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Everything posted by todd

  1. Knock it off. Well, yes, someone could pick him up for nothing, I agree. I would think that is much more likely than someone giving the Bills a pick for him.
  2. What kind of garbage are you going to post with your 44th post? Something equally as insightful, I hope.
  3. I'm kinda sick of stupid comments like this.
  4. Nobody will trade for a guy who is suspended.
  5. I can't keep track of all the rankings people are inventing. What's next?
  6. Who is this Sullivan you speak of? I don't know who this person is. Seriously, life is more pleasant when I don't read his crap. I don't click on a link that I know is is, and I sure as hell don't support any advertisers who are on his page if I happen to land on one of his "articles." The only way to ignore him is by not giving the Buffalo News the page views and let the advertisers know I will avoid them if I see an ad on one of his pages.
  7. Check out their cap numbers. Tight. Wouldn't make sense to cut a backup you are already paying for a guy who really isn't any better.
  8. The Bills really CAN'T CUT EJ! How many times do people have to post that here? His salary is guaranteed, so it makes zero sense. EJ gets paid and counts against the salary cap no matter if he's on the team or not. It isn't a complex situation to figure out.
  9. The thing to remember is that he's a 3RD ROUND PICK!!!! I think you draft for potential 3 years down the road in the 3rd and below. Each round you need to afford more risk, and draft for long-term upside because that's how you have to look at those players. Obsessing over taking a DL over an OL in the 3rd round because it was an immediate need is absolutely insane. Chill, dude.
  10. No way the Bills should give up the 19th pick for a 2nd and 3rd. That's an insulting offer. Maybe a 1st next year and a 2nd.
  11. Generally reading the comments this draft week makes me think that people are generally stupid, or at least go "full retard" whenever they approach a keyboard. I'm amazed at how many people think of the success of a draft in terms of what a player can do THIS YEAR vs. planning for the future. I don't profess to know much about the draft or evaluating players, but I do know abou the Bills, their needs, and their needs 2 or 3 down the road. Do you want to be successful? Plan ahead.
  12. Whaley is an excellent GM. I'd love to hear some support for statements like that rather than one-liner punts.
  13. Lots of great soundbites. Maybe you should support your positions with actual facts and stuff. I mean, I know facts are tough things, but let's hear them!
  14. Clearly, they will find another way to cheat, as obviously the first few times didn't prevent it. I mean, if you think we know about ALL the ways they've cheated, you are fooling yourself.
  15. That's amazing. The best pick (possibly) in the history of the NFL, surrounded by mediocre (at best) picks. Proves that it really was a lucky pick in many ways. I don't know if Brady would have been as good without Belichick, and vice-versa. I really think that dumb luck created an amazing dynasty. I don't doubt that the Pats would have been a good team without Brady, and maybe won a SB, but there's no way they would have done what they did for the past 15 years without Brady. They certainly wouldn't have dominated the AFC east the way they did.
  16. Past results don't indicate future performance, but keep crusading.
  17. I agree 100%. There's no doubt that's what the pick will be. Bank on it.
  18. Again. Patriots ALWAYS get rest before playing the Bills. Unreal.
  19. Hope someone can talk some sense into him so he can get his life back together. This is just sad. Not funny any more.
  20. Also - make sure the algorithm ensures the Bills play plenty of teams coming of rest. More than the rest of the league.
  21. I doubt they'll move on Gilmore until after the draft, depending on who they get. If they get a good CB high, I wonder if they will count on that CB to step up next year, and let Gilmore walk.
  22. Browns need an everything.
  23. He's a garbage qb and a garbage person. Best place for his minimal skills are out of the NFL and in rehab, or maybe prison.
  24. Why does it have to be a competition? They both made 10 good moves. Whaley was a scout when Nix was here, so should he get some of the credit for what Nix did? Also, Whaley resigned incognito and Glenn. That's gotta count for something. Seems clear you have some sort of strange axe to grind with whaley.
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