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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. Rodgers is better than Favre. That's all I have to say.
  2. Poop mukluk
  3. That's because they're still working on their: "The team will be better by getting rid of McGahee", "The team will be better by getting rid of Lynch", "The team will be better by getting rid of Maybin", and their "The team will be better by getting rid of Whitner" papers. It's sad that management seems to be as stupid as these types of fans, doesn't it?
  4. Don't bother, he's a fan of the most overrated conference in football where their teams do their best to duck Boise State every year.
  5. Your post contains too much logic. The mouth-breathers around here are apparently who management listens to so you can just go ahead and add Stevie to the "Run out of town" list. I look forward to a thrilling receiving corps of Roscoe Parrish, Donald Jones, Naaman Roosevelt, Brad Smith and three games of Marcus Easley.
  6. Seriously...cut Fitzpatrick.
  7. Seriously...cut Fitzpatrick.
  8. He started with some amazing runs so naturally Chan stopped using him.
  9. Yeah, every #1 receiver is out there making Revis look stupid. And every receiver can make that great sideline grab he did last week. The amount of stupid in this one post is remarkable.
  11. I always loved, and still love, Beast Mode. It's too bad the PC pansies around here got so butt hurt that he smoked a joint in a car so we had to ship out that "thug". It should be us throwing Skittles at him. His teammates loved him, we had a great one-two punch with him and Jackson but the it seems like our front office is run by some of the reh-tards that skirt around here. It sucks to be a Bills fan.
  12. I love Community because of her...
  13. And yet so many were braying like donkeys to "pay the guy!" 4 games into the year...sad that the front office listened...
  14. Check out the end of the Lions and Vikings game...blatant face mask causes the game ending fumble. Refs are terrible this year.
  15. Are you still going to fight half the Shoutbox?
  16. I'm more confused by how he seems to be a giant Adele fan....doesn't fit his image...
  17. On the plus side, when he shivs someone and yells: "This is MY house!", he'll be technically correct.
  18. is it though...? We've had quite the debate on this. Is a horny 13 year old boy a "victim" in the traditional sense? In my opinion, it depends on the circumstance. If this teacher was using her authority to force a sexual relationship upon this kid, then yes, this is wrong on every level. However, if the sex is consensual, the shades of gray begin...
  19. Don't let facts get in the way of a mindless Billsfreak rant...
  20. Word around camp is that he has a problem with his ticker that went undiagnosed until training camp. Outlook not so good. It reminds me of this person I knew who at the age of 24 was found to have a hole in his heart. He was fairly athletic and apparently, he was risking death every time he played sports. I also remember when I was in college, a guy on the track team dropped dead suddenly. He had a undiagnosed heart condition. Scary stuff.
  21. I'm pretty sure the Giants' fans were sick of him dropping balls the year he shot himself in the leg. Newsflash Plax, next time, buy a holster and not shoot yourself in the leg like a #@$@$ moron. First time I've ever seen someone get 3 years for being an idiot but I wish they charged more people with that crime.
  22. I completely agree with you. He was open in the end zone on the 2nd last play of the game. A good throw by Fitzy and they're both wearing HERO HATS. A bad throw to a contorting Stevie is missed and it's "Let's RUN HIM OUT OF TOWN" time. I honestly believe management is as stupid as some of you so I fear you're all going to get your wish.
  23. If they did, they wouldn't be the Buffalo Bills. It's painful to be a fan of this team. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I thought we hit rock-bottom under Dick Jauron...
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