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Posts posted by todd

  1. Why?


    1. His FA pickups stink. No production.

    2. His drafts have been horrible. No production.

    3. His UDFA pickups have been horrible. No production.

    4. He let too many of our old favorite players leave, sacrificing their production.

    5. He also can't pick a coach to save his life.


    I just thought you all might like a reminder.

  2. They're pretty good.

    Including the playoffs?  I think the team went 8-0 in them.  And Brady might've gotten some award for his performance in the last one.  It was a while ago, I can't really remember.

    The one where he entered with a lead and proceeded to try and throw the game away on countless occassions during the second half?  Nah, I think I won't throw that in if it's all the same to you.  To be honest, I'm trying erase that hidious performance from my memory.  Thanks for bringing it up. :)



    Is it that important for you to be a prick? Troll?


    Grow up. Don't that pats have a message board? It's one thing to be a fan of another team and contribute, but you don't do that.

  3. April in his post game press conference.  When Jason Peters was on the practice squad they lined him up in practice over the snapper and the Bills punt coverage team couldn't block him.  They knew they were going to send him on punt block if he was ever activated.


    Peters, Greer, Baker, Williams have all made plays this year-and all were UFA--amazing...this is how depth is built...



    Dude - don't you understand that Donahoe sucks? Sheesh, you'd that that you'd learn that after all the people preaching that for months here.

  4. I bet he parlays either Rivers or Brees into something..similar to TD parlaying Peerless.  Last year was on Bulters short watch.  I always thought we should have hired AJ, but Butler convinced him to go to SD, a team that will be competitive for years to come.



    You are delusional. San Diego gave up an incredible draft value just for one guy, and he's not even playing or a part of their success! What a waste! Do you really think anyone else would have done as well as Donahoe? Seriously, your benchmark for comparison - the Chargers - has suffered some very, very poor seasons and some horrible personnel moves. Do you realize how much they paid for Wiley - who completely sucks and isn't even on the team? Wow. Great evaluation there. And obviously they totally missed on evaluating Brees, because they wasted incredible value on his replacement.


    You have got to be insane to think that the Charger organization is in better shape than Buffalo's.

  5. Exactly....unitl we see improvement next year, it is hard to state the TD or MM are amazing.  I look at San Diego, and I see AJ Smith who could have been our GM.



    Give me a friggin break. Do you remember the #1 pick in the draft last year? Do you remember how they got it? By SUCKING! And the whole eli manning debacle? Do you realize how much they gave up just for that QB?


    Get real, steven. You are completely obsessed with ex-Bills.

  6. In the salary cap era, you can build a contender overnight - Belichick did it in New England, Vermeil did it in St. Louis, Schottenheimer is doing it in SD.  Donahoe has tried to do just that (adding Bledsoe, Spikes, Fletcher, Adams, Milloy) and whiffed.


    Every Bills fan had SB aspirations leading up to '03. 


    Donahoe... amazing.  :lol:





    You know nothing about the Bills. Really, you don't. In the salary cap era you CAN build a contender quickly. That's only if you have the cap space to do it. I'm not sure you remember what Buffalo's cap was like 3 years ago, but it was ugly. Did you know that Buffalo could hardly pay 52 players with the space they had? I'm sorry, Mr. Belecheck fellater, but nobody can build a team in that situation. It just isn't possible.


    So take your patsy bias and your obvious ignorance about facts and go somewhere where you can speak intelligently about a football team, because you certainly can't about Buffalo.

  7. Donahoe has been "amazing"??  :lol:


    I don't mean to piss on anyone's Corn Flakes, but are you kidding me?  8-8, 6-10, and 7-6 in the last 2.75 years?  Weren't their SB aspirations around there the last 2 years?


    You're riding a nice streak, but start beating good teams before going overboard.  This week, if the Bills get blown out, will you still feel that PrimaDonahoe has done an amazing job?



    Did you read my post, or are you just being an idiot?

  8. I've noticed it's dropped the last two days.  What are the reasons for this?  I know a few have stock in it here, just wondering.  I would assume it should be up and up and up with the recent good news they have had.



    Put it this way - if people are talking about it on a football message board, it's way past it's prime buying time. By the time knowledge of a good stock gets here, it's been overbought by everyone and it's too late to get involved.

  9. Todd....I agree :lol:


    Actually, do you think that Wiley is better than Denny or Kelsay?  Forget the cap number...who would you rather have?



    No - you can't forget cap number. Absolutely not. That's an essential part of the equation when evaluating a player.


    So - NOT forgetting the cap number the choice is obvious, and it sure as hell isn't Wiley.


    I find it interesting that the "What have you done for me lately" method of evaluation is applicable unless it comes to evaluating Buffalo's recent success.


    I'm sorry to tell you this Steven, but building a team is a PROCESS. I doesn't - and shouldn't - happen over night.


    First step was fixing the salary cap mess that was left. This was an imperative, as much as you deny it. Done with great success.


    Second, bring in good players through the draft and via FA. This step could not happen in paralell with step one, because without cap $$ you can't get FAs, and any moron knows that most draft picks take a couple years to contribute.


    Third, maintain a strong team utilizing the benefits of talent-based drafting and astute FA moves.


    It is easy to see that the first two steps could take two years at the least just to start. If you don't understand that, you & I will never agree. I know you like to compare to John Fox & Marvin Lewis, but you can't. Those teams were completely different due to salary cap situation.


