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Everything posted by todd

  1. So he sucks because he has good players that came in as FA? Wow. Brilliant. Give me a friggin break.
  2. My initials are TV. Some kids bugged me about it, but I guess I turned out OK. TV is certainly not the same as PMS, though.
  3. A friend of mine strained his arch once. Said it wasn't right for over 6 months. It's a painful, slow-healing thing.
  4. Wood doors would be more authentic. The shifting of the panels depends on the way the door is manufactured and the humidity, temperature, etc. One of the beautiful things about real wood doors is something that people often consider a detriment - the differences in coloring you get when you have real wood.
  5. So .... what's that like? Anyone know?
  6. Oh, he does this once a year or so. This must be the 3rd or 4th time he's done it. Everything will work itself out. As much as he can be annoying, the guy lives for Buffalo Bills football. How bad can he be?
  7. Yeah, and culpepper didn't start REALLY kicking ass until he learned to stay in the pocket. Now look at him - he's amazing. Although, teams do have to play him differently because he's mobile. The mere threat of that is important. Drew doesn't have that.
  8. Whatever. You're a friggin homer. To me, win loss records count. Execution counts. What WR that Brady throws to is better than Moulds? Hmmm? What RB in those two SBs is as good as Henry or McGahee? None. I rest my case. I hate the SOB, but he's not overrated.
  9. That's certainly something I can agree with. He's a great QB, but there's nobody I'd rather se get pounded into the earth. I hate the fuggin pats.
  10. Come to think of it, I think their win-loss record over the past year is overrated, as well.
  11. I wish I was overrated enough to have 2 SB rings.
  12. This is one of the (many) reasons I am no longer a Catholic. Makes my convictions all the more solid, in both who I am voting for and also renouncing my Catholocism.
  13. Why don't you all get a clue and bring yourselves to the logical conclusion that Donahoe sucks. Everything is his fault. If McGahee is good and Henry is just OK, it's Donahoe's fault. If we have two good RBs, it's his fault. If draft pick edwards outplays fat sam, it's his fault. Friggin players. It was much easier when everyone sucked!
  14. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. My prediction is that we'll be giving Losman time to throw instead of Drew. He is either going to get hurt because he's been hit so much, or if we keep losing he's going to get benched so we can develop Losman.
  16. Haven't you ever watched "Rudy"?
  17. I see many of the same philosophies with the Bills. People get pissed that Buffalo does't often make a huge splash in FA, or have huge names at all positions. I think everyone can agree that having the biggest names is not important. Having a plan is. Redskins are an example of how NOT to run a team. They will continue to suck as long as they have an idiot impulsive owner. Of course, it is taking a while to pay off for us, but over the long term I don't think we'll see many of those huge purges that we saw during the Butler years and right after.
  18. Mike Florio is a flaming moron. Just try to prove me wrong.
  19. He's not on a team right now.
  20. Sorry VA, but it sounds like a load of BS to me. There's no news of that anywhere other than in this thread.
  21. So you're saying he's a horrible person?
  22. Chidi was always a strange dude.
  23. In my opinion, your job as a manager is to put people in position to succeed. Your job is to make their job easier - not the other way around. Not many people like interviewing. Not many people are good at it. Your job in the interview is to allow the person to convince you that they are good at what they do, qualified for the job, and you should hire them. Amazingly, some very talented people are not good at convincing people of this in an interview. An easy way to get to the meat of what someone can do in an interview is to lead someone down a path to a point where they can articulate the information you want to know. For example, instead of starting with a question like, "Tell me about a situation where you had to deal with a difficult person," you can start by asking them about the types of projects they worked on. When you know about a few projects, you can lead them to that question as you learn about their roles on the project. It's kind of like trying to get a girl to go home with you. You don't ask them to come home and get nekkid immediately, you need to finesse it a bit more.
  24. Cats and dogs, living together!
  25. bills can still sign him off their practice squad if they want.
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