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    My Yami Lakes, Ef El Ay

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  1. Knowing Belichick's strick intolerance for theatrics and deviating from The Patriot Way, I think this has greater potential to be "One and Done" than a long term prospect. Obviously Newton catching fire could cause Belichick to overlook some things, but as you said, he hasn't made the team or been named starting quarterback.
  2. 9/11/88 with my dad. I flew up to Buffalo from Florida to go on our yearly fishing trip to Canada. He met me at the airport on Saturday with 2 tickets to Sunday's game against My Yami. Bills won a yawner 9-6. I had been to the old Rockpile before when I was growing up, but this was really special. Turns out it would be the last time I would see my dad. He died suddenly 2 months later.
  3. 2008. Different year, same old story. Despite glaring weaknesses, Bills start the season by winning some games and becoming media darlings, then injuries start mounting, lack of depth becomes blatantly obvious, smoke and mirrors are exposed and the same old "team shows promise - just a few more pieces - if not for the injuries - just wait until next year" starts all over again. In the words of the immortal Yogi Berra, "I'll believe it when I believe it." Oh, and Stevie Johnson need to start concentrating on catching passes that hit him right in the hands before he ends up as another ex NFL player with "potential" who is selling used cars or life insurance.
  4. What about the remainder of the 82 yard snowplow through Wretched George's defense on that drive? Remember that the game was won if Wretched George's defense gets just ONE 3 and out or maybe a 4 and out on that 82 yard romp through a wet Kleenex? The game was won and Wretched George's defense couldn't keep them from scoring any more than I can go out and yell at the sun to stop shining.
  5. Incomprehensibly, Wretched George's career is still intact..
  6. Thank you. When your offense has given you the lead and your defense gives up an 82 yard game wining drive, you have found the culprit. Period.
  7. Um....they had the game won until Wretched George's defense gave up an 82 yard snowplow of a drive for the Jets win. This loss belongs to Wretched George along with the other 17 losses in his wretched *&$!ing so-called career as DC for the Bills.
  8. CJ hits the hole like I hit the lottery.
  9. Put this loss squarely where it belongs, on George Edwards and his wretched defense. The Bills had the lead and Jets were on their own 18. 82 yards later, with a number of 3rd and longs, the Jets snow plowed Georges' aforementioned wretched defense for the winning TD, Sanchez's 4th of the day against George Edwards afore-aforementioned wretched defense.
  10. Just for the record, I have been calling for Edwards to get canned since last season.
  11. We hope you enjoyed your 5 games of buzziness. We now return you to your regularly scheduled malaise.
  12. Moose & squirrel from Whatsamatter U?
  13. 7 or 8 wins? Seriously? Or is this really clever sarcasm?
  14. +2 Also motivation and a belief that you can win no matter what the odds or the score. Something the team had early in the season but has disappeared. Dropped passes, dropped interceptions, bone headed penalties, missed tackles and on and on and on.
  15. A concept so foreign to this FO that our next starting QB and coach will probably be a moose and a squirrel from Whatsamatta U. Denver on a 4 game winning streak, Bills on a 4 game los......ahhhh forget it.
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