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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. Your drinking is affecting your spelling. I guess they say realizing you have a problem is the first step.
  2. I am still positive. Positive that the Bills won't make the playoffs (again)....
  3. And to add insult to injury, did you see that the d-bags on "Football Night in America" showed the Bills highlights under the banner of "bloopers"? Preston hitting himself in the @ss with the snap. Royal dropping one. JP with the deer in the headlights look... My two kids were LAUGHING at me... (sigh)
  4. Ooh.. I like... or... QB Coach - Gary Marangi RB Coach - OJ WR Coach - John Holland TE Coach - Paul Seymour OLine Coach - Mike Montler DL Coach - Eat 'em up Earl Edwards LB Coach - John Skorupan DB Coach - Gazoo Kelso
  5. That's what I'm thinking. Maybe they've already started talking with someone like Haslett who wants to bring his own guys in. Plus, this might be Haslett's "in", i.e., if MM gets off to a slow start again, Haslett takes over (?)
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