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Everything posted by Heels20X6

  1. If the worst thing my kid does is smoke weed on occasion, then I will be a proud papa. Especially if he wins 10 gold medals in any Olympic sport.
  2. Times were awesome back in 1923 to 1927.
  3. I feel your pain. I too am the same kind of sports masochist. I'm also a Sens fan. My friends have me on suicide watch 24-7.
  4. Is there a Hall of Shame too? I can think of some inductees....
  5. That would be local Idiot Savant of the Wall - Skooby. He drives an expensive car so we should take his word on everything.
  6. Challenging that touchdown call would have been a MASSIVE mistake. Something Dick would do to blow a timeout. Of course, the only time you'll ever see Jauron anywhere near the Super Bowl is if he's hawking merchandise at one of the concession stands. Great game, I just get sad thinking of how sweet it would be to see the Bills lift up the trophy. To me, the Steelers are everything I wish the Bills were...menacing defense, mean offense built around the run game, great coaching....why? WHY can't we get that again?!?!
  7. Doubt that would ever happen. He's got a good head on his shoulders and a father who would never let him become that way.
  8. As a person who lived in Winnipeg and saw the effects of the Jets leaving the city, I can tell you first hand that their relocation CRIPPLED the city economically. There was no tenant for the arena, no money spent on parking 42 times a year, the lost revenue by bars and restaurants near and around the arena and a crippling effect on the morale of the youth in Winnipeg who exited en mass as soon as they had the opportunity because the one thing that gave the city a national identity was gone.
  9. We've already addressed the receiver position with the block-busting signing of P.K. !
  10. My friend the die-hard Packers fan, just called to laugh at me. I've heard and read nothing but terrible things on the guy on Packer boards and news so naturally he's a great fit for the Bills (the home of hiring sh!tty coaches that no other team would touch with a 10-foot pole....)
  11. It's moves like these that will make me forget that Dumb Dick Jauron is the head coach and make me buy season tickets! Thanks Russ Brandon!
  12. I like how some people (some posters here as well) criticize Tomlin for the mistakes he makes coaching. He's a sophomore coach going to the Super Bowl...HELLO? He's only going to get BETTER with experience. The Steelers don't hire coaches for one or two years, they hire GOOD coaches who become GREAT coaches for the duration of their careers. That's continuity in the good sense. And hence why they have Super Bowls and success and we have Dick Jauron and 10 years without a playoff birth.
  13. Buffalo Bills Football 2009 - Hope for the Best...Prepare for the Worst. That about sums it up for me. I HOPE that the Bills will come out every week, play hard AND smart, continue to develop a good QB and fix the mistakes of last year en route to a winning season AND a playoff birth. HOWEVER, I'm prepared for the worst because I can't see those things happening with this front office evaluating talent, overpaying for marginal talent, drafting safeties and corners in odd numbered rounds and the cherry on the cake being having arguably (but not by many) the worst head coach in the NFL (and possibly CFL as they are now hiring NFL assistants and giving them head coaching jobs). So basically, I'm looking at things exactly like I did last year at this time.
  14. :thumbsup: Thank you! If you have a problem with the rest of us being sick of being mired in mediocrity then go become a Maple Leafs fan. They've been swallowing the "we're almost a contender" pill for 40+ years. They love pollyanna fans like you. 43 posts and he's "making a statement". Yeesh.....
  15. Wow. You guys must really suck at little league.
  16. I'm not even going to point out the sheer hypocracy of your post in questioning WHO was it that decided to kick a 47-yarder into the wind and WHO decided to call a roll-out pass that resulted in a fumble. Defend Jauron all you want. The stats don't lie and they tell you that he is a career loser. This team had enough talent and a weak schedule to get a playoff spot last year and Dumb Dick screwed it up epically. If you sleep better at night trumpeting the same garbage that Ralph Wilson does about the "lack of talent" then good on you. The rest of us will just look forward to 2010 - the non-Dick Years.
  17. I'm looking forward to 2010. Because I know deep down Dick Jauron will provide another mediocre season of poor decisions, poor clock management, poor challenges and just all-around underpreparedness to get this team to a 5-11 record next year. Then he will be fired and we'll have anybody else on the sidelines. Optimism reniewed. I don't ever wish for the Bills to lose, I just know that under Limp Dick, it's an inevitability.
  18. "Ma'am...is your toilet running? "Yes...out the front door with my landlord...."
  19. So tell us....how does a stone heart pump blood? Yeesh.....
  20. You'd better hurry then because I hear he's interviewing with the Patriots this week....
  21. Are you sure that he'd want to play in Buffalo? Even CFL players are turning down this regime....
  22. Because Bobby April is given full authority to make special team decisions, it's known that Limp Dick doesn't interfere with his work. The offense and defense however, have Dicky J's fingerprints all over it. The defense with it's undersized linemen and DBs lined up 30 yards downfield are basically his schemes and he's been known to overrule Turk with some of the most bone-headed calls (See: JP Rollout which becomes fumble then win for the Jets...) Dick Jauron is THE WORST COACH in the division. I can safely say that knowing full well that Rex Ryan (a rookie HC) will outcoach him. Why? Because every coach in the NFL can outcoach him.
  23. Really? As someone mentioned above, when the same players keep making the same mistakes week-after-week, that tells me there is little accountability on this team. Hence, why all the players "love" the coach. He's easy on them. Just my opinion though. And I disagree with the personnel comment. A competent coach such as Jeff Fisher would have easily gotten this Bills squad to a 10 win or better season given the schedule we had. Jauron is mediocre. Or less than actually.
  24. Soory, I guess I should follow up with what I mean by a "hard" coach. I'm not talking about a hard@ss. Those people get mixed results. I'm talking about a coach who consistently and proovingly lives and dies by ACCOUNTABILITY. Belichek, Dungy, Parcells are PERFECT examples of those type of coaches. Ones that expect their players to play their best ALL the time or be prepared to sit on the sidelines. They preach toughness - physical and mental and they create a mentality that makes other teams HATE playing you for fear of their own well-being. Does that describe our Bills AT ALL? That's on our coach. Yes, I know Ryan's attitude could be all blow and bluster but I like the fact that this guy is coming in and saying that he's going to make a team you hate to see on your schedule. You compare that to Dick's presser and he basically made a "statement" that when you see the Bills on your schedule, you might want to pencil a "W" next to the name because "it's hard to win in the NFL".
  25. He would be Buffalo's version of LaParka http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y261/Albu...libre/parka.jpg Seems fitting no?
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