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Everything posted by rovey1961

  1. Are you sure it is ONLY a stomach bug?
  2. Where are the required PICS and LINKS?!
  3. I am my sisters place in Bristow, VA you would need to ask her but I know will be having mashed potatoes and mac and cheese for sure
  4. I'll take a shot at that We (the Buffalo Bills) did not score more points than the Tenn. Titians
  5. Your right cancer is not great thing to have or to have a family member die from it
  6. I started on DARPAnet in 1985 had to Download the KERMIT Transfer Program and get it working on 6 different architectures where is was (an still am) working For you youngins DARPAnet was the precursor to the Internet was only for military and educational institutions at the time nothing like playing the text/ascii graphics version of "Hunt the Wumpus" or "Star Trek" on a NEC Video Display Unit But you didn't hear that from me!
  7. No Chris Simms has no SPLEEN!
  8. Who is she and what does her sisters and mother look like?
  9. didnt lose sound but haven't gotten closed captioning for the NE or the fish game but it was on the other channels on DTV makes it a bit difficult for people that are hard of hearing and rely on CC
  10. it looks comfy
  11. Any chance he will be offering them for sale? I have a 01 Honda Civic those would look good on I could even go with the helmet stripes down the hood, roof and trunk on btw im in Redskins country in VA (whers the BLECH smiley)
  12. who did the detailing and where can i get those decals
  13. 2 XL for me please someday I'll make it to to a TDB Tailgate game make that 2 Adult XL and 2 Adult Small thanks
  14. made the SI list! Oilers vs Bills 1992
  15. the RATS are the state and local politicians
  16. ya can't hit what ya can't catch! Speed Kills! Go Sabres!
  17. well it would be a very long distance phone call since she died in 1988 Christina Onassis Obit but she did have a daughter! Athina Onassis Roussel
  18. hmmmm how about Bank of NovaScotia Field at Ralph Wilson Stadium at PayChex Park lets get some Canadian dollars in here!
  19. I got it! Los Angeles Coliseum Then they won't HAVE to move to LA since they would be playing in the LA Coliseum
  20. How about Ralph Wilson Stadium at PayChex Park?
  21. are you going to use a neti pot or a mechnical irrigation device, they are like a water pik for the sinuses
  22. Aussie I used to take ALOT of dairy products as a kid, 1/2 gallon a day of milk or more, then the cheese and ice cream... After my first go round with radiation/chemo I became lactose intolerate Now I very rarely drink cows milk, its rice or soy milk now I do eat alot of organic yogurt and cheese I have done some research and have not found any corralation for dairy and OSA doesn't mean there isn't any just I haven't found any I have been Dx with chronic sinustitis, chronic ear infections neither are responsive to antibiotics anymore so they are not treated. I also have a history of cancer, Hodgkins, Dx @ age 9 ITP, just do a google for it and arthritsis in most of my major joints, caused by long term steroid usage, part of the theraphy for the ITP so just a few "other" ailments but I am too stubborn to let any of it get to me, to much anyway does that answer your question? John
  23. Doug I bought a new bed last year, one of those visio elastic beds like the tempupedic ones only cheaper as for other medical conditions.... I have a lot! PM me and I can fill you in I saw your original post on the "Off the Wall" John
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