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Everything posted by todd

  1. Answers, both republican and democrat. Both are equally stupid: Democrat Stupidity: Easy. It's OK to kill a fetus, but it's not OK to kill a criminal. Republican Stupidity: Additionally, it's not OK to Kill a fetus, but it's OK to kill a human being if they are guilty of a crime.
  2. I'm incredibly pleased that the o-line hangs out together, especially with the QB there. That type of thing is what made the Bills great back in the day. Buffalo isn't like other football towns, and I'm glad to see these guys carrying on the tradition. I'm of the mind that much of what needs to get done with this offensive line can be accomplished over a beer, and not in a meeting room.
  3. Ummm, I don't know where your memory went, but Teague did a great job before he got hurt. He played very, very well.
  4. Oh, he's certainly not perfect (*cough* greggg williams *cough* drew bled*cough*), but I think he's admitted his mistakes by the moves he's made. He got rid of williams, and drafted a guy to replace Bledsoe.
  5. No disrespect, but I just don't see the ego thing with Donahoe.
  6. Well, it's your money. Stern himself has been talking about this for quite some time. You might want to do some research before buying stock on a whim. Learn from other people's mistakes. Are they profitable? Do they pay a dividend? How much debt do they have? What is their install base compared to their competition? Who else holds the stock in large numbers? If you can't answer these questions, you have no reason to buy the stock. To buy stock because howard stern is moving to them is idiotic.
  7. Do more research. Buying a stock because a radio personality is switching is not smart. Real market watchers knew about this months ago so the adjustment has been made. Look at mutual funds. Fool.com has some good information on rookie investors. Diversification is key, or if you have enough money a managed account. I'd suggest either educating yourself more or consulting a professional you can trust.
  8. You're on crack. The markets just LOVE high oil prices and corruption, don't they?
  9. I hate them both! I've actually made tha analogy before, and I think it's a darn good one.
  10. I told you he'd be back.
  11. I do know that it takes nearly 2 hours to get back to Rochester, peckersnot. And trick-or-treating starts around 6PM with the little kids. So 4 (game ends) + 2 (drive time) = 6 (when you get home). There - I did the math for you. That means that if people from Rochester want to be with their kids to do Haloween, the game is impossible. And I've been to many, many cold games, peckersnot. I've been sleeted on, rained on, snowed on, etc. However, I must say that 50 degrees and a constant stream of water in my face was unpleasant. You can B word at me for not having the desire to sit through Joe Burns and Shane Matthews running the offense in garbage time, but I saw fit to leave with 5 minutes left. And I don't blame anyone else who did. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  12. Hey Rudy: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: The stadium was packed at the beginning. And you have no idea how crappy the weather was. I do - I was there. On the Bills side the wind and rain was blowing right in our faces and dripping down the neck of our shirts and into our clothes. I was in waterproof snow gear, and I was cold and wet. Nice of you to B word while sitting warm and inside, you kitty. There were over 60K people there. Pretty good for playing a crappy non-divisional team like Arizona, and pretty good that many WNY people have family and opt to spend haloween taking their kids trick-or-treating. Piss off, dumbass.
  13. No - that's only if you intend on rebroadcasting or using it for any other non-personal reasons.
  14. Finally the guy is getting fired up. The difference is that he can't carry the team on his shoulders, even if he tries. A player like Favre or Manning could. Even Brunell could do that at some point. Bledsoe can't.
  15. Yeah, HBO late night is interesting. But who would play that much $$ for something like that?
  16. Teauge has actually been a bright spot on the line this year. He's been one of the best players. Why screw that up?
  17. Oakland this year. A very winnable game. We lost because drew was inaccurate that day. Poor judgement. If there was anyone who I wish could turn it around, it would be Drew. But 5 or 6 times a year he'll throw out a real clunker like he did on Sunday. 2 or 3 clunker games a year is OK - even an aging Favre does that, but Favre makes up for it by winning games by himself. Drew can't do that. Ugh. It's depressing to think about.
  18. He's not the only coach who does that. Actually, they've been doing it for years. All clubs do it. It's just a matter of communicating it, then having the talent to do something about it.
  19. Michael Moor is a disgusting excuse for a human being. He's a self-proclaimed socialist, yet takes $30K for a speaking engagement? What a bufoon. I can't stand the !@#$.
  20. Right. Of course it's not all Drew's fault. Only the retarded would think that, but there comes a time when your QB has to take the O on his shoulders and win a game for you. Drew can't do that.
  21. Watch the friggin games, man. I guess if you need someone to blame for the entire thing, do whatever makes you happy. Be my guest. how's this: IT"S ALL DONAHOE'S FAULT! Gee, what a brilliant statment. I don't subscribe to blanket statements. I subscribe to rational thought. But don't let that get in your way when seeking a scapegoat if it makes you feel good.
  22. Awww, did I get you riled up? You have your opinions, I have mine. If you'd like to insult me, that's fine. I think the ever-important bible says something about that, as well. Can you quote me a passage, preacher?
  23. Wow - someone's on a vendetta against me. Interesting. That's good and all, but our entire line doesn't suck. Teague has been playing well, Jennings is a good player, and chris vallerial is pretty damn good too. The entire friggin defense rocks, and our RB situation is damn good. So spin it how you want by making broad generalizations, but it turns out you're wrong. Do you think our ENTIRE offensive line sucks? Every last one of them? Do you think we should cut them all? Be honest.
  24. 1. Offensive Line. 2. Drew Bledsoe. Hmm. That's about it. We're rid of Gilbride, rid of Rob Johnson, and rid of Flug Doodie.
  25. Go with a pear in front of your privates and say "I'm fuggin dispair!"
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