Which is all fine and dandy in terms of protecting/upholding the law but why doesn't the NFL ask themselves why a black market even exists? You'd have to be a fool to believe that an authentic jersey should be priced at over $275, when it is often made by lowly-paid Chinese employees working in factories across from the ones the counterfeit ones are being made in.
If they actually made jerseys that had a fair cost to them, the problem of counterfeiting wouldn't be so prevalent. We're not talking fake rolexes were the obvious lack of quality makes it a wasted purchase. We're talking about football jerseys. Some counterfeits look terrible, but some are very close to the original. The average person on a fixed income isn't going to care about hurting the NFL machine by buying a fake. They aren't educated on what conditions these jerseys are made in and, truth be told, sadly, they don't care. They would rather save the $150.