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Everything posted by rovey1961

  1. AH! Ya seen one Panda, ya seen them all!
  2. ill take the following Mens 2 XL 2 M Womens 1 L 2 M thanks
  3. neither could I why you think i posted
  4. The Lower Niagara River from Niagara Falls all the way to Lewistown Then goto Fort Niagara and if you are there during the regatta you can get some nice pics of all the sail boats heading out on Lake Ontario Take the elevator in the Niagara One building and get some shots of Niagara Falls from there should be able to get some nice shots of Queen Victoria Park on the canadian side from there too
  5. How about an old fashioned tomato salad cut up tomatoes into a bowl add some onion basil salt/pepper to taste oil some vinegar (balsamic if you have it) mash it up a bit to get the juices refridgerate for an hour or so eat with big hunks of fresh DiCamillos or Portage Bakery Italian bread ymmmm ymmmm
  6. well when you are growing up in Niagara Falls and have a large garden, fresh tomato sammys are the best but i do agree bacon and lettuce with fresh tomato and on grilled cheesse is very good too
  7. 2 slices bread (Wonder Bread if you are a traditionalist) 4-6 tomato slices salt and pepper to taste mayo spread mayo on both slices of bread place tomato slices on one slice of bread salt and pepper to taste place other slice of bread on top cut on diagonal enjoy my childhood favorite sandwhich best if the tomato is picked from your garden
  8. actually into the early '80's My Uncle was manager of the book store at NU for 18yrs when i worked at the store a number of the coaches would come into the store to get smokes... a few of the players cam in every so often too it was something to see the team walking over to the cafeteria for lunch every day My Best friends mother worked at the cafeteria and met all of the Bills and coaches for years but best of all the Jills practiced in Varsity Village which was directly across the street from the store
  9. the browns should definately sign him
  10. I am heading to my sisters that lives in Bristow, VA for the weekend Brother-in-law wants to goto BassPro in MD so everyone will pile into the van and head to MD I will be bringing a few quarts of fresh strawberries for my 2 nieces I expect we will be grilling at least burgers and hot dogs and I will be bringing some organic Hot Italian sausage so if everything pans out I will be relaxing for 3 days
  11. ahhhhhh! my eyes my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. scratch off Ricky Jean Francios was just taken by the 49ers
  13. is this Wendy Nix any relation to Buddy?
  14. trade next yrs 7 to KC for the last pick in the draft then pick Drew as Mr Irrelevant
  15. So now that is time to start thinking about UDFAs who should the Bills target?
  16. similar response as the other kid
  17. Fredericksburg, VA here to damn hot to be outside!
  18. I have had 3 sleep studies done the 1st was after I had my deviated septum, execess adniod tissue,removed, and bi lateral ears tubes put in place I have a long history of snoring loudly and heavily since i was a kid, I also stopped breathing and at times would wake up gasping for air I also have chronic sinustitus after the surgery my ENT said he wanted me to have a sleep study done since i was complaining of not sleeping well, always felt tired when i would wake up and waking up with headaches that SS showed I had EXTREME OSA. the tech said i would stop breathing for upto 1.5 min at a time and i was recorded stopping breathing 113 times during the 7 hour test I was Rxed a CPAP machine set to 14 cpi then after about 2 mouths I asked for a humidifier to attach to it since i was waking up in the morning with a dry mouth and throat kinda like you feel when you have a cold and breath through your mouth well anyway, after I had used the CPAP I did feel much more awake when i would get up in the morning... so it did help me and it is not a problem for me to wear the mask just my $.02 YMMV
  19. is she hot? where her pic? i just hadda do it
  20. she has very nice eyes The rest of her is very nice too OH! Definately NOT PORN!
  21. I am giving up watching the Bills play on Mondays/Thursdays/Saturdays and Sundays until preseason starts
  22. nice article; but; WTF is "beef on week"
  23. My uncle was the NU Bookstore manager for many years before NU sold it to Zavel back in 1983 I worked there right after I was graduated from LaSalle Sr until 83 then worked in the Computer Room in St Vinnies for the 83-84 school yr I was graduated from NU in 1984 along with my sister then in 86 my younger sister followed
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