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Everything posted by todd

  1. I'm actually amazed King wrote *anything* regarding the Buffalo Bills. He has a huge blind spot when it comes to them. Too small-market for the hot-take King. He used to be good, now he's lazy.
  2. Zicam and Cold-Eze type products are mostly functional because of zinc. Stay home everybody. If you think this isn't a big deal, think again. NYC hospitals are starting to be crushed under the load, and we aren't even peaking yet. Stay home.
  3. Another guy who has a recognizable name, so .. "I've heard of him! Sign him!" No.
  4. Wait, what? Last year the entire offensive like except left tackle was replaced. Devin Singletary was drafted . Tyler Kroft was signed. Dawson Knox was drafted. Beasley and Brown were signed. Gore was brought in. How is that not concentrating on the offense? That’s a total rebuild! that statement is 100% incorrect.
  5. Takes a mediocre musical medium and drops it down 10 or 12 notches. Horrid.
  6. During the broadcast there were a few shots of him covering his mouth with the playsheet and talking into the headset before the play.
  7. Anyone else notice that McDermott was calling the defensive plays during the last 2 or 3 minutes of the game? He's a pretty good playcaller, but I wonder what is up with that.
  8. 5 weeks in and now this? Really? Let's give it some time before we decide. This whole "snap-judgement" mindset drives me nuts. Frankly, it doesn't make sense. Talk to me after two years.
  9. What are you talking about? Wade was clearly not ready in terms of playbook, philosophy, and football knowledge. He doesn't know how to pick up the blitz or read defenses like an NFL player. The PS exemption was the best thing to do for him, by ensuring nobody could put them on their PS or team, and allowing the Bills to develop him more. Putting him on the roster or not using the exemption would have exposed him.
  10. Not really, considering they got a year's worth of use out of him. Not only that, the 7th is in 2021, which according to draft charts is pretty much a half-box of tape. Really great move by Beane, who would have got nothing if they cut him, anyway. Maybe not as good a move as taking away a Cheatriot pick for a guy they would have cut and was terrible last year, but still pretty good.
  11. F**k cancer. Hoping everyone kicks its ass.
  12. Bummer. I didn’t go to too many tailgates, but who can forget the homework post! Way too young ....
  13. I don't know. I watched the all the film on that page and more, and I think he has really great instincts. Instincts in the NFL are learned.
  14. I'm fine with this. The media these days is horrible. It's a "hot take" media, which requires only an opinion that doesn't need to be based on fact. The Bills don't generate clicks right now, so they will never be an option. This fact really hit home recently. Peter King (think what you want) used to be a guy who would cover the NFL and all the teams in it, no matter what. Recently, he never mentions or considers Buffalo. So I wrote him a note. It ended up being one of the letters he answered on his Monday Morning bull#### columns. He basically said, "the Bills haven't won a playoff game in forever, so screw them, I'm only covering the teams that make me feel good about eating Hot Pockets. The "Hot Take" media.
  15. I wish him the best, but still can’t forgive him for the Jacksonville game.
  16. Some people are introverts and just aren't jazzed about being up in front of people or being the center of attention. Sometimes introversion means they have a smaller but much closer circle of friends. This personality type actually plays well into the team concept, especially those playing on either line. There's my MBTI lesson for the day.
  17. Cool highlights, but I didn’t know music that bad existed.
  18. Same here. Such a d-bag. Always has been, always will be.
  19. I prefer Nick Tahou's, where the garbage plate was actually invented. Lots of places imitate it, or have their own take on it, but I prefer the original. There are a few good places I'll go to in a pinch if I can't get to Nick's, but really there's no substitute for the original. That said, I'll be there for the draft version with the rest of those with palates sensitive to the flavor of a quality meal.
  20. Ryan Nassib had a 41. There's some perspective!
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