You know what? Things suck. We haven't sniffed the playoffs in 10 years, we've had one bad coach after another and now, after being promised "sweeping changes", Ralph stiffs us with a GM from within the organization and a head coach nobody was beating down doors to get to.
But I'll still be here. Like it or hate it, this is my team. Til either they or I are no more. Why do I stick around? Why do people buy lottery tickets knowing that the odds are completely stacked against them?
Hope that maybe, despite Ralph's best efforts, that this team will rise again. Rise again so that me and my long suffering brothers and sisters that is my Bills family will once again be able to wear our Bills gear with pride, to show the world that Buffalo can matter....
...that's why.
I do it for moments like this:
And times like this:
Don't pity me for sticking around this mess. I chose to stay here cuz this is my team.