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Posts posted by todd

  1. I don't like seeing this. Whenever Pat was out of the lineup, we were ran on. I'm actually more disappointed in Pat than TD/Bills. He wants 5 million per year?! at his age? While his buddy Sam, who is better and more versatile, is getting paid 2 per?





    I'd like to look at the formations we were in when we were run on. My guess is both Pat and Sam were out when we were run on.


    I think our defense is flexible enough to absorb the loss of Williams, although I think it would hurt a bit. With Sam under contract, we have the option of running more of the 3-4 sets we ran a bit last year with Posey rushing the passer like he did in Houston. We've got the skill at linebacker and safety to do it for sure.

  2. Bob Villa knows a good garbage plate when he sees one and it doesn't come from Nick Tahous...Unless you like the idea of getting shot or impaled with plastic knives. 


    For garbage plates you must check out Mark's Texas Hots on Monroe Ave.  The place is a zoo after the bars close. 



    Are you insane? There's only one place to get a garbage plate, and that's the place that invented them. There's only one plate, and that's at Nicks.

  3. Ah, yes.  The legendary garbage plate at Nick Tahou's.  Now I'm going to find out what all you people have been talking about.  Thanks Todd, I'm putting that down as a must-do.



    Actually, if you want to go our the East/Alexander area is pretty hoppin. It's taken away much of the popularity of the Monroe Ave area.

  4. Oh man, that guy was nuts! I used to love watching that loon.


    Obscure celebrity, but celeb nonetheless...




    I remember catching his ramblings at times late at night.  Back in the day when the TV had a separate UHF dial, and there's was a difference between UHF and VHF....


    Not your everyday televangelist, that's for sure... RIP, Dr. Scott.


  5. Dumbest post of the week!


    Not sure if this was posted, but Tom Donahoe specifically wanted to have the Bills hold the Bledsoe press conference at the very moment the NHL would hold their's to drown the story out in the media.


    TD has some sort of public image disorder where he or his mistakes can never be portrayed in a bad way. In fact, surfing among us is someone in the Bills organization that reports directly to Tom letting him know what is being said on TBD and other internet websites. A little crazy if you ask me.


    Just do your job man, you made a mistake at QB. We all make mistakes, granted you made the same one twice. Just don't do it again and get a really good backup in case JP wets the bed.


  6. We damn well better go to the playoffs. I expect nothing less, and I'm not going to be too patient with Losman, nor make excuses for him. If he's capable of playing better than Drew, which is why he is starting, and last year we were one or two plays away from the playoffs, then we should go to the playoffs.


    I've had it with missing the playoffs. No excuses. Playoffs or heads roll.

  7. I don't think your list of 10 items is the democratic platform, in the same way that a statement like "SCREW THE POOR!" or "TO HELL WITH THE ENVIRONMENT!" are part of the republican platform.


    Anyway, banning smoking in bars is one of the best things that has happened to NYS in the past decade. :-)


    Dont get me wrong. I have huge issues with both Bush and the republican party, but let's take a look at the dems major causes and characteristics....



    1) Anti-war at any cost.

    2) Anti-business, radical environmentalists.

    3) Tax Increases

    4) Gay Marriages

    5) Anti-smoking in bars.

    6) Legalize marijuana

    7) Anti-law enforcement for the most part.

    8) Militant vegetarians.

    9) Last second abortions.

    10) The newest one..."Let's Pretend that we are Conservative"


  8. TD said that if Shane wants the Backup job, its his. Shane is speaking with his family about it and will let them know.


    Guess we won't be bringing in anybody else...



    We'll have to bring someone else in. We need bodies at the very least.

  9. Honestly, I am more critical of people who have annoited WM and LE superstars after just one season. 


    Agreed. LE looked good as a rookie, and WM looked phenominal in his first year. We'll see what happens.


    I think TD has done a great job getting us here, but the proof is in the pudding.  The Bills have to make the playoffs this season, otherwise I believe TD should be held accountable.



    He sure should. I'm not sure I like a starter who has only thrown 5 passes in the NFL, but I expect nothing less than the playoffs. Period.

  10. 1988 Fender Custom Strat

    1992 Fender Stratocaster (American) modded with Dunlop pickups

    1993 Fender Super Amp - 4 x 10" speakers. All tube.

    Early 70s Guild D25M Accoustic

    1983 Ibanez Tube Screamer

    Other various electronic toys.


