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Everything posted by Lofton80

  1. I think Schonert is probably being accurate. Jauron shows his cards with his FG decisions, totally conservative. To quote another poster "what a mess".
  2. All I know is Patrick Crayton was not a top 15 pick and he did pretty well opposite TO. I hope our coordinator can get him some balls.
  3. They need to run for more than 1 yard if he hopes to have a play action pass. I think they need to have more real blockers on the field to run the ball. Schouman, Walker and 3 wides leaves a lot of pressure on the other 5 guys.
  4. Trent's comments about never seeing a 3-4 in practice probably was not a ringing endorsement.
  5. AVP has a short time frame to fix this mess of an offense. What can he do footballwise to make this better quickly. Pass schemes: Offensive line and running backs: I think he needs to go basic here with blocking on passes maybe even having a scheme that sends only Evans and Owens on a pattern and the rest block. (Miami won 11 games doing this last year). Trent needs the protection and the confidence. The young lineman need the help. Baby steps! Line communication: Saw a lot in preseason, interior lineman letting blitzers go and leaving rb's to block them. This is expected sometimes but way too often the middle blitzers run right by our lineman who inevitably is looking in the other direction, leaving the rb to block in a mismatch, leading to a Trentative moment. 3-4 defenses will just keep blitzing the middle until we get it right. Use a real FB: Keep McIntyre and let him hammer people as a blocker. Let Oman go and take the risk. The H-back route has not helped the run game at all.
  6. Shany unquestioned with complete control of personnel.
  7. No huddle, slow huddle, huddle whatever. I wish he spent more time concerned about the blocking schemes.
  8. I believe as I recall Mularkey saw Marv and Ralph.
  9. My thought as well. I have no problem with the move, just should have been done immediatley after the Jets game not on Sept. 4th the following year. Just once I would like to have a HC or coordinator that some other team might actually want.
  10. I want them to win every game and I will cheer for them regardless of the result. I think 2-14 would result in a coaching change which this teams needs badly. The only way Ralph gets a guy like Shanahan or Cowher in here is to give them complete control and a lot of money. Not a chance of that happening.
  11. I know this is beating a dead horse, but the Detroit Lions were undefeated in the preseason last year. How'd that work out? I think the focus on the overall record is meaningless. I am more concerned with the level of play.
  12. He will keep quiet for about 2 weeks, then look out. I look forward to it honestly.
  13. Not a bad shot. Maybe guy has a future in boxing.
  14. "I'm more worried based on what Jauron has done the past couple years". I am in this camp as well. I guess the preseason doesn't matter thing is ok if one sees flashes of competent play here and there. I have seen very little from our starting offense that looks appealing. Some of his decisions in preseason like sending in Lindell so much indicate nothing will ever change with Dick.
  15. Maybin will force teams to account for him. Even if he doesn't make the play, the blocking schemes will should free up someone else. The question is who would that be? I also like what I saw from Byrd as the preseason progressed. He appears to be one of those db's who is always around the ball. I think this year's draft has set a nice foundation for the future coaches build on.
  16. I doubt Marty is ever our coach. That said, he was a couple of fumbles away from the big dance in Cleveland. He won in KC with the likes of Steve Deberg and Older Joe Montana. He put together one of Snyder's only winning teams in Wash. And he lost playoff games to two pretty good teams coached by some of the best coaches in the history of the NFL. I think Marty can coach in Buffalo any day and not have to apologize for anything.
  17. 1. Do you keep Hamdan or offer him a Practice Squad position? Hamden stays 2. Assuming three tight ends are kept, who do you choose among Fine, Stupar, and DeVree? Fine stays though I do like Stupar's ability to get open 3. Would you rather keep a serviceable FB in McIntyre or a young but unproved RB in Omon? I think Mcintyre gets cut, they hardly use the FB, Oman can run but the blocking is terrible 4. As of right now, who is more valuable to their team over the next two years, Hardy or Jenkins? I think Hardy has some talent, the Jax game winner was no easy play and a snapshot of the possibilities. Jenkins value is special teams, I think both make it some capacity. 5. What will be of better help to the Bills Defense Line this year? a) Cut Kelsay b) reserve a spot to Bryan I like Bryan, I have no problem if the cut Kelsay. 6. Which player(s) gets left off the LB corps this year? Buggs? Thomas? Palmer? Thomas is injured, Buggs makes it as a special teamer, Palmer goes, a pickup from another team would not shock here 7. If it came down to one roster spot available at corner, do you keep Florence or Youboty? 8. How many of the Bills current offensive lineman on their roster could start for a perennial playoff team such as the Steelers, Ravens, Colts, Patriots, Eagles, Vikings, and Giants? I think we have more good offensive lineman than recent history some are young though and some are being converted from other positions. 9. Who gets the axe at safety? Wilson, Wendling, Simpson Simpson goes
  18. Defense has consistantly not defended the middle of the field in passing game. Safties drop way back and lb's blitz leading to easy completions. Again and Again and Again
  19. Moorman is looking like an all-pro. Our rb's lack of blocking has destroyed a lot of pass plays.
  20. He gets rid of the ball like its a hot potato. Regardless of the playcall, he does not let anything develop. I will give him a break in that his rb's appear to have no ability to slow up a rusher. Seems our rb's have to block more than others particularly vs a 3-4.
  21. Used to be buses that went from Pittsford Plaza to Buffalo. Bock Tours used to have buses that went to stadium as well.
  22. I gotta believe TO is not taking on his personality. Wait until he erupts a few times, might even be entertaining.
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