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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. Did the Bills FO just make a great move?!? Has the whole world gone topsy-turvy!?!?
  2. Hey, it is what it is.
  3. The Mexicans only do that on hot days after spending hours in the fields. It helps keep them cool while they're day laboring.
  4. Exactly. Notice that the Lynch story, after he smashes his cell phone, Cutler actually listened? I used to have the same issue with some of the Asperger children. They wouldn't listen to a word you said because they'd be so focused on their phone, Game Boy, etc. Take it away and they'd focus right on you. Honestly, I think he has some sort of disorder. He's not openly hostile towards people, just very insular. Does anyone have any "non-media" related stories about Cutler? Like punching people out at bars, screaming at fans, etc? And Josh McDaniels is an idiot so his opinion doesn't count.
  5. From reading the way he interacts with people (not making eye contact, short, curt answers, etc.), it sounds like he's not so much a jerk as he is someone who might have some sort of societal anxiety. I worked with kids who had Asperger syndrome and they all acted in the exact same manner.... Notice that none of the exchanges with reporters feature him acting angry...just aloof.
  6. What if the SUV was made by Toyota?
  7. I, for one, welcome our new beer-sphered Overlord. All hail Beerball! May his reign be blood-soaked and our rivers be choked with the dead of his enemies!
  8. No...just the land and the regular folk...and the Albany River Rats if they're still in the AHL. You keep your politicians and we'll keep ours.
  9. Speaking for the rest of Canada, we will trade you Toronto for Minneapolis, Fargo and Albany. Toronto - it's like New York, but without the fun stuff.
  10. Not any less dumber than your asinine supposition. Face it, the Bills got ripped off on the Lynch deal so we can keep an aging RB who will probably be half as effective as he was this year (considering the injuries are already mounting up) and a gadget RB who barely had any touches this year. Taking Spiller was stupid, trading Lynch was even dumber. But you keep telling yourself that Lynch's character is questionable and he'll keep winning playoff games showing the heart of a champion.
  11. If this has anything to do with partisan politics it will be one of the darkest days in US history. This is the path that party bickering can lead to....
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/01/08/arizona.shooting/index.html?hpt=T1&iref=BN1 Democrat Representative Gabrielle Giffords shot in the head at a constituents rally.... ...very sad...no motive known yet for the shooting.
  13. Right now "Internet sensation" stories are big news. This guy was discovered on YouTube being homeless and now because of the internet, his life will be better. It's the NEW American Dream. Using the Internet to make it big.
  14. I used to work near a sugar beet factory....if you spent any time outdoors and then came back in you had this weird stank on ya. Ugh.
  15. Not directly because of his religious beliefs but because of all the hype that came with it. Let's not use Denver as the gold standard of drafting last year shall we? Their moves were soundly mocked and the person making them (McDaniels) didn't even finish the year. Tebow was selected purely for the hype and to sell jerseys and tickets. Take away the hype and he's at best, an average quarterback with terrible mechanics.
  16. My annoyance with Tebow DOES have to do with his religiosity, in that he is QB of average skillset, but is canonized because of his "aw shucks" demeanor and high moral Christian values. Strip that away and you'd have another Tee Martin and he wouldn't be selected in the first round of the draft. I still believe his strengths won't translate well to being a full starter in the NFL. Maybe a gadget QB at best.
  17. As a Canadian, I don't like the team's chances. Our goaltending is terribly suspect. I think the Yanks get it done on home ice. Amazing how far USA Hockey has come in the past few years. Still a shame that most of the US doesn't rally behind the sport considering how good they're becoming at it.
  18. I see the Christmas Idiot has made his yearly appearance again this year, dropping nuggets of stupidity in the stockings of Bills fans...
  19. You don't need glasses! You're just weak! WEAK! Happy Festivus everyone!
  20. He prefers the antics of Howdy Doody and Bozo the Clown! Now THAT was children's television.
  21. If you're a male between the ages of 26 and 35 (or a very lonely 60 year old who still hasn't touched a woman), then you've seen this movie. And hearing "Touch" makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up! It's like an instant throw-back to when you were a kid!
  22. Stupid Hot Rod! Why did you get in the way?!?!?
  23. I remember being 5 watching this scene in the theatre with my uncle's new girlfriend (she was taking me to see it as a way of sucking up to the family) and crying my eyes out...she had no idea how to react but I remember her buying me every candy bar she could to get me to feel better! She's now still my favorite aunt and we laugh about that story to this day!
  24. Right now....Javid Best looks like a better pick for the Lions than CJ Spiller does for the Bills. Stevie Johnson is talented. He might have a case of the dropsies, but he creates separation from those who are covering him to put himself in position to drop a ball. That's talent. Donte's penalty call was real weak sauce. Especially when Jared Allen is throwing forearm shivers all over the place and on our QB.
  25. I dunno, I still think that Brain Broom could have a carear yare under Jackie Chan's totalage.
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