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Everything posted by todd

  1. Well, I guess this is an attempt to address the problem of drunks in the stadium during games. I have mixed feelings about this. First, I think many people at games get out of hand and make the experience less enjoyable for others. On the other hand, drunks are going to find somewhere to drink. A parking restriction isn't going to change anything.
  2. I'd rather have Schoebel than Seymour. Pats are built differently than the Bills. Schoebel was on a defense that was pretty good, and he was a key part of it. I'd rather have Schobel than ogun because His production has been improving over a period of time - even when on bad defenses. Ogun is still an unknown - he had one good year.
  3. Actually, it isn't. Check out the rest of the thread, and note the signing bonus. Much lower. That means if we need to cut him, the remainder of the amortized bonus that would hit the cap is minimal compared to others. Not only that, the salary itself is probably backloaded, so when you look at the total amount of the contract, rather than the average per year, it's actually quite sane. It's a damn good deal for the Bills. Salary-cap friendly and pays decent RDE money to a ABOVE AVERAGE RDE. I don't know how you figure double-digit sacks as average.
  4. I don't agree with that article at all. The running game and passing game are so intertwined, it's hard to separate them. The guy pulls out a few stats to make himself feel better, but stats don't tell the whole story. Questions: He looks at yards per catch. To me, yards per catch is directly related to a strong running game because if you have a strong running game, the defense can't drop as many guys into coverage. Typically, I think that teams that force a defence to stack the line will fare better in the yards per catch area. Not only that, he's only statistically looking at yards per catch and yards per carry. Those are such small parts of the overall picture, it leaves his arguments open to question. Super Bowl winners over the past 10 years or so with "star" running backs: 1. St. Louis 2. Denver 3. Dallas 4. Baltimore Just to name a few. I don't think the guy has his head on straight.
  5. not to mention what they gave up for boston.
  6. Can't. Dammit! Gonna be in North Carolina helping my pop. He just had knee replacement surgery.
  7. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Jerry Sullivan. Drew has a good game last night, and he still has to talk about his "Fragile psyche" in his column. In one paragraph he takes a swipe at Donahoe, Bledsoe, AND Travis Brown. Jerry, you prick, looks to me that his psyche held up quite well dispite drafting a QB in the 1st round, didn't it? What a dink.
  8. She's got a little too much back for my liking. And she's not pretty, and looks like a skank ho. Anyway, please keep in mind that this is coming from someone who thinks JLo also has too much ass, and looks like a nasty tart.
  9. You mean you don't want to watch coverage of the RNC? I'm sure all the speakers will be interesting.
  10. About time you posted that! Now I can go home. Thanks! Great report.
  11. I didn't watch, but I just wanted to take a look at who here would admit to watching that dreck.
  12. ESPN Article on rule The article lists the Pittsburgh Steelers as a team that will benefit from the revised rule because of underneath routes/the system they use and the types of WRs that they have. Of course, any reporter worth his salt would figure out where the OC for the Steelers is this year, and prospect that Buffalo would benefit as well, but that would require research. With Moulds, speed with Evans, underneath stuff with Reed, and a good changeup in Shaw and some of the younger guys, I can't see how this won't help the Bills.
  13. I think Drew's point is that he IS concentratin on his own play and Travis helps him do that. I find zero fault in that statement. I also find zero fault in Donahoe & Mularkey keeping 4QBs on the roster. I don't think he has a choice. You want your future franchise to learn and participate in the team, so if you IR him you can't do that. Shane Matthews has zero experience in this offense, and has never been a stellar QB, let alone a good one. I repsect Donahoe for hedging his bets on this one. Additionally, I'll take Sam Wyche and Clements' opinion on Brown over about anyone's at this point.
  14. Well, I'm sure people understand what you are saying, but you really aren't drunk enough to be suggesting that we trade a 2nd round pick for Carter, ar you?
  15. My guess? Niel Odonell. Gotta have the tittsburght connection.
  16. I hate to tell everyone here this, but Bledsoe isn't the problem at all. He was clearly the best player on the field last night. Clearly. I watched the game, did anyone else? The problems were 1. McGahee can't hold the jock of Henry. 2. Right side of o-line looked horrible, 3. STs were so special they should be on the short bus. 4. Our run defense was piss poor. Starting QB is not the problem.
  17. This one is my fav: I'd like to be rolling around in the sand with those two!
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