Umm, who was on the bench behind him to replace him? Van Pelt? Ummm, no.
Apparently, Donahoe KNEW there was a chance that drew wouldn't bounce back from last year, and therefore decided he needed a new QB. Quite shrewd if you ask me. Also quite shrewd to realize that if Bledsoe didn't do well this year, we'd be shot anyway so why not pick up a 1st rounder?
It's quite easy to generalize after a bad game. Drew has played well on occasion. So to generalize uselessly about "not playing well over the last 32 games" is an exaggeration. Some might call it a falsehood. Others might call it a lie. Anyway, you again use a falsehood to support your point. If the "facts" that you base your opinions on are wrong, there's a good chance your opinions are as well.