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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. You sir, just made me spit my coffee out in laughter. Thank you.
  2. Still better than Captain Checkdown - he who hath no balls.
  3. I think it's hilarious that people are STILL whining about one home game being played in Toronto. If the team was any good, most Bills fans would have made the two hour trip to take in their team at the dome. The fact that the team wouldn't outdraw (and possibly outplay) the CFL in Toronto has everything to do with why people hate "Bills in Toronto". Me? I hate the Toronto games because of Canada's archaic 'tail-gating laws' that prevent people from actually having fun at the games. When this was announced I knew it was destined for failure. For the Rogers family who bought this from Ralph, this had the most negative effect possible - it showed that Toronto had no interest in the NFL (when the reality is that they have no interest in bad football).
  4. You're using the "testimony" of a trashy slut/actress with a penchant for lying as a way of convicting Merriman (even though cops didn't as there was no EVIDENCE OF ASSAULT) as a the reason not to sign him? Sweet Jeebus.... I'd rather have a "has-been" in Merriman playing OLB instead of a "never-was" like Chris Kelsay.
  5. It had been awhile since our resident bigot started screaming about Islam again.... Yep, Yusef Islam - Cat Stevens....he's the guy America should be afraid about....
  6. My hometown has a mayor that does us all proud. I particularly like his platform on kicking kids in the face.
  7. But inherently I think Stewart recognized that in his crowd were the lefty screamers and what better time than to appeal for rationality then at that moment. The fact that this may have been lost on all of them still may remain but hey...at least he tried.
  8. Those were fans dressed as empty seats for Hallowe'en. Geez!
  9. I guess all us fans who saw potential in Stevie Johnson years ago are being rewarded for our patience huh? I like Fitz. He's a gamer, the perfect QB to have while our prospect QB sits and learns under Chan. Top pick on a QB, all other picks on the defense.
  10. FINALLY! We get a break!
  11. I hate you. Seriously. If I could reach through the internet and punch you, I would. Please go jogging at night on the highway.
  12. Magox, I tend to lurk around this board but I can't help but find myself appreciating your rational approach to the political issues facing America. If only we had a few more people like you and a few less yelper monkeys like OC and Conner, America would actually move forward. Thanks for your insights.
  13. Your views on football are shallow and pedantic. Go away.
  14. Bills 48 - Chefs 52. BOOK IT! Our defense couldn't stop (INSERT an object that can be easily stopped)!
  15. I wonder if the media is questioning Chan's decision to release Trent Edwards now....? Trent gets a chance to find himself with another franchise and Fitz steps up as the leader we all knew he was. Fitz has really impressed this season. This is nothing but good news because it allows the team to draft it's franchise QB this year, GROOM HIM for a period of two years while the O-line improves and the Defense is shored up. Random question...why did Todd Bouman start in Jax? Was Trent hurt?
  16. You should probably stop typing what your @$$ tells you to. You're an idiot. Why don't you tell us again why Kelsay is worthy of an extension? You have the ability to provide football insight equivalent to a yelper monkey. Please delete your account and quit from the internet. Thank you.
  17. Though they have done a lot of good work, MADD can often be fanatical in their approach towards alcohol laws. I get the feeling that their end goal is prohibition. This conversation should be moved to the Off the Wall or PPP.
  18. Got to love the "Public Intoxication" law huh? If the police really wanted to enforce this draconian law, they could arrest everyone who steps outside the pub after 2 am. Exactly who is the victim in public intoxication?
  19. The offense also improved last year with Trent's removal and the insertion of Fitz. So I'm not sure how the team does week-to-week this year negates the fact the team performs better with Fitzpatrick under center. Also, keep in mind that Tennessee's defense had prepared for Gerrard's game, which involves a spy on Gerrard (in case he runs) and more coverage on the middle and intermediate routes. When Edwards came in, they gave him the underneath which is where (sadly) he excels. Trent will start next week and look for the opposing defense to squat 5 yards past the LOS and proceed to give him fits (Fitz?). Trent is who we thought he is. A serviceable back-up in the NFL.
  20. Willy hears ya, Willy don't care....
  21. I believe you have confused "Buffalo Bills" with "Cincinatti Bengals" (home of TO, Pacman, Cedric Benson, etc.) The Bills are the home of the "never-was's" - a species that never had the chance to be football players, nor should they have been.
  22. I'm back in Ottawa, Canada after a stint in San Fran...I couldn't talk ANY of my fellow Bills fans in the city into the annual road trip (which used to be 4 trips) to Ralph Wilson to take in a game. First time in at least 7 years I haven't seen a Bills game live. Frankly, I don't think I'm missing out.
  23. As someone who just came back from a weekend in Winnipeg, I can tell you that the parties are awesome (what else is there to do?) and yes, I've already seen to it that Maybin not get invited to any of them. He sucks.
  24. Anybody want to purchase an authentic Marshawn Lynch Bills jersey....?
  25. What? Trent looks good in practice? Who'd a thunk it?
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