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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. Probably. Because they have jobs and aren't keyboard warriors attacking his intelligence on a message board.
  2. So true. Belichek has mastered the way of getting his team to buy into the "us against the world" mentality. The Pats don't want to just beat you, they want to show you up. I want Rex to find that fire on this team. I want Marcell to have his "Bart Scott" moment. CAN'T WAIT.
  3. Did people ever stop to think that maybe Sammy took this one a little more personality because twitter trolls decided to ruin a picture with negative comments that featured his daughter prominently in it? Especially with a positive memory like taking her to Disneyland? There comes a time and a place where you can criticize a player, crapping all over him for taking his kid to an amusement park on his bye week shows more of the pettiness of this fanbase than it does Sammy's lack of sensitivity. But let the Butt-Hurt Sammy Haters Club continue their booster drive for membership.
  4. This thread. It's an instant classic. OP creates a scenario where the GM traded a "quality" QB so that he could force "his guy" to be...the back-up with the belief that Cassel should be the back-up instead in the hopes he would have a good game tonight. And, to no surprise to anyone who has watched football in the last 3 years, Meh sucked. Hard. So now, OP is grasping at straws to continue his crusade against Whaley. Moving them goalposts.
  5. This thread has gone full circle stupid.
  6. I love this thread. The Matt Cassel Mouth Breathers Fan Club can now meet elsewhere.
  7. Now all we need are some of the other "football experts" crowing about Cassel to admit he sucks too. Because he sucks. And he's showing how much he sucks right now. Which is normal for him.
  8. Cromartie drops a sure pick 6. #cassellprotectstheball
  9. You can really tell who the idiots are who never watch football outside of the Bills. Matt Cassell was so awful last year, he made Viking fans pine for the halcyon days of Christian Ponder.
  10. Lol, Cowboys run it into the red zone, Cassel throws ducks to settle for a field goals. We should have kept him. Clearly.
  11. What amazing hand offs. We definitely shouldn't have traded him.
  12. Good call guys! Jets really got it done!
  13. It made a splash alright, a giant turd hitting the inside of a toilet splash.
  14. All it needs is this theme music pre-snap:
  15. This is, IMO, exactly what happened. There was no racing, it's just a guy probably showing off his slick new wheels to his teammate but with no actual idea how to drive it. So he starts showing off and plows his car into a stop sign. No big deal, apart from the fact that people shouldn't be able to purchase cars like this without showing they can actually drive them. There's being able to drive a regular car, and there's a beast like this. Anyways, this speaks nothing to Fred's character. Even if he is racing in a parking lot, who cares? He and whoever he's racing know the risk and at least they aren't doing it on regular streets.
  16. Prayers for Bill! Pull through, we need your 10 Observations about the game!
  17. Brandon Marshall did the exact same thing three years ago in Chicago when he first got there. Actually went on television and said (paraphrased) "you traded a lot to get me, just give me the ball". You know what they did? They gave him the ball. And they started winning. And everyone who has played with him will tell you that Brandon Marshall is an excellent teammate. There's whining and making the team look bad and then there is providing thoughtful, rational reasons why you need to be engaged in the offense more. Sammy did the later. This isn't Terrell Owens doing situps in a driveway. This is a guy who said what was on his mind, rather diplomatically, and is getting raked for it.
  18. Only in Buffalo can a team's most talented player demanding that he be more involved so he can help the team win be seen as a negative... As for the "then get open!" crowd. Watch the All-22's. He's open. A LOT.
  19. But they have Fred Jackson...
  20. Nice timing Dum Dum.
  21. You're right. His one rush for 5 yards would be the difference maker today.
  22. No. He's currently doing nothing for the Seahawks now.
  23. True. What will be interesting is how quickly he comes back from it. He's a beast, but a 30+ year old body doesn't heal as quick as it used to. Just a fact of life.
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