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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. CORRECTED. We've seen his idiotic arguments applied to defending his play so I guess we shouldn't be surprised that he's a mouthpiece for the extreme far right lunatics that have sullied the Republican party.
  2. It's not even called the Cordoba Center anymore...it's called Park 51. Or will that offend you because of the resemblance to Area 51 - the scene of untold atrocities carried out on aliens?
  3. Hey guys, I know many have passed verdict on the O-Line as "absolute crap" but can we at least see what it's like with ALL of our starters in? I do recall that when they were healthy against the Patriots, they actually looked decent. Which was amazing considering there were two rookies on that line. Who's to say they haven't gotten better? And no offense, but I didn't think they looked that bad against Washington. Zero sacks allowed is something...
  4. More proof that this whole issue is just a media-driven attention-diversion... http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/100818/...entagon_muslims So let me get this straight...Muslims have been praying AT THE PENTAGON and no one seems to give a **** about the fact that it was also a site of the 9/11 bombings...?
  5. I'd like Brett a whole lot more if he just came out and said: "**** you and **** your training camp. I'll be there Week 1 slinging touchdowns. Later b******!"
  6. PWNED by his own article... "Broken down by borough, Manhattan was the most in favor of the mosque, with only 36 percent of residents against it. " So GG's statement about people near the vicinity not being opposed of it was correct. Try again America Hater!
  7. And if you're against the Constitution, you're pretty much against America. Ergo, you hate America. Congrats!
  8. Lindsay Lohan should be getting out of jail soon....that should distract us while Iran enriches weapons grade plutonium...
  9. No. Comical is you comparing commercial enterprises to the practicing of religion and where it locates itself. The fact that you can't seem to distinguish between the two is sad.
  10. People have the RIGHT to protest peacefully. People don't have the right to attack and harass because of a person's religion or choice of place of worship. Just think about what you're advocating here.
  11. Your false indignation that masks your obvious racism is quite amusing... let's try this exercise... Freedom of religion? Give me a break, there are over 100 churches in NYC. Lower Manhattan is a commercial district so there isn't even a pressing need for a church there. This is a deliberate act by catholics to thumb their noses at America. Just like the perverted catholic priest trials being driven out of NYC by an outraged American public, so to will this middle finger of a catholic church be driven out of Lower Manhattan because of an outraged American public who have the freedom to tell everyone supporting it to take a hike, then take a train or bus to a pity party in one of those 100 NYC churches. If a Muslim typed that, I wonder what your reaction would be...
  12. Nice petty argument that belies the fact that by removing civil liberties, like the freedom of religion, makes YOU an America hater. I love how freedom of religion has devolved into a conservative vs. liberal pissing contest. What a great nation we've become...
  13. Exactly. If a black southern church wants to build right in the heart of Klan central in Alabama, that's their RIGHT. Doesn't make it a good idea...
  14. Many Muslim leaders came out speaking out against 9/11 the day after the attacks. The media decided to focus instead on the nutbars dancing in the streets and firing their machine guns in celebration....beginning the cycle of hate that you see today. I wonder if people would have the same problem with a church being built near the site of the OK City bombing?
  15. I'm black y'all!
  16. A Canucklehead?
  17. I have no idea how you took what I wrote and turned it into a personal attack on yourself but I'm just going to say I'm sorry I said anything in response to anything you wrote or will ever write. It's tiring....
  18. I think a lot of that restraint is coming from most of the board falling in the category of "Well, the team doesn't look good - I am not surprised in the least" group. Let's face it, we all knew this was a rebuild year and that the #1 and #2 QBs would require a Drew Brees-like salvation to improve this team's dismal offense. It is what it is.
  19. I'm not going to flame you Matty as you make some good points but the stuff you say to "take away" kind of represents the body of work that is Trent Edwards - a mix of mediocre plays, bad throws and a couple of nice throws that tease you that there might be something there. You're right though, neither of these guys should be starting an NFL game. I'm guessing Chan's plan was: "well, Trent's an OK QB...I just need someone who can hand off a football and manage a game." He was wrong in that regard.
  20. Listen dude, I was referring to all of us, sorry if hitting the reply button on your quote has got you in a tizzy but, a simple word of polite advice, you seriously need to grow a thicker skin about things and just walk away from the keyboard. I'm seeing more often than not you being involved in these internet spats with random posters. They goad you into it and you get pulled right in. Just ignore these people, they're out to get a rise out of you and are making you look just as bad as they are. Cut the adversarial BS, I came to defend you and here you are trying to flex some internet muscle.
  21. I was referring to the the game we just all watched as the "what". I'm saying we don't need to be infighting because deep down, we all know this team will be lucky to eek out 3 wins.
  22. Look. There's no reason for us to start eating our own here. Dog say what we all saw....a sub-par performance from a QB who would tell anyone who would listen that he is better this year under the new coaching staff. Obviously, after one game he's not. If his past is any indication of his future, he will not get better. In fact, he'll probably get worse as he's shown that his play deteriorates with a lack in self-confidence. It's going to be a looooong year. At this stage, we know this team sucks, at least as fans let's stick together, ok?
  23. I'd have to agree with you...after all the talk about all he's learning under the new coach and blah blah blah...he goes out there and looks exactly like he did before he got benched last year. The clock is winding down on the Trent Edwards era....
  24. I'm done with Captain Checkdown. It just seems like he has no leadership qualities whatsoever to match his piss poor QB skills. The good news is if he keeps up this kind of play, he'll be out by week 2 and off the roster for good... ...seriously, he's made of suck.
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