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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. In the worse case, he'd toughen up some of the kitties we have on this team. Maybe we should force him and Trent to be roommates?
  2. Seriously one of the greatest collapses in SPORTS history. This type of embarrassment is usually reserved for Buffalo fans or Ottawa fans. Thank the Big Guy above that for once, it wasn't us.
  3. Don't forget any sports team from the city of Cleveland. I don't any city has suffered more humiliating defeats and shocking losses like Buffalo's Lake Erie cousin.
  4. TAKE THAT SPACE COYOTE! As for the challenge you are a brave man. My buddy once decided to brave it and have one the morning of New Years Eve. After he ate it, he became so sweaty from the pain that he had to sit outside...in -40 Celcius weather. then the afterburn....he spent the hours between 9:00 PM and 1:00 AM running in and out of the washroom of the dingy nightclub we were celebrating at. He spent the actual countdown sitting on the john cursing his existence.
  5. Heart always beats talent. Nice disappearing act by Malkin and Crosby tonight. And Gonchar's performance was shameful. As a Sens fan, I tip my hat to the Habs and our former coach Jacques Martin. If not for Patrick LaLAME, you'd have a couple of rings already. I'm hoping for a Habs-Hawks Final!
  6. Am I the only one who wants to keep all three backs? They all have pros and cons and they can all help the offense. Why do we need to choose? Are we the ones paying them?
  7. Of course it should be fast! How long does it take to look ahead 2 yards and throw the ball to a running back?
  8. That and the fact that he manned up and TALKED to Lopez and asked for his consent to take his time slot. But hey, if you like bland, safe, harmless humor, then Jay Leno is your man. Me, I'd rather watch paint dry that listen to his grating voice kiss his guests' arses for 60 minutes.
  9. Who can forget the singer who managed to 'gay' up a Robin Hood movie with one song?
  10. This is where Ieatcrayonz points out that Justin Bieber is Canadian.... We thank you for taking these crappy "artists" off our hands. We still owe you for taking Nickelback and Celine Dion.
  11. I've been here for 5 years and never had the balls to join in....IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE! Week 1 Buffalo vs. Miami - WIN Week 2 Buffalo vs. Green Bay - LOSS Week 3 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* - LOSS Week 4 Buffalo vs. NY Jets - LOSS Week 5 Buffalo vs. Jacksonville Jaguars - WIN Week 6 BYE - BYE! Week 7 Buffalo vs. Baltimore Ravens - LOSS Week 8 Buffalo vs. Kansas City Chiefs - WIN Week 9 Buffalo vs. Chicago Bears - LOSS Week 10 Buffalo vs. Detroit Lions - LOSS Week 11 Buffalo vs. Cincinnati Bengals - LOSS Week 12 Buffalo vs. Pittsburgh Steelers - LOSS Week 13 Buffalo vs. Minnesota Vikings - LOSS Week 14 Buffalo vs. Cleveland Browns - WIN Week 15 Buffalo vs. Miami Dolphins - WIN Week 16 Buffalo vs. New England Patriots* - LOSS Week 17 Buffalo vs. NY Jets - WIN
  12. Easy. I hate restaurants that sing humiliating "birthday songs". Dude or dudette just wanted to have a nice lunch/dinner with her friends or family and now they have to stand at or on their table like an idiot while the humiliated wait staff have to sing some inane song that the entire restaurant finds shameful. All for a lousy piece of free dessert.
  13. Last year we had no O-line, terrible QBs, no offensive production whatsoever, injuries galore and we STILL finished 6-10. This team can't even bottom out properly!
  14. Ghost Bar at the Palms is a really cool lounge on the top floor of the building. Amazing view of Las Vegas and a glass floor too. For celebrity spotting, check out Tabu. Go to Caesar's Palace for your swimming needs. They have a pool party that's topless. TOPLESS.
  15. Jaroslav Halak is single-handedly beating the Capitals right now....
  16. The best part about the Bills games in Toronto is how Bills fans from Toronto refuse to support the games. We all know the Ralph is where these games belong.
  17. And who exactly WORKED with John Butler...? Oh yeah, Buddy Nix. F### are you people hating on everything the new FO does a bunch of drama queens. When Troup is playing on the first day of the season and shows you what he's got, you'll all be eating crow. Just like all of you crapping on the Jarius Byrd pick last year.
  18. Grrr! I hate him so much! He's stupid! Grrr!!! Can we at least see what this guy can do before we **** all over him? I'm going to give Buddy the benefit of the doubt and at least ONE draft to see what he can muster.
  19. As a Sens fan, I know what crappy goaltending looks like. If you are so shrouded in your position that Miller is "over-rated" (quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read from a hockey fan), then we'll be happy to trade you any player on the Sens roster for him. To blame him for tonight's loss is incredible. What kind of fan are you?
  20. Good question...I don't think I've ever heard of a Buddhist extremist....maybe they truly are the religion of peace.... ...nah, I'm sure we can find a wacko.
  21. That's the problem with how people see Islam though. There are Muslims, who are usually regular people who practice a religion that is MAINLY about peace and then there are the EXTREMISTS - absolute wack jobs who follow the word of the Koran to the letter and make the entire religion look bad. We have Christian extremists too - usually they're driving trucks into Oklahoma buildings or shooting abortion doctors. HOWEVER, there are far less Christian extremists than there are Muslim ones so hence the perception.
  22. Well, I've returned home from the Pens-Sens game here in Ottawa. All I can say is if you do get by Boston (and seeing as Philly is a near lock to get by NJ) may whatever God you believe in have mercy on you as the fix is in....the Sabres will not get a single, crucial call against Gary's team. Some of the calls tonight were baffling. The worst of which while the Sens were attempting to mount a comeback and Chris Kunitz throws the puck out of his end. The blind mice gather to discuss and determine that a Sens player tipped it. The replay CLEARLY shows there isn't a Sens player within TEN FEET OF KUNITZ. Screw it, the fix is in. Bettman is going to make sure it's the Caps vs. the Pens in the Conference Finals. Most likely facing his reclamation project, the Phoenix Coyotes.... Best of luck against Boston tomorrow. Make it a series, my team didn't.
  23. Well if we draft him, it'll help all those people who jumped the gun and bought Trent Edwards jerseys....
  24. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the man who will end many a QB's career....what a beast! Can you imagine what he would do to Trent Edwards?!?!
  25. I hate Duke... Language NSFW
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