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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. Don't forget f**** Dick Jauron and f**** Steve Fairchild...er..I mean Turk Schonert.
  2. :wallbash: :worthy:
  3. Have you guys seen this....? http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/6012/bailoutyk2.jpg P.S. Unions are worthless in today's society. We have worker's laws that replaced their significance decades ago
  4. I was afraid that Scrubs may have "jumped the Shark" when JD had his kid. What's sad is that kid is barely mentioned, you think being a new dad would be a principle character guide but like some people said, last season was stinkeroo due to the writers strike. And please, please stay away from Elliot and JD love story crap....it's been played.
  5. Beerball! As members of the Chroisen Race, it is not us who must judge the sincerity of a new member but welcome him like a sheep who strayed from the flock. In the name of the father, the son and the holy Hamdan, I welcome you EZC to the Church of Gibran.
  6. On account of his sterile personality....Mr. Freeze.
  7. Where do I get a sticker that has the outline of a QB holding onto the ball too long afraid to throw it and it says : "Bills QBs - Since '99" on it?
  8. I find since they let the Lonely Island guys (Samberg, Jorma and Schaeffer) do the shorts taped, it really brings out their funny. Jorma and Schaeffer do much better in the video medium than they do with live theatre writing. I'll give Lorne credit though, he discovered these guys and not from his usual source (Second City). And I agree...Meadow Soprano in this video would make me....Jizz In My Pants!
  9. It's quite funny. And a decent beat to boot!
  10. Personally Bill, I think the anger comes from frustration from the fans this year. After starting 5-1, the options seemed endless for what could be a team. Regardless or not of making the playoffs, most people felt if the Bills finished over .500 with a young team with a promising young QB, then the future FINALLY looked bright for Bills fans. What happened was a monumental collapse of the kind experienced by the Detroit Lions, with our promising QB flaming out and our optimism being crushed week-to-week with each horrendous, lifeless performance of the team. Suddenly we're getting smacked in the face AGAIN with a team that's not good enough to compete, with a coach not good enough to get them to compete and we're all wondering how much more we can take. You hang over us the ever-looming cloud of the team moving, and losing a game this year to Toronto, and the fans are a lot more testy than usual. I truly think this in one of the most painful years in franchise history because of the hope we all had going in, our hope being rewarded early with a great start and then having the carpet pulled out from us. Those 2-14 years were bad, but we knew they'd be bad. We actually hoped for the playoffs this year, the end of a 9 year drought.
  11. 2Pac gave a fine performance as a troubled youth......
  12. When I was a youngun many moons ago that was my Christmas gift, my dad took me to a WWF event where I got to see Hulk Hogan fight the Big Boss Man and the Ultimate Warrior take on Rick Rude. My dad hated wrestling so I could tell this was a gift of love...
  13. Hey y'all, thinking of coming down to B-town for the WWE PPV. Just curious to see if any posters here are attending.
  14. The Bills need to be eating the same kind of STEAK as the Dolphins then. Limp Dick Sucks!
  15. I may have to wait nine months to see a doctor but it's still free!
  16. So the fact that he's been a Pro Bowl option every year means he has no talent huh? This is a guy who caught 265 yards in ONE GAME. It's not his fault he plays on the most offensively inept team in the league.
  17. That ends on January 26th.....followed by our third election in two years. Canadian Democracy - Catch the Fever!
  18. And another one... http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Football/NFL/200...668986-sun.html
  19. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Columnists/Zeisb...670381-sun.html At least your loyal fans would have completely filled your stadium, The Ralph, for a December showdown with the hated Miami Dolphins. Toronto couldn't. At least you would have cheered enough to make your team think it actually was playing a home game. Toronto couldn’t. And at least you would have booed the (bleep) out of them after the final gun for another pathetic offensive performance, one that netted just three points and 163 net yards. Toronto didn’t. Well, we can all agree, the Toronto experiment is a failure yet sadly, we've got 4 more years of this...
  20. You're right. I underestimated the number of Bills fans in TO that would actually go to the game. Turns out the prices were enough of a deterrent to keep the fans away. That being said, I don't think there are more Miami fans in Toronto, it just so happened they came out in full force for a team on the rise, were Bills fans in Buffalo and Toronto decided it wasn't worth paying $250 a ticket to see a team that was free-falling. I can guarantee if the Bills were 10-3 heading into the game it would have been a much, much larger Bills crowd there.
  21. Great post. The anti-Canada sentiment by a small minority here is ignorant when they paint all of us with one brush. I'm a Canadian Bills fan from Ottawa that spends over $2K a year going to Bills games. Heck, I'm STILL going with 5 of my friends to the Pats game on the 28th.....not sure why though. Canadian Bills fans want the team to stay in Buffalo. We want no part of a Toronto Bills with their overpriced seats and sanitized tailgating. We pride ourselves on loving this horrendous team. We're as much masochists as you are!
  22. As for who the "new team" would be, I would move to the Steelers. They are my "I wish" team in that I wish Buffalo was like them in every way. They're blue collar, tough, mean, run the dam ball down your throat kind of team. They've had great success with coaches and their fans are as passionate about their team as we are. I love how at every game you can find thousands of fans waving Terrible Towels. I love the enthusiasm Mike Tomlin shows versus our corpse Limp Dick. Did anyone watch the game last night against Dallas? When the D scored the go ahead touch down he was hopping up and down and cheering the guys on, swinging his headset around the air. His players PLAY for him. He's a players coach but his players actually work hard for him and show emotion because he does too. Limp Dick should take a cue from him.
  23. See, that's B.S. They said the same thing about the Dolphins last year, that poor drafts and poor management will take this team years to climb out of. Less than a year later and they're vying for the AFC East. In today's NFL, with free agency, the draft and scouting, a team CAN be turned around within a year. It's not a freak occurence either. Look at the Titans, the Panthers, the Falcons, Ravens, etc. Well run teams don't need NINE YEARS to develop a good product. I honestly think if the Lions bring in the right personnel, they can turn things around in 2 years.
  24. Under certain ownership groups the fans protesting might make a difference but I honestly think the franchise just doesn't care what we think. If they did, they wouldn't for the last 9 years keep fielding teams that aren't competitive. We are akin to Lions fans. Their team is terrible and the fans have protested (remember the Millen Man March) and Bill Ford responded with absolute apathy. Ralph is the same type of clueless owner as Bill Ford. Too bad his daughter won't speak up like Bill's son did.
  25. They'll be good with Marty too. Sucks because for some reason I thought Marty was "achievable" as a head coach whereas Cowher wouldn't come here unless we threatened him with releasing sex tapes of his daughters.... The parallel is there though. The Browns were expected to make the playoffs, they didn't and they're canning Crennel. The Bills were expected to make the playoffs and they've undergone the greatest collapse in recent franchise history....yet we're all still wondering if they've given Dick a 3 year extension...
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