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Everything posted by Lofton80

  1. I was amazed by this play myself, we need 30 yards with 23 seconds left and he throws a 3 yard pass to a wr when Cleveland was rushing 2 guys. TE throws a 3 yard pass to Lee Evans with 23 seconds left and 30 yards to go for a FG? How utterly stupid are these players?
  2. Def bottom 5 with a few more player injuries to boot.
  3. He was clearly looking back to find McDaniel who went to the other end of the field. No story here.
  4. Orton played a great game and I thought McDaniel's celebrating was fabulous. Denver looks good.
  5. My biggest issue with the no huddle is that it abandons the run game too easily. Have we had one time consuming drive all season? A young line is likely going to be better at run blocking. The other issue with the no huddle is it limits the formations. Honestly, I am at the point with this coach coupled with the injuries to Butler and Bell that I am not sure it matters what they do.
  6. I imagine Jon Runyon must have been pretty unimpressive in his workouts if Jonathon Scott or Chambers is deemed to be better. My hunch is that it is yet another money saving move. By the fourth quarter yesterday, I would have put Wood or Levitre at tackle to salvage the 4th quarter rather than let Miami continue to pummel the QB. If the coach identified that the line is banged up, why not try to be innovative to work around it. Perhaps using a fb to pummel the undersized rusher coming off the edge. Seems to work against our rushers. Some teams like NE and Pittsburgh use an extra lineman at TE at some points. Maybe some TE help on the blocking rather than leave two weak tackles on their own to get beat repeatedly. Jauron sticks to his strategies no matter what. As for the defense, it has not looked the same since NO got to them in the 4th quarter. I wonder if fatigue is setting in. The heat yesterday with no break given by our three and out offense cannot help. How is a defense that went toe to toe with the offenses of NE and NO so helpless against Miami and their second string QB?
  7. The only positive I see with the no huddle is Trent hasn't had to burn timeouts as the play clock winds down. It cannot be helping the young oline to be communicating on the fly.
  8. I will give Brandon credit for the last draft. He appeared to understand we needed help up front. Buddy Nix may have helped him. The two I think that should go quickly are Jauron and Guy; like yesterday. Jauron masterminded the cover two and the no huddle offense- two things that make no sense for this team. Guy gives us the likes of Jonathon Scott and Kirk Chambers.
  9. Had the same thought, Pop Warner is right
  10. He is dogging it. May not be intentionally giving away the play, but it's not a shock if he is.
  11. The guy is not a gunslinger. You gotta take some chances in the NFL. Everyone is too talented to play it safe. U got to throw to spots sometimes and let the WR's make some plays. Add to that, the offense lacks creativity. How about lining TO and Evans on the same side, using some motion. Add to that TO appears to be dogging it.
  12. Agree completely. Stoud is not young and and Williams could use a rest. I see no more cover 2 with light guys in our future. See NY Jets for model.
  13. I would be fine with him throwing interceptions by being aggressive. Jim Kelly threw 4 in one half one Monday night and still won the game.
  14. He was a liability yesterday. Not a lot of blocking on any of the kicks.
  15. Leave a blocker in, either a FB or TE. We cannot empty the backfield with such a young line.
  16. Blueprint from Giants against the K-gun. Change up the D. Drop a lot of people into coverage one down, pressure up the middle another. Dare NO to run the ball. Playing them in Buffalo is a plus. Brees is throwing it up to tall receivers. Colston, Henderson and Meachem are all taller guys fighting for the ball.
  17. I have been watching him, he can play. What an improvement over Fowler!!
  18. Gotta agree, Kelsay has played very well.
  19. They should try him on a stunt. He is not getting off the OT's blocks when he is lined up head up.
  20. Schouman's cleat stuck in the turf and his knee buckled outward as he was twisted to the ground. The former pros Johnston and Siragusa reacted immediatley.
  21. Scored a touchdown. Certainly blocks more than TO. Bills win, I don't care if he catches anything.
  22. The first touchdown was a perfect throw. Hardly inept
  23. Harris is a good player. Sort of light for the middle of the field. Mitchell misses a lot of tackles. Let's hope Poz is ok.
  24. I was thinking marshall Faulk but Thurman and Jackson are a better comparison.
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