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Everything posted by todd

  1. Can someone explain the appeal of NASCAR? To me it is equivalent of wrestling when it comes to being a "sport". And is sure as hell isn't interesting in the least. Someone tell my why I should be interested in NASCAR. I just don't get it, but am willing to listen.
  2. Right here, baby. He signed a rookie contract that was slotted per position and there is littel wiggle room in that. I challenge you to find an argument as to how rookie contracts could be changed. Go ahead. Give it your best shot.
  3. Dumbest post of the week!
  4. I like soccer for the same reason I don't like hockey.
  5. I had an e-mail exchange with him once. He needs happy pills. He also is an idiot with an IQ of a slug. In our exchange I made him look like an idiot, but he still didn't see it. He really needs psychological help.
  6. We damn well better go to the playoffs. I expect nothing less, and I'm not going to be too patient with Losman, nor make excuses for him. If he's capable of playing better than Drew, which is why he is starting, and last year we were one or two plays away from the playoffs, then we should go to the playoffs. I've had it with missing the playoffs. No excuses. Playoffs or heads roll.
  7. I listened to the whole thing, and didn't hear him throw a barb at JP.
  8. I don't think your list of 10 items is the democratic platform, in the same way that a statement like "SCREW THE POOR!" or "TO HELL WITH THE ENVIRONMENT!" are part of the republican platform. Anyway, banning smoking in bars is one of the best things that has happened to NYS in the past decade. :-)
  9. We'll have to bring someone else in. We need bodies at the very least.
  10. Prevert.
  11. Agreed. LE looked good as a rookie, and WM looked phenominal in his first year. We'll see what happens. He sure should. I'm not sure I like a starter who has only thrown 5 passes in the NFL, but I expect nothing less than the playoffs. Period.
  12. 1988 Fender Custom Strat 1992 Fender Stratocaster (American) modded with Dunlop pickups 1993 Fender Super Amp - 4 x 10" speakers. All tube. Early 70s Guild D25M Accoustic 1983 Ibanez Tube Screamer Other various electronic toys.
  13. Ah, Steven, you always seem to come from under your rock whenever the opportunity to criticize the current administration arises. The fact remains that TD has done a stupendous job here in Buffalo. I challenge you to find someone who has done better given the shape this team was in when Butler left.
  14. Nope, not me. 5-11 and 6-10 are not acceptable, especially when we have a QB currently under contract who has proven he can do better than that. The excuses are starting this soon? Playoffs is only goal, and a change in QB shouldn't change that. Screw the learning curve, we need the playoffs. If Buffalo can't make the playoffs with JP, he shouldn't friggin play.
  15. doug flutie or lonnie johnson.
  16. We watched it while on vacation in Mexico last week. It was AWESOME! Much better than Empire even.
  17. Oh really? Wow. The crusade continues!
  18. I've gotta say that your crusade about this topic is one for the ages.
  19. And he actually SANG LIVE!
  20. Don't ever disrespect the talented Paul McCartney by thinking GNR is in the same league. GNR blows.
  21. I graduated in 1990.
  22. LOTR by far. Lucas was probably shaking in a corner watching those because he finally realized how a REAL trilogy should be done. I'm a huge SW fan, but Jedi was a complete POS. Ewoks sucked, and the story blew. Wow, another death star? How creative! Additionally, Lucas got much of his general theme from LOTR.
  23. Dude - not true. I love Indiana Jones, but the Temple of Doom was one of the worst POS movies of all time.
  24. Ugh. I still don't understand how getting THAT drunk is fun.
  25. I bet they start taxing people that don't pick up their dog poop. I bet taxing plastic bags will create a huge problem with dog poop on their streets.
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