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Everything posted by Lofton80

  1. Belichek on Shanahan: “I’ve always had tremendous respect for Mike and what he’s done on the offensive side of the ball as a coordinator and his accomplishments as a head coach,” Belichick said. “I always felt like his teams were amongst the hardest to prepare for and to handle their game plans.”
  2. Why alienate the Pegula's? They will be fine, Marrone or no Marrone. Another good offseason and this team is ready to fly.
  3. If he ever left NE (doubtful) he likely ends up in a place like SF or NY.
  4. Reed nailed it. Brandon loses if Polian and AJ Smith come here. My guess is he is the one who leaks info to Tim Graham.
  5. He is too big a name for Buffalo. Brandon wants to be the power broker and will not hire a big name. The guys track record is pretty strong, if he wants the job, he would do great here. We could do a lot worse.
  6. I think the idea of hiring Frank is crazy fantalk. There are better more deserving candidates. Jim Schwarz would be insulted to be passed over for a green candidate.
  7. Went to 2 AFC championship games. Battled Patriots pretty good. His high risk defense requires big time corners. Worked nice when they had the horses.
  8. I like Matt Moore. He lit up the Bills a few years back with a super performance. Can throw the deep ball.
  9. Trestman was well regarded last year at this time. Marinelli would have had problems with their defensive injuries just like any coach.
  10. My offseason wishlist is fixing the running game once and for all. Is it the formation, the talent level of the lineman, the lack of a tight end who can both block and catch a ball. As a northeastern team, the inability to run the ball effectively takes away a major advantage late in the season. Throwing bombs on every short yardage situation is not a vote of confidence for the offensive line.
  11. Clog the middle of the field, make Brady beat coverage throwing to sidelines. Be ready for his one step drops. try something different for once.
  12. Less interested. But remember one year we had no first pick, we snagged Thurman in round 2 worked out pretty well. Free agency might be more interesting with Terry P.
  13. I think TE helps both the passing and running game. There tend to be good ones in the second round.
  14. Imagine this Bills team without Watkins this year. He immediatley gets the attention of the opponent's gameplan. Revis and Talib draw Watkins, not another receiver. Yet I read here again and again that he is not a difference maker. If he had a real QB and better health, he would be Rookie of the Year.
  15. Marrone will be back. Starting over makes no sense. This team plays hard, physical football and believe it or not the head coach sets that tone. Until the team gets a real QB, the coach be it Marrone or anyone will be challenged to win.
  16. Damn straight! You want to be the best you have to beat the best. or to quote Coach Boone from Remember the Titans: "All right, now, I don't want them to gain *another yard!* * You blitz... all... night!* If they cross the line of scrimmage, I'm gonna take every last one of you out! You make sure they remember, *forever*, the night they played the Titans!"
  17. Denver has won the last 2 games with a strong run game. I hope the Bills blow that up.
  18. Many returners have been rocked by our special teams. More big hits than I can remember.
  19. Not sure Bills can run the ball. The up the middle stuff into Pears backside won't work. It falls on Orton. He has to make a difference in a positive way.
  20. I sense teams are treating Orton like Fitz in Galley's offense. Sit on the short routes and dare him to beat them deep. He has no time to let deep routes evolve so he dumps it off to checkdown. The throw to Chandler for 1 yard in the middle of the field at the end of the first half may have been the dumbest two minute offense play I have seen by a non high school team. Offense has to be better next 4 weeks.
  21. I think Orton just wont throw to a double covered receiver. Ryan said in his post game they planned to take him out of the game and Woods killed them. A 35 point win is a good trade off for not utulizing him more.
  22. I liked showing Marrone with no play card in hand saying Doug calls the plays. Announcer said it twice.
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