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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. There’s probably another forum you can hang out and glaze Lamar, bro.
  2. I guarantee every Bill wanted that pick for Damar more than field position.
  3. You’re allowed to say it once every 500 broadcasts.
  4. Oh come on. You OWE us one PI call.
  5. lol what was that play call by Denver
  6. Looks like McD used the timeout to slap some sense into Babich
  7. Hot dang, it’s a good day so far!
  8. Nix is starting to look like a rookie now. Keep it up Bills.
  9. Ok, that’s definitely a penalty but that bad throw by Josh set Ray up to get clocked.
  10. Or the refs continue to call everything against Buffalo
  11. Yeah, but maybe there’s a questionable deep ball PI that goes in our favor later today. They’re only human.
  12. I’m not a lip reader but that looked like “my bad, that’s on me” by the ref to Allen.
  13. How do the refs miss that?!? Like it’s right in front of the line judge.
  14. They really want to anoint him. Between him and Maye next season, it’s going to be unbearable.
  15. I dunno…Daniels looks amazing so far
  16. Oddly enough, that’s been the script for a lot of games this season. The Bills have shown they’ve been great at second half adjustments this season. Hope it continues.
  17. That’s a killer though for morale. You put together an amazing drive from your own 6 and get nothing to show for it. If the Bills score a TD out the gate, the Broncos might start reeling.
  18. Re-sign Mack. He is the culture.
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