    We are now in phase 3, thankfully. And we are finally starting to see the first two phases pay off. We can now draft the most talented player without being pressured by need (McGahee). We can afford veteran leaders that bring experience to a team (Vincent, Milloy, Adams, Moulds, etc.)


    Donahoe has done an amazing job as GM. Not just good, but amazing.

  10. The big improvment and bang for the buck comes from the fact that  the memory controller is built into the cpu as apposed to being on the mobo. Yes your right, no real 64 bit apps out there but the performance increase from the onboard memory controller is huge.



    But if disk i/o is a bottleneck, it still doesn't matter. I see your point, though.

  11. Just curious is anyone has tried the new AMD Athlon 64 Bit Processor?



    A guy here at work built a machine with one. I just don't see the bang for the buck yet. Applications aren't yet taking advantage of this.


    For my latest system I saved myself a few bucks and got an Athlon XP 3200 on an asus 87N8x-e deluxe mobo.


    Since the bottleneck is always the HD at this point, I got two of the 10,000 RPM WD sata drives and I'm setting them up in raid 0. I figure this will do more for me than any processor upgrade would. I/O at the HDD is always a key point in a system. There's a reason servers all have SCSI drives.

  12. Look at teams such as Carolina and Cincy....both had good to great years last season, both are marginal this season.  I think Mularkey is doing a great job, and I believe TD hit this one correctly.  Though I am leary that this team can sustain the momentum over the off season, and furthermore, I think TD will have some tough decisions this off season.  If I was Ralph (and maybe he knows more about football  than I, but I considre myself pretty astute), I would wait till 4 games into next season before extending TD contract.



    Tough decisions? Like what? We aren't in cap jail any more, so there are no cuts we need to make just to remain solvent. It sure is nice to say that, isn't it?

  13. I think the Bills are finally playing well, but Ralph is getting senile to say that TD has this job as long as he wants it.  Let's say the Bills finish 9-7, a great comeback from 1-5, but still no playoffs.  I think I would want to see how he does next season, make sure that the Bills are competitive from the start of the season.  Another 1-5 start would doom him in my eyes.  He has to prove consistency.



    Steven - your loathing for Donahoe has clouded your judgement. And I'd say Ralph is not senile, and knows quite a bit more about football than you do.


    Consistency? Any time a 1st year coach finishes above .500 is a pretty good feat. It looks like we'll do that this year. It's time you give credit where credit is due.

  14. We are one (1) game over .500 for the first time this season and end up the

    season over .500 for the first time in TD's tenure and we are talking contract



    I would be ok with this except for his sub-par draft days.



    Donahoe has drafted DAMN well. No friggin GM hits on every single player. It just doesn't happen. Sure, you want everyone to pan out, but it's impossible. Not only that, if you hit on every draft, your newer players are forcing out older ones that you drafted so statistically it's impossible to judge a draft only by how many players remain on your roster.


    I think TD is one of the best on draft day in the NFL. I submit to you:

    1. Evans - contributes right off.

    2. McGee - great pickup. Gonna go to the pro-Bowl.

    3. Henry - we got a few years of great production which is wonderful for a 2nd round RB. Additionally, we'll most likely get that pick back because ...

    4. McGahee - how can you not like this pick?

    5. Clements - great player.

    6. Wire - ST demon. Worth his draft position.

    7. Jennings.

    8. Schobel.


    I'm sorry dude, but Donahoe has done a great job drafting. That's a fact.

  15. I have a site in the works and need a reliable cheap host. The site is mostly informational, but I hope to process CC transactions in the future. It does need to support document (mostly pdf) and some video downloads.


    I registered my domains at godaddy and was looking at their medium plan:




    A web designer friend recommended this host:




    I would appreciate any input from those with experience or expertise. Thank you.



    I use oneworldhosting.com and readyhosting.com. I've also used pair.com. I'd stay away from readyhosting.com, but I like pair.com and oneworldhosting.com.

  16. I know it is hard to let go of Travis Henry, but did this guy make an impression on anyone else?  He is really explosive and plays to the whistle.  I know size has GOT to be a concern, but the guy could be a nice back up. 


    Could that pave the way for a Travis Henry trade? 




    No, not at all. Williams went down after first contact every time. Henry breaks tackles. Not like McGahee, but he still breaks tackles. Williams just doesn't have the weight to do so.

  17. 1) 2nd round (picked up in trade for Henry)- Erasmus James DE Wisconsin

    2) 2nd round (32nd  ;) )- CJ Brooks OG Maryland

    3) 3rd round - Mike Nugent K Ohio State (yes I think he is worth a 3rd rounder)

    3) 4th round - Maurice Clarett (Henry is gone, I think his negative hype is unfounded)

    4) 5th round - Diamond Ferri S Syracuse you gotta love the big game against BC!

    5) 6th round - Chauncey Stovall WR Florida State- I love the tough YAC this guy gets

    6) 7th round - Jason White QB Oklahoma, hey he just might fall this far, Can our retread Mathews and sign another young guy as our 3rd



    Dude- you really need to enjoy the present. I'm sorry that Drew's success and winning streak have upset you, but enjoy it.

  18. turtle-neck, with no jacket!


    At the Arizona game, I sat in the first row behind him. He wore a short-sleeved shirt....again, no coat. Remember the nasty weather?


    I know little to nothing about his coaching abilities, but this man sets an example. This man is as tough a human being as I have ever seen in football. Imo, he is playing a major role in making the Buffalo Bills football team a group of tough guys. He is also becoming something of a cult hero, at least from where I sit.


    GO TK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    We must have been sitting next to you without even knowing it.

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