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Everything posted by Lofton80

  1. Devo was a no show last night. Getting breakaway blocked fron behind was a lazy play. He barely put a hand up as the OK guard torched the zone. Add to that his foul on a three pt shot that was never going in. Just a bad night. Basket had a lid on it in first half, add to that every loose ball went to OK. How many times did they put it in as the shot clock expired. Was not SU's night, that said, sometimes Jimmy has to ditch the zone. Stubburn dispite all his success.
  2. Sean McNanie can get after it, my concern is whether he fits into our scheme. He is only a 3-4 defensive end and everyone knows these lineman could never play in just any other scheme. An Ivy League coach? Next your gonna tell me we need red helmets to help our Qb's see the wr's.
  3. Ferragamo brings a lot of big game experience from Nebraska and the Rams. Not sure he has the proper check down technique to fit in the offense.
  4. It does sorta describe JP with one notable difference, Garcia looks downfield while moving whereas JP is running to run not extend a play.
  5. Jauron wants to control the ball and play defense. It has been his NFL trademark. I simply cannot see what a TE does that would be so unique in his offense that we would burn the #11 pick. On offense, the priority has to be an interior lineman. Trent won't be throwing to his multiple weapons if he is running for his life. Outside rushers rarely get to Brady. The Giants pushed him around with an interior pass rush. Jerry will be the pick, maybe Tyson Jackson, I doubt it is one of the speed rushers.
  6. I like Mack a lot, I also like Caldwell out of Alabama. That said, I can see the Ohio St. cornerback being the pick.
  7. I like Pettigrew for his blocking skills. My problem with such a selection is that it would be a luxury in the Jauron/Schonert offense. Adding Pettigrew at 11 would not impact the offense based on Jauron's history as a head coach. Dick Jauron plays for three points on offense. Owens, Evans, Lynch/Jackson, Schouman and Reed provide enough offensive touches to get the offense to the field goal range where Jauron feels comfortable. The impact player needed to achieve DJ's goal of three points is an interior lineman. I found it interesting that the Bills are one of the teams that has shown the most interest in Herman Johnson of LSU. I expect them to target this young Dockery sized lineman with their second round pick or trade into the late first as they have in the past. I think their first pick is a defensive player. As many of the rushers available are similar in size and accomplishment to Schobel and Chris Ellis, I am not convinced they take a Maybin/Orapko speed rusher. If you look at Jauron/Fewell in Jax and Chicago, they loved interior lineman. Tommy Harris was a huge difference maker on the Chi D when healthy and the Henderson/Stroud combo was dynamite in Jax. I think they take the DT from Miss named Jerry at #11. He can rotate with Stroud, Johnson and Williams limiting their snaps. Williams is a great effort guy but he disappears at times. Kyle Williams has never drawn a double team in his life. Stroud slowed in the last part of the season. Young legs on the defensive line will help the rest of the defense. Jerry at 11, Herm Johnson in the second and a TE in the third plus they add Cato June in FA. I like the Pettigrew choice, because of his unique skillset (the consummate blocker/receiver that can be an ideal outlet on any play, thus removing another defender from the box). I hope we could do this with a tradedown. I think the War Room would write Maybin's name on the card if nobody calls at the Bills' pick.
  8. My fear is an Eric Flowers like experiment with an off season weight gain and limited experience. We cannot whiff with this pick.
  9. I say no. I think Mack from Cal, Jerry from Miss, Raji from BC or any of the USC linebackers would impact the 2010 team more than a TE. Enough with the skill positions early.
  10. I can't agree with Prisco post the TO trade. How could the team need a TE more than an interior lineman, OLB or defensive tackle ? Prisco's biggest need can be filled by Coffman, Nelson, Casey or the Florida TE in round 3. I like Casey a lot.
  11. Belichek drafts athletic lineman. I recall a draft report where they like Offensive lineman with wrestling backgrounds like Mankins, Light and Neal. Drafting a quality lineman early is never going to hurt matters with one notable exception from the University of Texas.
  12. My concern is his confidence. That Cleveland night game he was afraid to throw the ball downfield. if he can't get away from checking down every dropback, we have a problem.
  13. Jennings is forever injured. McCargo is a dog. I guess I take Jennings if he could play guard. Concussion issues scare me though.
  14. Well played General Buffalo's "stay on the field all damn day" version of the cover 2. Sad but true
  15. Rey is tough, we lack toughness. No more finesse players.
  16. Unfortunately Bill, I agree. I could live with waiting on the offensive line for the def line but the reality is we will pick a safety, a lighter framed faster lb whose strength is pass coverage, a fb who will never play and a Schouman/Fine style HBack like TE. This team needs to address the interior OLine and the front 7 with an emphais on toughness. No more team captains and high SAT scores. Get some guys who excel at football.
  17. It isn't happening. I like Cutler, he is tough and this team lacks toughness.
  18. Nice job DazedandConfused ! "The simple fact in the real world is that getting draft choices in exchange for proven NFL players is almost certainly a loser's strategy". I look at this current Bills team as a part of what Marv started post TD. So in my mind this team has already been rebuilding for 4 years. Brandon and Jauron have both said publically, that the time to win is now. Dumping players for draft picks is what you do when you are in Detroit's situation, not Buffalo's. Sign Peters, sign a vet guard like Goff and draft some tough players no more wideouts and cb's. Cold weather, battle tested tough guys.
  19. He must measure his skill by the number of replies
  20. Everything on that D starts with the front 7. Losing Rolle and McAllister is not an end to anything. I like Ryan's coaching but they had some good fortune with Marvin Lewis too as I recall.
  21. Sign Peters and move on. These fantasies of picking replacements through a draft are comical. Peters is our most physically tough player. He ragdolls defenders. This team lacks toughness, getting rid of Peters is a step backwards.
  22. I wonder if the Peters contract negotiations are influencing their next moves. if one of the olb's signs, they will move to sign the other between June, Crowell and the Colt's lb.
  23. Overthinking this a bit. I hope he scores double digit touchdowns. I don't care what locker he has or what nightclub he goes to. A 7-9 team coached by Dick Jauron has so many other things to worry about.
  24. Absolutley correct. An athletic LT is near impossible to find. Draft picks take time to develop particularly offensive tackles. I would pay Peters and enter the draft with the #11 pick. Not sure but I think a lot of people OVER RATE draft picks...
  25. I am going to sit at 11 and let the draft come to me. If a QB like Stafford or Sanchez is there. I want to play my cards to go back and grab an extra #2. If we can move back to the 20-25 range, I grab Tyson Jackson. In the second, I take Duke Robinson and one of the TE's (Coffman, Nelson or Casey). If no traders, I am looking at the best impact guy for 2010 (no development guys). I imagine they have 2-3 guys they expect to be there and I expect a DT or DE to be the pick. Jerry or the Texas pass rusher.
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