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Posts posted by todd

  1. I've gotta say that your crusade about this topic is one for the ages.


    NFL Network reported John Abraham got the franchise tag and guess who's "lowlights" they used to show Abraham? You got it, Drew Bleedslow.


    I seriously think that Drew is used on about 75% of other teams defensive highlight reels. To me, that really says something.


    I dont claim that whoever is our QB next year wont make some other teams D highlights.


    It just would be nice to see some OTHER face at this point.


  2. LOTR by far. Lucas was probably shaking in a corner watching those because he finally realized how a REAL trilogy should be done.


    I'm a huge SW fan, but Jedi was a complete POS. Ewoks sucked, and the story blew. Wow, another death star? How creative!


    Additionally, Lucas got much of his general theme from LOTR.

  3. I bet they start taxing people that don't pick up their dog poop. I bet taxing plastic bags will create a huge problem with dog poop on their streets.



    Per the linked article the City of San Francisco has set a fine example for all of us.  According to their estimates they are about to tax plastic bags  at grocery stores 17 cents each.  This is only three times what it costs the city on a per bag basis.  A bargain right there.


    As a bonus, even though paper bags don't cost the city anything, they have decided to tax those too, just to be fair. 


    Plastic molecules of the world unite in support of San Fran's anti-discriminatory stance.


    I also like the part about the deep concern environmentalists have found for machinery.  Whoda thunk it?


    Poor plastic


  4. I have yet to see how this is legal. How the hell can you fire someone who is stupid enough to smoke? It doesn't make sense, unless someone signs a contract WHEN THEY ARE HIRED indicating that they won't smoke.


    I think smoking is stupid, and everyone who smokes should quit. I also think the ill effects of smoking causes everyone's insurance costs to go up. But I don't see how this is fair for people who allready worked at this place.


    On the other hand, a company should be able to hire and fire whoever they want,. especially if it enables them to remain competitive. That's freedom for you. I like freedom.



    *My bad, I should have put an OT on this.


    The firm wants to save some dough on health care.




    I have long thought that non-smokers were better employees -- yes, of course, with many exceptions.


    Think about this -- those who smoke need extra "smoke breaks," which obviously cuts down on the time they are actually working. If they don't get the breaks, they get “nic fits” and are short-fused with fellow employees and customers.


    Hey, I smoked for about five years. I am only speaking from first hand experience and observations. I am sure there are many of you out there who smoke and are great employees, but if I owned my own company, I would do what I could to keep smokers off my payroll.


    *My bad, I should have put an OT on this.


  5. I keep flashing back to Warner, just a few years ago, league MVP, unbelievable stats, great field vision, arm strength.....he thinks he's got a lot left.


    He is motivated,  Drew has been motivated, but never really got r done.


    Any thoughts on such a nonsensical concept?



    Are you insane? Really, this is a really bad idea.

  6. Since music threads are, apprently, allowed.....were there any fans of The Clash, The Dammed, etc. in Western NY around 1980??? How aboyt Morrissey, The Cure, The Smiths, etc.???



    Well, yeah. The smiths, cure, morrisey, etc didn't really come around until the early 80s, but in high school I knew lots of people who into those bands.

  7. The Zen is still a good product, don't get me wrong.


    I didnt really want the 20gigs todd for what im using it for. Im probably alone on this but I dont really like the circle button to control the interface on the ipod. I bought a IPOD for my niece for xmas last year and I pre loaded some songs on it and it worked fine but that button drove me crazy. I know most love it but I couldnt get it to work for me. Thats another reason I didnt buy one of those.


  8. 1) How did I forget that one??


    2) Does it beat out "Planet of Sound"?  Tough call.


    Also, all the Wesley talk reminds me of another good one:  "Wesley Walker" by Heavy Vegetable.  Check it out.



    I think UMASS has a stronger groove. Planet of Sound is all in your face, which is also good. Tough call is right.


    I feel bad for people who haven't had the luxury of being exposed to music that isn't played on the radio. I'm convinced that the reason people are so obsessed with the same groups is that they just haven't heard much else.

  9. I would like the guy's talent on our team, however you shouldn't mention Abraham and Smith in the same paragraph.


    I, and many others are thinking that TD is playing the tight wad game with his vets to get enough cash to grab a superstar. I still think its most likely a LT, but it could be the best damn DE in the league IMO, John Abraham.


    Heres Lenny P's take on the situation:


    Word is that Jets officials, soured now on Abraham, might indeed allow him to escape as an unrestricted free agent in two months. Earlier, the team had indicated it intended to retain him for at least one more season by designating him a "franchise" player, a marker that carries a qualifying offer of at least $6.503 million. But in the wake of the public relations disaster with Abraham, and some hard feelings inside the locker room and the executive offices about his attitude, there have been reports New York might instead use the "franchise" label to keep tailback LaMont Jordan, a guy who continues to make big plays when he is on the field. Jordan was the subject of the sideline tiff last week between Herm Edwards and running backs coach Bishop Harris. It seems Edwards, who all but ignored Jordan the first three years of his career, despite annual promises of enhanced playing time, suddenly has fallen in love with the reserve back and wants him to get more snaps. It's difficult to conceive, though, that the Jets would budget at least $5.16 million, the cost of the "franchise" tag for a tailback, on a backup. Starter Curtis Martin, even at age 31, is coming off a career year. Sure, the tailback position is one where a player could lose a critical step very quickly. But spending $5 million on a backup, even if the gambit is made with an eye toward retaining his rights to trade him, is a big swallow. And it's one that, rumors aside, the Jets probably won't make.

    Anybody else stoked over the thought of our next Bruce Smith?


  10. do you take everything TD says at face value? yea, and i'm the fool.......haha


    it was TD's excuse because he didn't want to commit the long-term bucks to kendall.......he made a mistake as kendall obviously would have been a good sign.......



    You keep harping on this Kendall guy, yet that is ONE example. There are many more examples of where TD made good moves. It's time you buck up and give more examples of TD being a tightwad.

  11. Not true. Donahoe has spent lots of money on good players. Moulds, Takeo, Fletcher, etc. Saying that he is cheap is just silly. It's beyong being wrong, it's just silly.


    well that is a huge blunder on TD's part, no?


    obviously he would have helped the team.......obviously we had a need there........obviously it would have been a solid move.......so if it wasn't about money, why didn't he get him in here? attitude? he didn't seem to cause any problems in NY, so i guess TD misjudged that as well........


    i think it was about money, plain and simple........TD didn't want to pay the bucks and wanted to get by with "bargain bin " talent......jets, on the other hand, weren't afraid to spend and reaped the rewards (i.e. playoffs).......


    it's amazing how people will defend EVERYTHING donahoe does......i like the guy, he's a good GM, but he's not perfect, and in this case he screwed up.......he over-estimated our OL, and we paid for it........another solid guard and we are in the playoffs, but TD miscalculated..........


    it's okay to admit it - it doesn't make you a "bad" bills fan to call out the GM for a bad move......but hey, if you want to be a sheep, be my guest........


  12. I like this kind of talk from TD. Anyone can see DB's play against Pittsburgh cost him his job with the Bills. Donahoe wanted to win that game more than anything. It was the Bills biggest game since he has been here, since Bledsoe has been here and the Bills choked. Bledsoe was brutal. Good-Bye and Good riddance. It's time for greatness with a trio of Losman-McGahee-Evans leading the offense.



    Yeah, Bledsoe was brutal, but so was the rest of the team. I expect more heads will roll than just Bledsoe. Bledsoe didn't step up when the rest of the team needed him most. We need a QB who will do that.

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