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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. Bill Parcells is almost 70. I like the hire but of course they'll be people pooping all over it....
  2. How do I vote for pudding?
  3. I think it's sad that of all the 'Mighty Ducks' movies that 'D3' is his favorite....
  4. Try telling me that Tampa isn't going in the right direction and Buffalo is... At least they've managed to find their QB of the future in Freeman....
  5. Same goes here...please don't PM me the game...that would be wrong. And in direct violation of the express written consent of the NFL.
  6. I have a feeling you're seeing the last of Jake Delhomme in Carolina.... Maybe the last couple of years have been an abhorrence and we take a chance with him?
  7. This combination rivals ambrosia in terms of its ability to intoxicate....
  8. See: Johnson, Rob or Edwards, Trent...
  9. Tavaris would be a great option but he's been all but guaranteed the Vikes job when Favre retires. That and the scuttlebutt is that he's learned immensely from backing up Favre this year as Brett has taken a real shining to him. Say what you will about Brett's indecisiveness but both Rodgers and Tavaris speak on how great a QB mentor he is. I could easily see Brett retiring to be a great QB coach. Much like I think Peyton is going to retire to be a great O-coordinator some day.
  10. I can't wait to see who starts the "Brohm deserves better" thread on Sunday after the game...
  11. When Parcells was brought in, the first thing he did was clear house on the DolFANS message board...immediate dividends!
  12. I'm still waiting for my glamor shots....
  13. And cue SouthGeorgia and his perpetual tripe about the "fans" causing the team's decline... It's amazing to me that you even have the ability to sling together complete sentences so I guess I shouldn't be so surprised that those complete sentences lack any intelligence whatsoever. If Buffalo is such a cesspool and you seem to look down on all of us fans, I have a suggestion, off yourself since life must be so unbearable cheering for a team that has morons for fans or find another team. If we could make the decision we'd be happy to turf your arse you sorry, stupid excuse for a human being. Go extrapolate some more stupidity Einstein.
  14. Batting 1 for 100 doesn't mean these guys are smart...it means they lucked out with one pick. Bills drafting is how this team is a perrenial mess.
  15. :lol: :lol: :lol: HE SUCKS. HE HAS SHOWN NOTHING THIS YEAR REGARDLESS OF O-LINE. Watch the Steelers-Packers game...Rodgers is practically on his arse every play and yet he's STILL making plays. Enough with the tired excuses. Captain Checkdown is done as a starter. He's barely CFL material.
  16. Excellently worded. When he came in I thought: "This is it Trent, this is your chance to prove to people that you aren't a fragile, scared QB that is afraid to throw the ball, your last chance to be the QB of this team." 3 snaps, 2 sacks and Captain Glass Checkdown is out of the game. The Trent Edwards Era is OVER. The irony is he'll probably be in the UFL next year like JP.
  17. Goodell became useless the minute he swept the Patriots cheating under the rug. F### him and his public grandstanding.
  18. Guys lay off him....it's hard enough being stupid these days....
  19. Just this contained portion of a Buffalo Bills fan board shows me how far we've fallen as decent human beings. This prevailing disregard for any human life is why society is what it is. So sad the maturity level of some people on the board...three children lost a father but hey, let's use this as an opportunity to a) make fun of the guy's intelligence and reputation and even make remarks about their widowed mother too from her MySpace page! Some of you make me sick.
  20. Some lawyer is going to have a field day with this one in court. These FF Commish's are probably going to make out like bandits over wrongful termination suits.
  21. I wish he'd just change his name to "Guy" and grow a handlebar mustache... http://www.ps3blog.de/wp-content/uploads/2...uyIncognito.jpg
  22. How 'bout option 4 for you? 4. Go F### yourself and find another post to be a miserable prick in. Seriously, the only thing more inane than the JP posts are the posters who think they're so cool that they go into said posts and question why they exist. If you don't care screw off and find something else to read.
  23. I was at their match at Wrestlemania X-8....goosebumps.....crowd was ridiculously into that match!
  24. I thought it was at his very first press conference when he was introduced as head coach of the Bills. It was along the lines of: "I want to build a winning team here in Buffalo but we have a lot of work to do...it's hard to win in the NFL." The quote itself was taken out of context but represented him so well that it became his mantra.
  25. Thank Chris Chambers for having awful hands.
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