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Everything posted by todd

  1. The Bible is full of stevestojan, too.
  2. I agree with you, but GWB took on the job as prez knowing he'd be ultimately responsible for the workings of the govermnet. So blaming pentagon burocracy is blaming Bush. He's the CIO of the country, and if there's anyone who would see that problems at the pentagon hurt our country, it would be him.
  3. Umm, who was on the bench behind him to replace him? Van Pelt? Ummm, no. Apparently, Donahoe KNEW there was a chance that drew wouldn't bounce back from last year, and therefore decided he needed a new QB. Quite shrewd if you ask me. Also quite shrewd to realize that if Bledsoe didn't do well this year, we'd be shot anyway so why not pick up a 1st rounder? It's quite easy to generalize after a bad game. Drew has played well on occasion. So to generalize uselessly about "not playing well over the last 32 games" is an exaggeration. Some might call it a falsehood. Others might call it a lie. Anyway, you again use a falsehood to support your point. If the "facts" that you base your opinions on are wrong, there's a good chance your opinions are as well.
  4. I think drew would have been pulled. Maybe he (losman) wouldn't be the starter, but after the way he's played in both Oakland and Baltimore I bet mularkey would have pulled him. The difference between replacing Henry with McGahee is that Henry wasn't as blatantly terrible like Bledsoe has been in those games. McGahee also wasn't really ready until after a few weeks into the season, anway. He still had to get his football legs back after over a year off, so it's generally not a fair comparison. I bet if Losman was healthy Drew would have been pulled at least in those bad games he's played. Maybe he wouldn't have been the starter from week to week, but Mularkey has clearly shown he's not afraid to bench players, which is completely opposite what Williams was like. For example: 1. Shaw. Cut. 2. Adams. Benched. 3. Henry. Benched. 4. Wire. Benched. 5. Williams - benched in preseason. So there's a nice trend of Mularkey not being afraid to make a move. Any suggestions otherwise are not based in reality.
  5. That's a complete falsehood. Facts refute that. If Donahoe was worried about that, he would never have Drafted McGahee. He would never have cut Shaw. He never would have let Gash go. Hell, he never would have drafted JP, for God's sake! He never would have fired Williams. Facts refute what you think.
  6. Jerry - is that you? Are you defending yourself? Self-fellation is a talent that only few are blessed with.
  7. Thank you. Sullivan used to call for Jimbo to be benched all the time, even when we were going to SBs. He's a prick. for anyone who finds joy in his loathing of the Buffalo organization :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: .
  8. Umm, yes you can. Here's his logic: everone sucks. Donahoe sucks. Mularkey sucks. Bledsoe sucks. I can argue with his logic. Donahoe doesn't suck, and mularkey doesn't suck. If you think that's the case, you might want to step away from the sauce. Why do you think Donahoe drafted McGahee? Hmm? Why do you think he drafted Losman? Hmmm? But of course all the idiots around here do is focus on the negative. But that's par for the course.
  9. Anyone can make a good point, especially if it's obvious. If I ever saw him I'd teach him how to smile with a toothless grin. Well, maybe not really, but punching the ass would bring me pleasure. Anyway, maybe there should be a note on all links to jerry sullivan articles that says "Warning: article written by prick"
  10. The guy was awfully silent last week after a win. This week, he can't contain his glee over a loss. Hey Sullivan - :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: - in the butt with a 2x4.
  11. Just you wait. As soon as Losman has a bad game, everyone will B word because he's not playing like Rothlesberger. Then he'll be called a bust, and Donahoe will be frankenstein's monster. Trust me.
  12. Oh really? Explain that, MY MAN.
  13. 1. Zero rushing TDs. 2. Penalties. 3. WRs with hands of stone. 4. Poor playcalling. 5. Crappy o-line. Don't misuderstand, Drew is a big part of the problem, but when Losman gets in there and we experience many of the same problems we have now, please don't start calling for his head like a lynch mob. A rookie QB isn't going to fix this atrocity. Temper your expections with a new QB. Patience.
  14. Brilliant! Of course, you ARE smarter than me. So what else would I expect?
  15. Oh really? Back it up. Go ahead. I want examples. If you're going to be an ass and call me out, you better damn well back it up. So do it.
  16. Now THAT'S the answer that I was looking for. When Drew gets benched, and he should, I hope when Losman stinks it up people don't start bitching to put drew back in. But I've been here long enough to know that people will. It's the problem with the football IQ, ya know?
  17. Brilliant! I've been had! Questions, mr. mensa, will drew fix the 0 rushing TDs that we have? Just wondering.
  18. Great post idiot. If you actually think that replacing one poor player on a teamfull of crappy players, I feel sorry for your offspring for inhereting your inferior DNA.
  19. So solly. I fexed it.
  20. I just want to gauge the IQ of the board.
  21. Kinda. But I can write it off.
  22. I've got a Dell XPS laptop. It screams. 3.4 ghz, 1 gig dual-channel ram. Fast as hell. I never use my desktop any more.
  23. Mmmmm. Yummy. I think Alyson Hannigan is beautiful in a geeky sort of way. I love geek girls.
  24. So he sucks because he has good players that came in as FA? Wow. Brilliant. Give me a friggin break.
  25. My initials are TV. Some kids bugged me about it, but I guess I turned out OK. TV is certainly not the same as PMS, though.
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