Not sure how many canucks are on the board, but if anyone watches the Canadian version of Sportscenter, we have Luke Wilson (former Seahawks TE) always on post-game. He has ALWAYS called out the McDermott Bills for their lack of fundamentals with a championship caliber squad. Since 2020 he has been harping that the Bills have always been terrible with the basics and have only been as good as they are just on sheer talent. He called last night's game (and this season), the "coming home to roost" year. He has been very critical of McDermott because he preaches fundamentals but nothing he sees on the Bills show that.
It's just more proof that this franchise needs to move away from the McDermott era ASAP. He had his role, he changed the culture but its clear he lacks the ability to not drive a Porsche like it's a Datsun.