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Everything posted by todd

  1. I was just watching "America in Color" series. Basically colorized films from each decade. The 50s and 60s episodes were great. Made me realize how far we've come, but also sad because we've not come far enough. When racist idiots boo people wanting to show they are united, despite skin color, how they worship, etc., I have no idea how that can be a bad thing. That is what America is all about. It shows lots of ignorance. Ignorance, prejudice and fear walk hand in hand. Would they have still booed if all the players were white? If they were all black? What if there was a confederate flag? There are still plenty of people threatened when people speak of others being treated equally. My Italian forefathers faced it when they came to the US. George Eastman wouldn't hir italians. How quickly people forget.
  2. There’s a difference between politically correct and being a bigot.
  3. ??? i don’t get it. Is this a joke?
  4. He's a homophobe and bigot. He doesn't deserve to be on national TV. He's a moron redneck and needs to crawl into a hole somewhere and not come out. I'm not sure it is about politics. His racist and homophobic comments have more to do with his lack of character than politics.
  5. Still looks like a 15 year old but with a goat.
  6. I get your point, but there are other teams to write about in the nfl. Not only that, Brady wasn’t t very good last year. Does he still deserve the wall to wall coverage? Or I could just be sick of him.
  7. King reports on the “quick take” thought process that has invaded NFL reporting. He hasn’t had a creative, in-depth original thought in years. He hasn’t done any investigative columns about real football things in a long time. He’s gone from a guy I used to love to a guy I have no respect for. One thing you can always count on, however, is him gushing over Brady, Belichick, and all things New England or ex-new England in every column or interview.
  8. is there a qanon web site you can point me to that supports these ideas? Maybe a Glenn Beck podcast? I’m really quite interested in learning about the evidence behind these facts, and also the proper fashioning of tinfoil hats.
  9. damn right. I’m removing the airbags from my car, too. And disabling my signal lights. It’s nobody’s business when or where I turn! Can’t wait for football. One week away!
  10. And I won't go to a stadium, being high risk. My immune system is shot from radiation I'm getting, and the virus could kill me quickly. But what you are missing is that events like stuff in stadiums can spread the disease quickly and bring it to other people who didn't even go. If you call asking citizens to wear masks to protect the vulnerable, I guess I don't have many nice things to say to you. So I won't. Wear a damn mask every time you can't be further away than 6 feet from other people, even for 5 minutes. It's not that hard. Reminds me of the whole argument against seatbelts. Or wearing motorcycle helmets. Lunacy.
  11. Shhhh! Facts are hard for some people here.
  12. No, they aren’t: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2020/p0714-americans-to-wear-masks.html
  13. Force feed you? Really? That might be the most uncaring, ignorant, and selfish thing I’ve ever read on this board. I’m not sure who “they” are. They are wrong. Wear a damn mask.
  14. Thanks. Sorry, but your truth is questionable. That was 100 years ago. Are you really comparing our understanding of medicine and how we deal with things to now? Don’t you think it is important to do whatever is in our power to save at risk people like me, including wearing masks? Is it that hard?
  15. The point is they could be. While getting treatment I’m currently living in an area riddled with maskless idiot college students. You just don’t know if they are infected or not, just that they are irresponsible and stupid.
  16. Welcome to my block list, fellas. Your stupidity isn’t worth my time.
  17. Wear a mask. Don’t be a fool. It can save people’s lives. I have cancer. I’m getting radiation. All it takes is one asymptomatic maskless moron to turn the corner and run into me and infect me. It has almost happened multiple times. Try living in fear like that, smartsss. Wear a damn mask.
  18. So you don’t care what science says? Some lawyer made someone put something on a box and you’d. Rather believe that? Dude - wear a damn mask and save people’s lives.
  19. Actually, that is 100% incorrect. You might want to understand what a co-morbidity actually is. You can have a co-morbidity, say a rare form of cancer called chordoma, get radiation which probably saves your life, cures the cancer, but leaves your immune system damaged for 6 months. You get coronavirus, and you can’t fight it off and get respiratory problems from it and you die. On your death certificate your co-morbidities are listed, not just corona, and therefore you aren’t counted as dying from corona alone, even though you actually did. whoever interpreted the cdc data for you was 100% wrong.
  20. Same here. Calling them a**hats is generous.
  21. that’s unfortunate. Maybe you need new Dr.s. My Dr.s, and unfortunately I have many, all say otherwise.
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