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Posts posted by todd

  1. Yes, the Bills have beaten bad teams, but they should. The true test is how they beat them. Good teams should kick the crap out of bad teams. We have done that. So I don't want to hear the BS about Buffalo playing bad teams. We've won convincingly in every game we should have in the last 3/4 of the season.


    Also, I'd like to remind everyone that Donahoe sucks.

  2. 112K miles! Dude, that's awesome!


    That's a good amount of milage for a truck, so chances are it could be something pretty bad. You may have to cut your losses and get a new truck. Count your blessings that the thing lasted as long as it did, because that's awesome.

  3. Todd, are the SATA drives that much faster than the ATA drives? I'm thinking about jumping to one of them (upgrade fever). Do you have a power supply that is SATA ready or do you have the adapter cable?

    Just curious........ :P



    I think the 10000 RPM ones are. That's what I have. I have a new PS with native SATA support.


    As far as speed goes, I'm expecting it will be faster since the HD I/O is the biggest bottleneck at this point for most systems.

  4. I'm considering installing an IMAP server, but not sure how useful it is.  I've read the differences, but do any of you use IMAP over POP?



    I use IMAP. I do so because I'm on a couple of computers where I need access to all my e-mail. IMAP does a pretty good job of that, while still being able to organize my e-mail into folders and have them accessible anywhere. Works great with Thunderbird!


    The important thing is to archive. I archive my old e-mail that I still need to keep to DVDs. I have a couple gigs worth in about 8 months between both work and personal e-mail.

  5. Holy cow! Exclamation points!


    I for one, sat here and slammed TD whne he grabbed a HC who had NO previous head coaching experience!


    I thought for sure that we were headed down a long painfull road with Mularkey when we went 0 and whatever. How wrong I was!


    Mularkey, has in fact, forced the Bills to act like champions and actually play EACH AND EVERY game like we still will be in the SB!


    That is EXACTLY what we have needed for a decade now!


    It takes a big man to admit whne hes wrong, I guess that man is me!


  6. Oh my gosh! Overuse of the exclamation point!


    Yeah man, going to the playoffs really sucks. It's horrible.




    Kurt Warner, set to make 5. something mil next season WITHOUT the bonus. Marc Bulger, set to make 5. something mil next season WITHOUT the bonus.


    Fact is Drew has a VERY good leg to stand on if he argues that, "even an average QB makes what he makes!".


    TD will obviously check the pay for other QB's at his level of performance and see that Drew is getting paid what other AVERAGE QB's are!


    That does not bode well for anyone who thinks we ae headed towards a Indy Colts Trifecta in Evans/McGahee/Losman combo!


    Especially with the run for the playoffs.


    I for one say that if our AVERAGE QB lays a big fat egg against a playoff team and we lose, that QB is sent straight to the bench! No upside at this point, alot of money tied up, getting up there in age, and a rookie 1st round QB waiting in the wings? Sorry Drew, ride the pine!


    But with his pay being average as compared to other average QB's and the fact that our squad, "almost made it", in a clouded GM's mind, and we are set for more painfully obvious mediocre play from one 6 foot 5 statue next year!


  7. Does anyone disagree with me when I say Bledsoe sucks?  He constantly under throws his backs and receivers.  McGahee’s injury is a direct result of a terribly under thrown ball by Bledsoe! 


    Review the tapes and count how many times Bledsoe has been short or behind the intended receiver. 


    Hindsight being 20/20, the last five games would have been an excellent opportunity to get J.P. some real game experience by starting him.  I highly doubt he would have had worse numbers than Drew Barymore errr Bledsoe.




  8. Yeah but all those good UFA finds just shows what lousy drafters and free agent signers TD and Modrak are because every pick and signing should be an all-pro or you suck.



    Totally agree. Either you hit on 100% of your picks or you blow. You should be drafting so well that you don't need to sign any vet FAs!

  9. I've been saying he's been very good since he got here. Just ask Steven in MD.


    I now join in the accolades for Donahoe, but I am amazed at the amount of "I told you so" type posts. I was very, very down on him through last year and after an o and 4 start  posted as such. I am curious how many people (and I am not pointing fingers) supported him through last year and up until recently. If you thought he was wonderful all this time, great... keep posting about how wrong everyone else was. But I find it hard to believe that everyone making the condensending comments didn't question his abilities at one time.

