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Everything posted by Lofton80

  1. Wood plays so physical and plays to the whistle. A great pick.
  2. George Wilson continues to impress. 7 solo tackles, in on 11 total and he did not start. Byrd has some good hands.
  3. Both Fitz and TE benefited from a max protect scheme which I will give credit to AVP and Jauron for coming to their senses. Putting 4-5 guys out on a pattern while the other team brought pressure and dropped the QB was pretty much our offense prior to yesterday.
  4. This is a quality good QB's have, watch the Mannings, Brady or Cutler. They buy time with their feet. It's not all on Trent but he could improve this issue. the inability to slide and move within the pocket. Watch any of the upper-tier QB's and the first thing you'll notice is they all have pocket presence, the ability to step up or slide in the pocket. It helps to have a great offensive line, which the Bills don't, but I've seen plenty of plays where our line has given Trent enough time yet he still lets the pressure get to him due to his inability to slide in the pocket.
  5. Jim Brown, Riggo, Alstott in his prime and Bo Jackson with his speed was like a missile coming at the defense.
  6. Bottom line: without blocking you will be losing more than 74% of your games.
  7. Independent league? They play a pretty tough schedule. Also, ND has 10 future pros on their present team, a far cry from recent years.
  8. I know of no one who thought it was a good move. He hand delivered us Dick Jauron. Enough said about Marv.
  9. Means very little with no blocking.
  10. Agree, Oakland already shipped its #1 to NE, maybe their #2 is in play. Al Davis likes big names.
  11. Ralph will change his mind if the gameday atmosphere turns ugly. He truly does not want to change the coach because he really thinks it won't change anything. What it would do is send the message of accountability which is obviously non-existant with the team.
  12. Most likely, Russ will rework a lucrative deal messing up our salary cap for the immediate future with no hope in sight.
  13. He talks way too much. Hang in there and make some throws, then talk.
  14. Despite the low output, I did see a few wrinkles formation wise. The two back and two te sets should help the blocking though the whiffs were obvious yesterday.
  15. He surrounds himself with yes men and any good football people will go nowheres near the situation. Brandon and Jauron basically serve the Matt Millen role as we sink.
  16. I am pretty sure Marv came in mid season. That worked out ok. Ralph simply does not make mid-season changes
  17. The players like having no accountability whatsoever. It's Camp Marv without the victories.
  18. Edwards is not an NFL starter. The game requires physical play that makes him comfortable. Watch how Brady and Big Ben by time sliding in the pocket patiently as bodies are flying around them. Trent panics and makes terrible decisions built around getting the live grenade out of his hands. The other thing the QB position requires in the NFL is moxie, a desire to compete and win. A gunslingers mentality that TE simply does not have. His offensive line is weak but he lacks what it takes to play the position when they do block.
  19. No real GM would accept the boneheaded play we are seeing. Special teams handing two games to the opponent. 10+ penalties most of which are the mental side of the game. The team is not prepared and is poorly coached. Brandon extended Jauron and that alone tells the whole story. He obviously is in way over his head.
  20. TE pulls the ball down even when he does have time. He is too rattled to make necessary decsions. He needs to sit. A decision like this is too big for Jauron and Brandon.
  21. Clearly the bothched punt return giving the opponent the ball in the red zone to win the game. I was torn because I also loved the 3 yard pass to Lee Evans as time was running short.
  22. It showed a lack of organization. If it was part of a strategy, why did the team walk to the sidelines ? The team is poorly coached with no accountability by anyone.
  23. The opponents have watched the film and have sniffed this play out week after week. Trent rolls out to a waiting defender. Yet we continue to call the play. Trent needs to watch, he cannot hang in there long enough for a play to develop. He pulled the ball down a few times today. I've never seen a QB with more planned roll outs to the right....not have a clue who/where to throw the ball?
  24. It was a nice tackle, then he came out the next down on a passing down which was confusing.
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