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Everything posted by Lofton80

  1. I thought Ellison was excellant last night. I have been one of his detractors and I think he played his best game as a Bill. I was encouraged by the rookies: Levitre, Wood, Maybin, Byrd, Buggs all saw time and had some flashes of good play. Maybin needs to be used in unique packages. Lining him across from a tackle is not going to work. Kyle Williams and Stroud were great against the run. Bills running a no huddle hurts these guys the most. They disappeared at the end. Fred Jackson is a natural. Great vision, very elusive. Cannot understand the strategy of emptying the backfield at the end and sending the whole group of receivers out in a pattern. It was asking a lot of the young line on an obvious pass situation on the final drive. We only needed 20 yards for a fg attempt. Why not leave a TE to help Bell there or leave a back to chip the end?
  2. Not really. I cheer for this team like no other in any other sport. Whatever it is, it never goes away. Go Bills!!!!!!!!!
  3. I thought the interior held up well. Wood is a stone wall. Like that they are mobile too. Helped the screen game.
  4. That looked pretty tame as far as bad hits go. Wilfork is cheap but that play was just football.
  5. All right. Three cheers for Jauron. Now go win some games for once. Despite his well-documented flaws, Jauron deserves kudos for making the OC switch when he did.
  6. Well done John. I have had the same thought with the frightening conclusion that Jauron knows he has another year. The fans would revolt.
  7. Polian is and was the best GM in football. I believe the name Jeff Littman was also tossed around as the blame for his leaving. This franchise has stunk since he left.
  8. I honestly don't think the Bills were doing anything too complicated on offense during Schonert's time here. Jauron is a big part of the problem.
  9. Rollout bootleg pass to Schouman on a three yard pattern. NE probably expects it, Trent has to throw before he's ready. Ball hits Schouman in ankles.
  10. Larry is right. TE doesn't have the confidence to be an NFL starter. That Cleveland game last year was an eye opener. QB's get hit in this game and TE lacks the physical stature to hang in there. They can also scout a DT and on OT while they are at it.
  11. If JW leaves, we are lesser for it. Guy was a good poster.
  12. I hope no one was hoping for anything insightful. DJ has never offered an opinion in three + years.
  13. Great read!! Ralph can blame himself for keeping Jauron after last season. He should have been fired after the Jets game.
  14. I think Belecheck knows what he is doing. Maybe Seymour is injury prone the last few years because he is getting older. Playing deep into the playoff so much takes its toll on the big guys. He knew exactly what team to offer him to in a trade.
  15. The key to a simple playbook is blocking. If you can move the opposition out of your way, you can run the same play all day. If you patch together an OLine, chances are you can't get away with simple. People like Sanahan, Walsh and Gibbs won a few games with some of the thickest playbooks imaginable. Blocking is step one.
  16. It sort of says a lot about the braintrust. A Northeast team that will decide its season's fate with multiple wr's and few rb's.
  17. There is a ton of qualified candidates available. Problem is Ralph is not giving up the coin needed to attract them or the control. Next move is Brandon selling Ralph on a young upstart like Pepper Johnson to coach.
  18. Jauron=Hank Bullough You give DJ wayyyyyyyyyy too much credit.
  19. Jauron's only good season in Chicago featured Gary Crowton and his wide open attack. Once Crowton left for college ball, Jauron had some of the worst offenses in the league. 10 years of data suggest that Jauron is clueless on offense.
  20. Nothing more to add. And that's exactly why we will never get a Cohwer, or Holmgren, or even a whiff of Chucky. Bad enough we don't have Miami's weather but these guys would rather spar with Bradshaw and be mocked by Coliendo than to be second guessed by Ethan Frome.
  21. YES, apparently the entire NFL is missing out on this talent. Our season does not hang in the balance of who is our 4th TE.
  22. Rhodes blocked as badly as Oman, at least Oman was young. Been a while since Rhodes was productive in the NFL.
  23. While I was happy for Paulus and SU that they at least look presentable, I am in no way imagining his as a starting pro QB. The Doug Flutie comparison is a huge reach, Paulus does not have that kind of arm strength. I see Paulus more in the Detmer bros category.
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