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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. God Loves the Delicious Taste of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese HA HA HA HA HA HA! That's great! These loonies tried to get into Canada but were turned away at the border. Sorry America, they're all yours!
  2. I was born in Toronto to a family of Bills/Leafs fans but was spared the horribleness of being a Leafs fan by moving to Ottawa when I was really young. Seriously, the Leafs suck.
  3. If Rex wins a Super Bowl, he can whip his penis out and spin it around making helicopter noises on the set of Oprah and Woody Johnson wouldn't give a flying fig. Winning gives you plenty of leeway.
  4. As a Sens fan, I look forward to the game on Wednesday.
  5. Technically, he didn't have the year off, he was cut by Oakland and then signed with the Iggles. Was pretty much a clipboard holder at that point. I still say he's got some in the tank. Especially since he didn't take a beating at all this year.
  6. Brenda to Kurt: "Return to NFL...and I will break you."
  7. Here's to Beerball! Get well soon! We'll keep this thread warm for ya... Well I won't...I've posted in it like 20 times. Someone else will....maybe Steely...he seems to thrive here...
  8. 'Zactly! What Kane meant to say is: "I get paid millions and can use that money to ride around shirtless with hot babes in a limo. Sucks to be you doesn't it?"
  9. We have to keep this going til Beerball gets back!
  10. Hurry back Beerball....this board ain't the same without you. In our prayers friend!
  11. Continue doing great work. The world is a better place because of people like you.
  12. Man, this ain't my DAD! This is a CELL PHONE! I threw it on the ground! What, you think I'm stupid? I'm not a part of your system My dad's not a phone! DUH!
  13. Welcome to the free world, where people are entitled to opinions, regardless of how stupid and uninformed they are.
  14. I really like Zach right now, I just hope he doesn't trend into "Will Ferrel" territory where his one character becomes his ONLY character.
  15. It's not the worst...not by a long shot. If anything, blame needs to be placed on the play-calling. You went ultra-conservative on the first two plays, why not run a simple screen play and pick up a few more yards and take the shot? Poor coaching did the Vikes in as much, if not more, than that pass.
  16. He also needs to fill out the Subway Club Card so that there's a free sub for Modkins when he lands.
  17. I didn't know Deanna Favre wasted her time on a Bills message board...
  18. What a tremendous list! I've never seen a QB as over-rated as Favre is. Peyton Manning looks like a MENSA member compared to the decisions Favre makes out on the field!
  19. Its amazing how up in arms he is over a LEGAL HIT.
  20. You are twisting the rule's interpretation to fit your assessment of the play. The NO player came around the corner and tackled Favre AS HE WAS FALLING. This rule is to prevent hits like the Wilfork one where he is one the ground, away from the QB, and then lunges while on the ground into the QB's knees. That's illegal. Not this hit.
  21. Bingo. Peyton is classy, humble and one of the most cerebral QBs the game has ever seen. Brady is a whiner of questionable character and had most of his success when Belichek coddled him with conservative play-calling. This year, when the team needed him, Brady was sub par at best. On the other end, you had Peyton almost winning games entirely by himself using a receiving corps of rookies and second-year guys. Peyton is the best QB in the league hands down. And it eats at the core of those chowderheads.
  22. So the NFL needs to put into place rules to protect the quarterback's ankles too now? Why don't we just put flags on them and make them untouchable as EVERY HIT has the potential to hurt the QB?
  23. How is it illegal? If you come at a guy from behind and tackle him in the way that his knees bend in the right direction it's not an illegal tackle. You're getting upset because at the same time that tackle happened, another NO player tackled him from up high resulting in him getting contorted. By the letter of the book, it's a legit tackle. Football, by nature, is a violent sport. Those tackles were doing what they were supposed to and getting to the quarterback in a legal amount of time and knocking the stuffing out of him to give their team an advantage. Maybe you're not used to seeing it Buffalo, as our DEs suck and never get that kind of pressure, but we'd all be hailing Maybin and Schoebel if they threw a hit like that on Brady, Sanchez or Henne.
  24. yeah...that and turning over the ball SIX TIMES. Minnesota deserved to lose because they decided to play hot potato with the football. Had they protected the football, they win that game handily. They piss around and go to OT and let the refs become a factor. Serves them right. As for the "cheap shots" on Favre, tackling a guy at the knees from behind is perfectly legal. You don't want to see it, then go watch the NBA where a foul is slapping a guy on the wrist while he's shooting.
  25. Have you been to New Orleans lately? Some of it still looks like a warzone.
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