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Everything posted by Lofton80

  1. Marty also has no tolerance for turnovers. Pretty sure Dierdorf said Bills led the league in fumbles.
  2. Not a chance Cowher gets $15M from Ralph. His coaches for the last 10 years combined don't add up to that.
  3. Russ Grimm works for me. Toughness is sorely lacking on this team. Ron Wolf and Russ Grimm = Playoffs next season. Brandon and Jauron = 68 seconds of fatness and lovey dovey text messages to DJ.
  4. My head aches to even recreate it. Lousy football, lousy coaching
  5. Wow, great reasoning. We should never hire anyone It took Belechek and Jimmy Johnson a few years too, cross them off the list.
  6. I agree completely but here lies the problem: other teams will want Marty too. My expectation is someone who is out of a job that has no prospects and will be inexpensive is our best bet. Phil Savage or Matt Millen come to mind. Your concept is dead on though, I think a Charlie Casserly, a Ron Wolf to run the whole thing is what is needed.
  7. If DJ stays, he will get someone that no one else wants as his OC. A retread we are competing with no one to sign and we will hear all about his great ideas only to watch Jauron ball take over. The only successful strategy is to turn it all over to a football guy and let him call the shots. So what if it didn't work with TD, give Casserly or Ron Wolf the keys to the car and tell Ralph, Littman and Russ to watch and enjoy.
  8. He will get what he wants from someone. He has earned it.
  9. Lori nailed it. The continuous short passes, the running calls at the end of the half Sunday and at the end of the Cleveland game have Jauron's influence. Jauron plays for field goals. Remember all the interviews with Turk about him being a riverboat gambler before the season. Well he works for the guys who plays it safe. If DJ fires his coordinators, who is going to come and work on this sinking ship?
  10. I don't even care to measure our frustration against another team. I would take wins over losses any day.
  11. Ghost of Rockpile nailed it. Losing to SF and Cleveland at home? The Jet nightmare. Team should have had 10 wins at least. This season was an opportunity lost.
  12. Be even better if he brought Brian Dawkins with him. He is an example of how a safety should play the game.
  13. The end unless Marv wants to join in for part time work. Matt Millen is always available.
  14. I bet he wouldn't run the ball into the line with 22 seconds left in the half and no timeouts or role out JP in a game that was all but over. Anyone is an improvement.......................but the players love him.
  15. No, he probably agreed to a pay cut to keep his job.
  16. They are not getting rid of the LB corp. I could see Ellison getting replaced as he gets dragged 4 yards after contact a lot. Poz seems too far away from the line and gets caught up in traffic a lot. I wonder if he belongs on the outside.
  17. Russ Grimm would be great. A former oline coach committed to the run, perfect for a Northeast team. Rex Ryan, Josh McDaniel, Tenn coordinators. If Jim Johnson of Philly wasn't so old, I would take a run at him. Hell, I would take Jim Haslet or Cam Cameron over Jauron.
  18. Jauron settling for the losing FG vs Cleveland. The air went out of the balloon right then and there.
  19. Great post KOK!! One of the best I have read. Jauron is responsible without question. Running the ball into the line three times to set up a long FG against Cleveland told me all I needed to know. He plays it safe. I think the players all love him wherever he goes because he is soft on them. The result is an unprepared team. Unprepared to run plays, unprepared on use of timeouts, unprepared to cover sidelines late in game (Dallas 2007), unprepared to snap a ball from shotgun formation, etc. etc. The only explanation for Ralph keeping Jauron is he doesn't want to pay him.
  20. I could see Ralph recycling Del Rio or Mike Nolan.
  21. I think the team lacks leadership both from the HC and from the players on the field. Finesse best descibes the team. Watch Ray Lewis lead his team, whether you like him or not, you have to love his passion for the game. We have no one like that. We have a QB and a coach who both look scared to death during the game. Seeing as this season is shot, I might make a few changes for the balance of the season. I would name Bobby April the interim coach tomorrow. Tell Edwards to sack up and show he has the stomach for the game. If he can't go, give Hamdan a chance. I would tell Derrick Dockery he is playing for his contract. What a disappointment he is!!! I would tell Perry Fewell to feel free to experiment with something other than the cover-2. Take a few gambles for gods sakes. I would tell Turk Schonert that we will throw the towards Hardy in the red zone once a game just for kicks.
  22. Losman takes his eyes away from the receivers as soon as he senses pressure and typically runs right into a stack of players or better yet runs right where the outside rushers are being pushed. He is not good.
  23. As long as we are on the subject of Dockery, why would he hit a guy from behind on a play that was already a washout? Pushed us back another 10 with a meaningless block in the back. Undisciplined play.
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