    I have noticed there are alot of guitar players on the board.


    Let me take a break from trolling and start a semi-normal thread.


    What kind of guitars, amps etc do you have and how did you aquire it?




    1. Epiphone Les Paul Copy. Black. The two knob kind that sells new in Musician's frind for $149.00. I bought it for $80 used in a pawn shop...I love it. Very responsive.


    2. Ibanez semi-hollowbody Es-335 style. Got it on sale in a mucic store new for $199.  Musician Friend sells it for $299. I saw it there and had to grab it at that price. Used the "Momma Don't Know" fund. Love it, but a couple semi-dead spots in the upper frets. I have to make sure I am dead on the frets up there.


    3. Marshall 80 Watt Amp (I'll bet you didn't know they made an 80 watt amp). Had a $180.00 sticker on it in a pawn shop. Traded a 20 watt Marshall, a 15 Watt Vox, A 15 Watt Crate and a Penco Acoutic on an even trade.  Love it....More than I will ever need in my garage. My wife hates it.


    4.  15 Watt Fender. Nice little amp- $ 40.00 in a pawn shop


    5. This little effects pedal called a  "ZOOM" . Paid $79 bucks in a music store. Nice toy


    6. Dunlop Crybaby Wah Wah. Boght it about 30 yrs ago. I forget what I paid. It still works


    7. Penco Acoustic. My daughter got pissed because I traded it in on the Marshall Amp. I went back to the pawn shop and bought it back for $20..SHE STILL NEVER PLAYS IT

    Best guitar I USED to own... A guild S-100 electric. Looked alot like a Gibson SG. I had to sell it back in 1978 to buy another $175.00 car because my engine blew up


  11. I love how one season of play by WM and LE makes them the best picks in recent draft history.  As was stated, maybe TD set the bar low with some poor drafts that it was easy to have better picks in recent draft history.



    Ah, Steven, you always seem to come from under your rock whenever the opportunity to criticize the current administration arises. The fact remains that TD has done a stupendous job here in Buffalo. I challenge you to find someone who has done better given the shape this team was in when Butler left.

  12. Ovations suck.


    Their acoustic-electrics were a big hit in the 70's because they had some of the best on-board electronics for their time. It helped acoustic players free themselves from sitting stationary at a mic. They were played by Mac Davis, Glen Campbell, David Cassidy, and even McCartney during his '76 tour. They also had nice playable thin necks.


    Because of their graphite composite back, they never produced a warm 'woody' tone. If you don't have a very discerning ear, maybe they're just fine.


    I could never get used to that rounded back. Major pain in the ass.


    In fairness, it's amazing that they sound as good as they do, but still....they suck.


    in the 80's, the Takemine's became the standard for really good pick-up systems. That helped them make a name for themselves, much as the Ovations had 15 years earlier.


    The latest advocate of the Ovation acoustic was that douche bag, Danny -  recently fired by Donald Trump on The Apprentice. I might have had at least some respect for the guy if he played a Taylor.



    Couldn't have said it better myself.

  13. Nope, not me. 5-11 and 6-10 are not acceptable, especially when we have a QB currently under contract who has proven he can do better than that.

    The excuses are starting this soon?


    Playoffs is only goal, and a change in QB shouldn't change that. Screw the learning curve, we need the playoffs. If Buffalo can't make the playoffs with JP, he shouldn't friggin play.


    I am kinda getting sick of people saying that JP is an unproven kid, or that he is injury prone. First of all, the former is obvious, the latter is bull sh--. 


    The point is, we are pretty sure JP isn't gonna take us to the Super Bowl next year. We are all well aware of that.


    Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we went 5-11 or 6-10. Although I feel our defense and ST could probably win us several by themselves.


    But that being said, I promise to give the kid a chance. I will wait until AT LEAST week 8 before i make one comment about cutting him, beheading him, or equating him to Rob Johnson, or ANYTHING negative about him. I am going to give him a legitimate chance to prove himself. Should I break this promise, I will not post for a month. There.


  14. Sure there are Gibson, Guild and Martin guitars waiting in the stores out there.  A specific % of what you're going to pay for one is lost in supportin the legend and name brand of these guitars.  They are nice.  I have a Guild D-25 acoustic.  But for an alternative to a huge name brand >>



    I've got a Guild D-25M, the mahogony version. Sweet sounding guitar, especially with the bowed back. It's an early version, and I had it appraised at $1200.

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