I love most kinds of music, if done well and the songs are crafted well. However, the one album that stands out to me right now is Five Leaves Left by Nick Drake.
What a friggin waste. Another European failure, just like the Concorde. It's going to be too expensive to run unless they have the thing 3/4 full. And do you think that will happen?
The airline industry is all about flexibility of scheduling and cost. Very rarely is it about luxury or pure size.
I'm enjoying the book. If you are looking for scores and stuff, buy a stats book. This book is all Marv, and what you are getting is anecdotes and personality. I love it.
Yeah, Vincent, Milloy, Fletcher, Spikes all friggin suck. I'd rather have Flowers, Newman, an overpriced Winfield, etc.
Yeah, and we shouldn't have let Cotrell go - Jerry Gray friggin blows.
Yes. Communitcate lots via e-mail. Save them. All of them. Print them out.
It happened to me before, and I stayed above it all - not playing her game - then when the perfect opportunity presented itself all I had to do was be honest and truthful and she looked bad. She ended up being asked to resign.
Finally, I've decided to work for small companies only. Screw the giants.
My wife and I just bought one at Best Buy for $35 - a $10 mail-in rebate.
It's not fancy, but it does everything we need for our upstairs TV. It plays DVDs, DVD-Rs, CDs, CDRs and VCDs. It has component and s-video out, along with standard RCA.
If it breaks in a year and a half, who cares? We'll buy another one for $25.
As far as I know, he's a FA. And Willis needs a vet to learn from. Smith can't carry the load for a full year, but I think he'd be a good backup, along with another big young RB. Shaud Williams is OK, but he's not going to do well in a power running game. Neither is Joe Burns.
Nobody has a heck of a lot of time to throw the damn ball! Even Manning is hurried sometimes. It's when you DO have time to throw the ball that counts. You've got to make the best of it, and Drew doesn't.
IMHO, "Drew is still a ver, very good (backup) quarterback in this league."
That's not to say he lost the game for us, because he didn't. He didn't win it for us, either. And we need a QB who can do that when the special teams and defense are not playing up to standards.
Hell, luck? You're lucky. You get a vacation while your new job starts. Now *THAT'S* luck. The worst part about not having a job is not knowing when you have a next one. Take it from me. I know first hand.
Sounds like a Garbage Plate is in order. I'm buying. Just tell me when.