time in Chicago. All he could say to me on the day of the Bills hiring him was a simple text that said: "Nice guy, can't win". When I called him days later and begged him to elaborate my friend was too classy to throw him under the bus but he did say that the guys in the room would step in front of a tank for him. The only knock he gave Dick was that his "game prep was questionable" and he struggled with change at half time. At the end of the day, any Bills fan will tell you that Dick seems like a good person and a heckuva guy. But I don't want a swell guy, I want a winner. And Dick's record (as a Bills HC and leaguewide) is a losing one. And the results speak for themselves. You can't be in the league this long and amount to ONE winning season. His belief in the Tampa 2 and a strategy of let the defense keep you in games is long outdated for today's NFL. And I hate to say it, but how many of us are fed up with what seems like him being outcoached every Sunday by better coaches of this league? Sorry, Dick J's got to go. And you can PM me too if you want to find out who my source is.
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