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Everything posted by todd

  1. Dear God, I know we don't talk much these days, and I'm sorry for all the stuff I've done which might have pissed you off. Like all that premarital sex (not nearly enough, IMHO), and the times I've abused my body with alcohol and garbage plates, and all the times I've taken your name(s) in vain, and all the naughty thoughts about thousands of girls - sometimes more than one at a time, and for wishing bad things to happen to people I don't like, and the dirty tricks I've played on people, and the time I cheated on that test, and the time I lied about speeding to the judge, and all the bad stuff I think about organized religion (I'm not sure you'd be mad about that, though), and the times I've lied to girls just to see them nekkid, and anything else you can think of I did wrong. For all of that I'm truly sorry. And all I ask is that you please, please, please, please, have the Jets or the Broncos lose this weekend. And the Bills win. Please? It's been a long time since I cared about the playoffs, and despite all of the sins I've been pretty good. Please? Thanks, God. I appreciate it. Amen.
  2. Yeah. It was my vid card overheating. A little cable was touching the cooling fan on my ATI 9800 Pro AIW and slowing it down ever so slightly. It would overheat and the system would lock. As soon as I figured that out everything worked great! The 10000 RPM SATA drive is amazing. I notice a difference with disk I/O like you wouldn't believe. I'm impressed.
  3. Let's get a pool together so to buy you tickets to both New Jersey and Denver. Then we can have you spit on all the players for Denver and the Jets, thereby giving them whatever you have.
  4. Actually, GW did it last year and it worked.
  5. Well, Bellyache also got fired from that same team. I'm not worried about Saban. Hell, Gregggg Williams was the D-coordinator for a great defense in Tenny and we all know what happened there. I wouldn't get too anxious about it. I don't care how often he talks to BB. He's NOT BB. And the NFL is a different game, especially with GM responsibilities. It will be a good long time before Saban does anything with Miami, if he does at all.
  6. Jeez, we should have a dumbass test before we let opposing team's fans in here. I have a feeling you wouldn't have made the cut. Hey Mr. Mensa - I was complimenting your TEAM, not trashing your QB!
  7. That's the thing. Who cares if Ben is exposed. The important thing to realize is that Ben isn't the reason the team is winning! The Steelers as a TEAM are winning, Ben or not. You can rattle Ben and still get beat by the Steelers. It also bothers me that Pittsburgh fans are acting like Ben is the second coming. Well, he's not. He's a very good QB on a very good team with a great defense.
  8. I have to disagree that the AFC E just got more difficult. There's a huge difference between the situations that Belechek and Saban are now in. First, Belecheck has a GM who is good. Saban is going to be his own GM. This is a huge mistake, and it's too much for a coach to handle. It's NEVER worked out. I was worried about Saban being coach of Miami until I heard this. Miami will be the doormat of the AFC E for the next few years. Even if Saban is a good coach, we only play them 2X a year, and any team that can beat our other competitors is huge. The Bills suffer because every other team beats Miami, unless it's a fluke. Imagine if the Jets lost to Miami once! WE'd be in! Thirdly, Saban hasn't done jack in the NFL. He hasn't managed a draft, and dealing with multimillionaire players is different than dealing with college kids. Just ask Spurrier, Butch Davis, or Dennis Erickson. I'm not worried about Saban just because Belecheck thinks he's good. Screw Belecheck, and screw Saban.
  9. I recently had an e-mail exchange with him. He called me an idiot for contesting his assertion that the Bills suck. When I asked him if the wins against teams with winning records counted more because the wins against teams with losing records counted less, he called me an idiot. Who is this "Humpty" person, anyway?
  10. It's not on because you are a horrible person.
  11. Ouch, that looks as painful as Chairman Mao in a commodities market!
  12. I'll start: "One day when I was chillin in Kentucky Fried Chicken ..." Everybody now! A little Run DMC sing along!
  13. For all who care, I figured it out. I have a new vid card that I installed on the mobo in the process of building the machine. ATI Raedon all-in-wonder 9800 Pro. Anyway, there's a cooling fan on it, and there was a wire hitting the center part of the fan and slowing it down. The card would overheat because it was getting too hot - the fan wasn't spinning fast enough. That's why the SATA drive wouldn't format, and all kinds of odd stuff would happen during install. As soon as I fixed that, everything was great! I highly recommend the 10,000 RPM SATA drives. Screaming fast.
  14. I've got a dell XPS right now and it rocks. I wish I could afford the vid card upgrade to the 9800 - I bought it when the 9700 was standard.
  15. Yes, the Bills have beaten bad teams, but they should. The true test is how they beat them. Good teams should kick the crap out of bad teams. We have done that. So I don't want to hear the BS about Buffalo playing bad teams. We've won convincingly in every game we should have in the last 3/4 of the season. Also, I'd like to remind everyone that Donahoe sucks.
  16. I loved legos and loved to build models. I got a slot car track and a science experiment kit once. That was awesome. One year I got a radio you could build yourself. That was really cool. God, I'm a friggin geek.
  17. 112K miles! Dude, that's awesome! That's a good amount of milage for a truck, so chances are it could be something pretty bad. You may have to cut your losses and get a new truck. Count your blessings that the thing lasted as long as it did, because that's awesome.
  18. Jingrle behrs, Jingrle behrs. Awesome movie! My father in law is in tears every time he sees that because he remembers so much about being a kid in those years. I enjoy him laughing as much as I enjoy the movie itself.
  19. Update: Tried formatting a regular IDE drive. Only got through 30% - just like my SATA drive. I figure something is overheating and stopping it. Odd stuff.
  20. I think the 10000 RPM ones are. That's what I have. I have a new PS with native SATA support. As far as speed goes, I'm expecting it will be faster since the HD I/O is the biggest bottleneck at this point for most systems.
  21. A7N8X-E Deluxe
  22. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Nothing more frustrating than new geek stuff that won't work.
  23. I have a new ASUS board - and it won't recognize my new SATA drive. There's an option on the board to do a low level format through the RAID controller, but it only gets about 10% through then stops. Any ideas?
  24. I use IMAP. I do so because I'm on a couple of computers where I need access to all my e-mail. IMAP does a pretty good job of that, while still being able to organize my e-mail into folders and have them accessible anywhere. Works great with Thunderbird! The important thing is to archive. I archive my old e-mail that I still need to keep to DVDs. I have a couple gigs worth in about 8 months between both work and personal e-mail.
  25. I love cats. I can't eat a whole one, though.
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