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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. Hey RK, I got just the event for you... http://www.gainesville.com/article/20100826/ARTICLES/8261021?p=1&tc=pg&tc=ar
  2. I'm no huge Brohm fan, he looks adequate to me but this "the Packers gave him away" nonsense isn't true. He was placed on practice squad by the Pack and had to go through waivers where he was claimed by Buffalo. GB matched the Bills offer but Brohm chose to come to Buffalo because he felt he had a better chance of being a starter here.
  3. May I remind everyone that these guys are just puppets that will parrot whatever the "common sentiment" is regarding any team at any time. Right now the clueless are just on the "Durrrr, the Bills sucks! Durrr!" I remember when the team started 5-1 and a good analyst would have said: "The record is good but the strength of competition should be questioned". Instead we got "Durrr! The Bills are back! Trent Edward for League MVP!!" and they were tripping over their Richards to praise the team. It happens.
  4. Please go back to the thread and maybe lock the shoutbox and chat room during games. As other posters have mentioned 1) You can't use the chat with mobile phones 2) Can't go back to see what people said about earlier plays 3) I agree that it's fun to go back and read fans' hysterical rants when we're down 7-0 after the first quarter and then seeing them turn back after we're up 21-7 at the half. The rollercoaster is funny.
  5. Simple answer: there was no rape conviction. In fact, there were no rape charges. Much different that actually being charged and convicted with a crime.
  6. RKFast: "NOPE! NOPE! THEY'RE NOT LOUD ENOUGH! THEY'RE NOT DOING ENOUGH!!!!" I guess the precedent was set with Germany's yearly variety show: "Hey Jews, our bad...We cool now?" so RK expects the same from Muslim-Americans.
  7. I thought it was just all Muslims?
  8. I do. And just a little FYI since you like to go off on tangents. I think the Tamil Tigers are also terrorists and I am Tamil. But I guess since I don't go on Fox News or CNN and announce that I think they're terrorists according to RK I'm part of the problem...
  9. So ALL Muslims hate Jews...gotcha... Do you really want to list the crimes of so-called "Christians" and paint an entire religion as crazy and violent? As for NEVER hearing about Muslims decrying extremist acts and reaching out to mend bridges is because it's not 'sexy' for the media to cover such stories with any objectiveness. There are plenty of prominent Muslim leaders that have spoken out against terrorism, just type it into Google and have yourself a field day of information. But that would be too easy and counterproductive to the hissy fit you're throwing here.
  10. I don't see a piece on Glenn Beck getting killed... Nevertheless, I just love how you judge the actions of an entire religion based a small percentage of their group that are extremists. It must be tough to go through life so hate-filled.
  11. I'm not arguing that it is definitely been used with questionable effectiveness by the liberal party but the startling amount of disdain that America seems to be fostering for Muslims (as seen by this occurance in Tennessee) has to spell out that Islamaphobia is becoming a real problem.
  12. What are you talking about DC? Didn't you read Krauthammer from the same paper? He said saying there is Islamaphobia is a 'liberal tactic'....
  13. Who was it that said Americans would have no problem with this center if it was built somewhere else...? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/22/AR2010082202895.html?sid=ST2010082202944 That's some serious tolerance on display....
  14. BOOM! You just got b*****-slapped by the Wawrow.
  15. I love when people bring up his salary as a reason to cut him...like we pay him directly out of our pockets. Also, if we cut him, what makes you think Ralph would spend the money strengthening the position? The kid works hard and is still developing, if he's showing nothing after next year, then cut him.
  16. I dunno...I figure he got capped a while back like Tupac and just like Tupac, he's recorded enough material to last 15-20 years and a few double albums as well.
  17. Yeah...military base...not a fishing shack in Pukatawagan, Manitoba...heh he heh...
  18. You people are fools! McCain's birth documents are forgeries! He's actually a Canadian! His election would have brought forth a new golden age for America where you refer to caps as toques and Nickelback is required daily listening! The birthers were going after the wrong guy all along! HA HA HA HA! Of course you had to ruin it all by voting Democrat...
  19. From Canada originally, residing in San Fran for the past 6 years but spending 3 months a year in the ol' stomping grounds.
  20. Brad Pitt is a massive fan of this book, so much so he made his production company purchase the rights to it so he could star in it.
  21. Exactly...one writer put this best...it was the arrogance of Ted Rogers team that led to this. His advisors told him to spend the $87 million, jack up the prices and Toronto fans would fight over themselves like crabs in a bucket for tickets. The idea was that this would showcase TO as a "have" city to the head honchos at the NFL. In the end, it's done the exact opposite... The place has been papered by up to 50%, the entire city balked at the prices and the large number of Bills fans that do live in Toronto (keep in mind that it's been stated that 15% of the Bills season ticket base is from Southern Ontario) decided to give Rogers Corp a giant middle finger to their sanitized game day experience. We know that the Ralph is rocking...the Dome is dumb. Finally, it has given Goodell and the rest of the league MAJOR reservations about ever allowing a team in Toronto. Well done Rogers Corp. This isn't the city of Toronto or the Bills fans in Canada's fault that this is a flop, this is all on the greed of Rogers Corp. This guy sums it up really well: http://www.torontosun.com/sports/columnist...8/15069316.html
  22. I have nothing personal against the kid, I just don't think he's that good. Just seems like his processing time is slow.
  23. My last hurrah... Tom is right, you are a ******* idiot. FYI...I voted McCain.
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