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Everything posted by Lofton80

  1. Got to give the guy credit, should have won last week too. Buffalo has one of the most patchwork Olines U could find yet this team came to play. No quit!!!!!!
  2. Interior lineman, we are ok if Wood is healthy. Butler is always hurt and we need a LT. Not sure I agree that we may not need to do much. Other x factor is coach and what offense he runs. Shanahan used mobile lineman.
  3. I say Carter, Rice, Emmit, Haley and Cortez Kennedy, Gotta have some defensive guys in the Hall. Haley was dominant. Sharpe will get votes for having so many catches as a TE. Tough group to choose from.
  4. Grimm has had success everywhere he's been and is ready to be a HC. Not the worst idea I have read here.
  5. It is dumb to limit any possiblilities due to where someone grew up. They either have what it takes or not regardless of their hometown. These guys will all get a chance to work out for the scouts, all these games stats go out the window. Someone we haven't mentioned will emerge and one of these name guys will drop. The late John Butler used to have a local radio show and he always talked about how scouts segregate performances against Pittsburgh St. or the SEC. No ones numbers against inferior competition will mean a thing. Clausen scans the field well and throws to the second or third option frequently. He throws to the correct shoulder so run after catch yards are available. These are good traits whether you are from California or Delaware. He steps up in the pocket and slides his feet to buy time while keeping his eyes downfield, traits Trent Edwards does not show after three years. Bradford has a good arm, scans the field well. I worry about the thin frame and the injuries. He looked like a deer in the headlights against Florida in the Championship game last year. Tebow will be interesting to watch. He is such a competitor and a great athlete, he gets your attention. Workouts for scouts will show if he has the accuracy the NFL requires. He will need refinement with his techniques. Shanny's close relationship with Urban Meyer makes me wonder if he would give him a look.
  6. Along with the pain of the SB losses came the joy of the Houston comeback, the elation of the 51-3 drubbing of Oakland on the home turf, the annual waive off to Miami as we sent them home for the winter, I will take winning all day over the nonsense of Jauron. Bring in a winner like Shanahan any day. It's all good. If we somehow make it to SB #5, I will worry about the emotional pain of losing it then. I remember the pain of all four losses. It still stings today if I let it. That pain is STILL better than the crap we have watched this past decade.
  7. Parcells also walked into a terrible situation in NE with similar problems and drafted Drew Bledsoe and got them to the SB vs the Pats.
  8. He is getting paid now for doing nothing. I have seen no evidence that the guy does not have a fire for winning. Bring on the 2 time Super Bowl champ.
  9. Shanahan would build from the ground up too. We will likely have a top 5 draft pick, so it is pretty close to the ground. Shanahan, like Weeb Ewbank has won a few games which is a good start if you want to win a championship. There is no guarantee regardless of who is brought in, contrast that to hiring Dick Jauron, a career loser. I am all for Shanahan and applaud Ralph for taking a run at him.
  10. My take is Shanahan and Russ do the meet and greet. Shanahan's agent would then get involved if he is still interested. Ralph would have to put a buyout clause in there that would guarantee Shanahan final say.
  11. He spends his time off at Patriots camp as Bellichek's guest, at University of Florida as Urban Meyer's guest and in Philly as Andy Reid's guest. Seems the high end of the coaching community respects Shanahan. Get Shanny and Phil Savage in here as Personnel Director and get this turned around.
  12. Chimp is dead on. I believe if Ralph gets nowhere with Shanny or Cohwer, he will hire a traditional GM. The fact that a proven winner is available will make that process a little different than usual. I cannot fault him for taking a run at two of the winningest coaches of all time.
  13. I thought it was a great game. Physical, big plays, last second field goal.
  14. Many of those names will never see the market. McNeil of SD is pretty good. If Ralph pulls off a miracle and signs Shanny, he has always favored athletic lineman who can run the stretch play and cut block.
  15. Shanahan is going to meet and greet Ralph and Russ. His agent will request a lucrative buyout if there are any issues relative to personnel, budgeting and overall control. I am sure Shany has done his homework with Polian and AJ Smith to understand the pros and cons.
  16. I would prefer Brandon hire the coach than Ralph. Who hires the coaches for the other teams? Jerry Jones? Robert Kraft? It is not always a GM. If Brandon can get Shanahan to Buffalo, I could care less if his background is in marketing. I still can't believe this guy is playing any role in the coach/GM search and some here want him made President: "Brandon is a marketing guy. He is looking for sizzle and splash to sell tickets," said one league insider. "He has no clue how to build a successful football team and clearly paid no attention to the locker room that is so important when he signed Terrell Owens. At best, he should be in charge of business operations. He is not qualified to be an NFL general manager and has no business evaluating talent, even though he might pretend to act like he knows."
  17. On offense, I hope he can instill some discipline to reduce the penalties. Hopefully, he looks at personnel and determines maybe we take a look at a James Hardy or a Shawn Nelson. Maybe he has a little fire on the sideline rather than standing there with his arms crossed after the 5th straight 3 and out. "Play like hell and win." As far as what he's going to do with the offense ... what the heck can he do? The trading deadline has passed. He has no QB. He has almost nobody left on the offensive line. The running game is mostly anemic. The passing game sucks. The offensive coaching staff is a mess. Is putting in a new offense at this point going to help anything? "We are who we are" indeed. Basically, yes, it is the people that put this together that deserve the kudos for it.
  18. What a trainwreck! A lot of things are starting to make sense.
  19. He really knows the game and has a great personality. I would think he would hold an interesting press conference versus the coachspeak we have heard for years here. We could do a lot worse than Chucky. He built a good Raiders squad that may have gone to the Super Bowl the year NE benefitted from the Tuck rule. Part of the Bucs problem was some of their core guys got old.
  20. I could see Capers or Grimm fitting the mold. Inexpensive, still available after the big names hook up with Snyder and Jones.
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