    I am very pleased that he is in charge of our team, but feel anyone that questioned him was right to doubt him through the Williams fiasco... which ultimately hurt our team for years.


  10. In the 4th round of the 2003 draft, out of Northwestern State... Terrence McGee..


    If anyone thinks TD doesn't know his job, and know it well, you're crazy...


    Way to go McGee - PROBOWL! and well deserved...



    Dude - don't you know that TD sucks?


    1. He can't draft players that produce results or develop.

    2. His free agents don't produce.

    3. His UDFAs are worthless!

    4. The current coaching staff sucks.


    I can't understand why people keep sending him love!



  11. Awesome report. Thanks for the insight. I was looking for youse guys on the camera. You should have taken your shirt off. :lol:


    OK, 3 words. :)


    Anyway.  Woke up to very few degrees and very gusty winds.  Felt just like Buffalo.  We had breakfast at the hotel and heard about various groups evening events - a certain assistant coach treating Bills fans in the bar etc etc.


    Tailgate was awesome.  Cold and snowy, but awesome.  The skies cleared at about noon and it was downright sunny, as you saw.  But it was damn brisk.  A very nice stadium.  All above ground - I'm glad we didn't have upper deck seats.


    Our seats were in the corner  on the sunny side, so you might have seen us on TV - our end zone was the one Peters blocked/scored in.


    Bengals fans were very pleasant.  Actually had some decent football conversations.  But the best part was having their comments go from "Our offense is on a roll - we're gonna kick you guys" and "Kitna is the best backup in the league" to such gems as "I'd rather watch man-on-man sex than watch any more of this game" or "This is the worst game I've ever been to" or calling Kitna Stevestojan-na.


    I told Lori, who was at her first ever road game, that we'd own that stadium by the 4th quarter, and that we did.


    I'm sure you've all been dissecting the game so I won't get into that - just thought you'd like a feeling of what it was like to be there.


    Big thanks go to udonkey for organizing all the activities.


  12. Reminder not needed.  His crafted offense that fumbled 5 times, greatfully only losing 1, went 3 for 13 on 3rd downs, was 1 of 5 in the red zone, and had 1 play longer than 16 yards against a club minus 5 starters and 13 players on IR doesn't impress.


    I wiil not forgive the cur that hired GW/KG.



    Totally right, man! I don't care if fumbling averages go up when the temperature is cold. It's donahoe's fault! Thank God we had someone else to build the defensive and ST side of the game to rescue us. I can't imagine our luck and good fortune that we squeaked out a win there. Being lucky enough to win 5 in a row is something that's inexplainable given how much the team Donahoe built sucks!

  13. Let's finish out the top 10...


    6. He still hasn't produced a winning season in 4 years at the helm.

    7. He turned on WNY quicker than the fans did on him.

    8. Not all the Draft and FA pickups were brilliant moves... Eddie Robinson, Oliver Gibson, Ryan Denny

    9. His Bills teams have never won a playoff game.

    10. His penchant for Offensive Tackles could be considered a fettish by some.


    Whereas you might wish to continue to flagellate him in public for his shortcomings, I will forgive and forget for items 1 - 9.

    It's #10 that I'm still puzzled by though.  :D


    Regardless, winning is the balm that cures all, and the recent success has anesthetized most of his critics (myself included) to the painful memories of his first 3 1/4 years. In fact most seem to have a case of amnesia that will only be "cured" should the Bills (GOD FORBID!) suffer a narrow miss of the playoffs.


    Here's wishing Mr. Donnaho's Bills the ultimate success this year, that the bubble never bursts, and Whitey gets his just deserts.


    PS - is it still ok to hate GW and DillBride - or is that out of fashion now too?



    Dude - you are so right! Compared to the rest of the NFL GMs he friggin blows! Most other GMs never pick a FA that doesn't pan out. Oh, and don't get me started on his trades. HORRIBLE! Every GM should be able to turn a team around in one year. No EXCUSES!

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