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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. That's not Lucy Pinder, but his GF looks strikingly like her...
  2. Can we get a list of all the other players who didn't show up to voluntary workouts so we can begin running them out of town too?
  3. Huh...I just figured he offed Trent, Fitzpatrick, Brohm, Van Pelt and Jauron for taking his career into the toilet with their sh!tty offense.
  4. I love her false attack in trying to point Francois Houle as some sort of purveyor of injustice. All he did (and if you look for it, you can find the PDF of the letter) is send her the same form letter he sends ALL controversial speakers (left wing and right wing) that reminds them that hate speech laws are significantly different in Canada and to be careful of what you say lest you be charged. But anything to make Ann the martyr of free speech right?
  5. Apparently, reading comprehension isn't a strong suit for you as I've stated my reasons for disliking Ann Coulter being a conservative myself...but hey, don't let that get in the way of a good rant. And here's a story from CBC desputing Ann's claims that police shut down her event when in fact it was her organizers that called the event off due to "threats" of facebook. Seems to me that this was just another one of her well-orchestrated events to call more attention to herself. I guess me and my "liberal slimeball buddies" will have a good laugh about that.
  6. I'll never get this. Who leaves a game when a team is down by 2 goals or less?!? This isn't the first time an NHL team has done it, and it won't ever be the last. Reminds me of the idiots who left en masse during a Preds-Sens game. Ottawa was down a goal with 2 minutes left and half the rink left. Of course, Ottawa scored with 0.6 seconds left to tie it up. Then these idiots are doubling back to get to their seats before OT starts.
  7. That's not true, I think of plenty of examples of 3rds not being "throwbacks" Ottawa (who could have thrown back to the 1927 or even 1992 jerseys), Minnesota (many were expecting a North Star themed one), Colorado (went away from their original "Colorado" text jersey for a blue version), there's plenty more too. The 3rd jersey can be anything they want it to be. Hopefully not the goat head.
  8. Canada has a conservative government, do we need "personalities" like Coulter to strengthen the resolve of our party members? People like Beck and Coulter are why the liberal party's ranks grow with young voters who have no clue what the Democrats actually stand for. Like another poster said, they offer nothing in terms of civil discourse. She just promotes hate, fear-mongering and racism. Even Rush is more level-headed than her.
  9. She distorts the message of the Republican party and as its face, sways moderate voters away to the Democratic party. It's people like her that sent people running to Obama....
  10. My sentiments exactly. There are brilliant conservative minds out there, capable of eloquently speaking on the subject like Ron Paul. Instead, these universities go for shock value and hire this uneducated, horse-faced b!tch.
  11. Great...you've ruined a chance for people to whine about how old Ralphie is....
  12. That makes too much sense and therefore cannot be considered. In the CFL, they do it that way but after two possessions, if it's still tied, then its a tie. It's happened a few times actually, so they're looking to revise that.
  13. I've seen them three times, once at a small show in Winnipeg, once in a huge outdoor festival in Vegas and outdoors again in Ottawa. They are a friggin' blast live! Love their energy and their set is so much fun.
  14. http://www.aolnews.com/politics/article/an...tawa%2F19412237 This was after she told a Muslim student at a speech at the University of Western Ontario that Muslims should not be allowed to fly in planes and should take magic carpets instead. When the student responded with "we don't have magic carpets" she followed that classy remark with "Then ride a camel instead".
  15. The Fins - it has to be Ronnie Brown and Sticky Icky Ricky Williams - especially considering how integral those two are to the Wildcat. When I think Fins, I throw up in my mouth...then I think those two.
  16. I vote BOTH!
  17. Cute...they're letting the special needs kids have access to computers today....
  18. I had no problem with the statement other than it was a cop out answer on how terrible his play was and he wasn't manning up to it.
  19. You would be luckey to get a 4th or 5th for him. He has no value on the trade market. Just keep him and see if he can play his way back onto the team. We'll get nothing for him on the trade market. He's as valuable as Trent Edwards.
  20. Dumb and Dumber Platoon And I own both on DVDs...they come on and I still watch them.
  21. There's a certain image problem with smoking weed versus underage drinking. Yes, both are crimes but, fair or not, one is viewed more heavily than others. In both cases, I say Who Cares? These athletes did all they could to win for their country. How they blow off steam afterwards is none of my business as long as no one gets hurt.
  22. That depth is waning Darin. Consider that the young Yanks have won the under 16, under 17 and World Junior tournaments this year and it's becoming clearer that hockey in the USA is experiencing a new youth movement. This can only mean that in a country the size of America, even a niche sport like hockey has attracted a large enough fan base to warrant true player development. The USA is right up there now with Canada, Russia, Sweden and Finland. The same thing is happening with the Swiss. They will reach the upper echelon of hockey soon enough. Their youth development is getting there and judging by these games, they seem very close to being very competitive. Hockey, though a religion to us canucks, is no longer just our game. And as Canadians, we should be happy the rest of the world is catching up. It's what makes wins like yesterday so sweet. We beat a very, very good team to earn that gold medal.
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