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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. Yes, much worse than New Orleans, whose team played home games in NY, whose owner spent more time in San Antonio on game day than with his team, and management who hadn't made a good first round pick in 30 years....yeah much worse.
  2. What did our podium in was the second-guessing from all the fans scrutinizing every move the podium made. Remember when the podium released it's veteran microphone for a new microphone with lots of potential? The media jumped all over it, even though the old mic only showed flashes of it's old brilliance and whenever it was approached quickly it would just disconnect itself. We needed to give that podium more time to work with the new mic. A shame really....
  3. Couldn't of said it better myself...thank you.
  4. This post is asinine, yet somehow has drawn over 70 responses to it. FACT: TO is a cancer. FACT: TO WILL NOT BE IN BUFFALO NEXT SEASON. It is common knowledge around the league that the only two teams that are going to take a shot at him are Dallas or Washington, and even their fans don't like the sound of that.
  5. Thank goodness too. The last thing this team needs is the ESPN know-it-alls analyzing their every move "post-TO". Not to mention the swarthy remarks from SI's Peter King bashing TO every week in his MMQB article...geez I can see it now..."I respect Marv Levy, I do, but I have to question why you would add a locker-room distraction like that idiot Terrell Owens..." and so on and so forth. Do we really want that in Buffalo? Do we? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!
  6. The newest podium to be offered the position at Ralph Wilson is veteran secondary podium from Jacksonville, unknown to the public, but known within the tight podium inner circle of the NFL. Lots of experience in developing new podiums.
  7. He's got a very valid point. This was a weaker schedule for the Bills this year than most years. For us to go 10-6 should have been a real possibility. But QB problems aside, we still had no rush defence, no run or pass block, and our big play guys all but disappeared most games. A new coach will help things...maybe...hopefully...hey could be worse, we could have McCarthy as our HC!
  8. That is sad. I went to the MNF game between the Vikings and the Packers and it was one of the greatest atmospheres I have been to. Yes, it was a Monday but that was a civic holiday and all the sports bars were packed all day. The crowds were behaved the whole time and considering there was an invasion of Vikes fans there, that should have been a recipe for disaster. But all the fans were polite to each other that I saw. My friend was decked out in Vikings gear and a dozen fans congratulated him on the walk out of the stadium.
  9. Roscoe looked very, very good during the pre-season. He's been back only for a handful of games and you try finding your footing as a young receiver when the coaches keep changing the guy throwing the ball to you. The Bills have an very exciting receiving corps. Many coaches in the league would love to have the talent that we do (Moulds, Evans, Parrish, even Reed shows up once in awhile). Roscoe will become a very important part of this offence if and when we get an O-line that can protect the QB, and a QB capable of spreading the ball around.
  10. Thanks CT! The parallels are definately there. Wasted first round picks, incompetent management. Revolving door at QB with a young prospect, a veteran with a soft arm, and a terrible O-Line. Think about it...
  11. Let the entire staff have the last name Hanson. At least that'll give those awful ESPN announcers something to talk about....for all four quarters...and half time. Man does Theisman suck.
  12. Then that would be followed with the sign bearer being chased around the stands by security (to the cheers of 60K faithful). See: Detroit Lions. Seriously, are we in worse shape than them?
  13. This reeks of Mularkey. Why haven't the people of Buffalo run him out of town on a rail yet?!?!? Maybe we can get Mike Martz for cheap. Our defence is already like the Rams (giving up big yards and points) so maybe he can turn our offence around so that we're putting up 30+ points a game. Then we can talk about how Losman is too much like Bulger and Evans-Moulds carry the load too much (like Bruce-Holt). One can dream can't he...?
  14. Does it really matter who starts against Denver? I think it's safe to say that unless Denver decides to beat itself, this is just a game on the road to the playoffs for them. Losman was walking around practice with his entire leg bandaged up. No point in damaging 'the Future' any more than this coaching staff already has.
  15. I'm in agreeance with all those who say that any ineffectiveness that Evans has shown this year is a product of the system that the offensive 'master-minds' of Mularkey's staff have put in and the inconsistency of our O-line to keep our QB's on their feet long enough to throw to him. When Holcomb is in the game, he shows a need to get rid of the ball quickly, hence why Moulds was always a target of his. Evans never saw the ball because Holcomb isn't a long ball thrower. I also think Chad Johnson will stay a Bengal. Wonderboy Rosenhaus doesn't have any pull with NFL management to effectively pull a holdout and though CJ acts like TO on the field, off the field, Chad is supposedly a total team player, a locker room leader, and his teammates actually like him. He wouldn't do anything to disrupt his team.
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