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Posts posted by todd

  1. Without all the facts, you can talk to your immediate supervisor and tell him you plan to move back to WNY in April, and would be willing to help recruit and train your replacement.  You do this verbally!  If he says that is not necessary, he can find a replacement on his/her own, just say ok...just wanted to give you a heads up.  Then give a written 2 weeks notice when the time comes.  If, he/she thinks it is a good idea, you give written notice to when you last day will be. 


    I have had people give me 3 weeks or more notice.



    I think that's a good idea. Remember, you'll probably want a reference from them down the road. The verbal / written thing is a good way to stay out of this problem.

  2. I think it's funny how reactionary and over the top agents are.


    ''I don't care. Somebody's going to pay him,'' Wright said. ''I'm not unhappy about anything.''


    ''If Tom's got a plan, he might have a great plan,'' Wright said. ''If he doesn't, it will spell disaster.''


    Disaster? DISASTER? And does anyone really think that Donahoe doesn't have a plan? Agents are insane. Every word is calculated to produce alarm. Every word is calculated to produce a sense of urgency. NFL agents are no better than used car salesmen. I don't think anyone should buy into their crap, and I see far too many people doing that.


    He doesn't care because someone is going to pay Jonas (read: I'm going to try to make MY 10% commision as large as possible).


    I bet Jonas gets a ton of money via FA. I bet he gets pro-bowl money. And he doesn't deserve it. He's very good, but he doesn't deserve what he's asking for.

  3. i'll admit. it's somewhat of a relief to hear all that. That the packers and Rams were going to snag him. That many coaches think he'll be a star. I know shannahn thinks so. Passion for the game...key. Bledsoe didn't have that.



    I agree. Bledose had passion to prove others wrong - and when he was able to do that he got complacent. He'll have a good 1/2 season in Dallas where he kicks ass, but after that he'll consider his point proven and that will be it.

  4. GREAT article: Rival coaches think Losman will shine


    That's been missing on this Bills team for quite some time now, can't wait for this season to start! Exciting times are back! :D



    To me, that was the biggest problem with Drew. He could rarely make a play when something broke down. That's why he was easy to defense. I don't buy the statue talk, because even a pocket passer can make stuff happen when all of the original routes and dumpoffs were screwed.


    I've mentioned this before, but we need a QB that can win a game for us by himself. Just one or two per year. Drew couldn't do that.

  5. Funny story about this. I used to work with a woman who had a virtual shrine to her cat in her office. She had a mouse pad made up with a picture of her cat. All kinds of stuff.


    I was going through some old memory cards (for cameras) that I have an on one of them I found a ton of pictures of her shrine. She had used the office digital camera to document her shrine. Hilarious. This was 6 years ago and in a different job, so I had flashbacks when I saw them.


    Getting professional pictures taken with an animal. Dog, cat whatever pet you have.


    There are multiple people in my office, none of which have children, who get professional pictures taken with their animals. Almost all of them, the people are in their early 30's.


    When people show them to me I often have a hard time holding back my laughter.


  6. I think every office has a woman in her 30's who is single and has multiple cats that she treats as children. She's the type who has stuffed animals and toys all over her office too. There is something not quite right there.



    You friggin nailed it.

  7. Yeah, donahoe sure does suck!



    just for those of you who called me out by saying i was baseless in my arguement that TD's style with impending free agents is to lowball them and that the players are just being greedy, here is fact that supports my position.......


    "The Bills offered an under-market contract to Williams last summer (three years, $11 million, $4 million bonus)."


    the key number there is bonus money.......4M is pathetic, and shows that the 2007 salary in that deal is likely very high and TD was just looking to dump him after two more years..........if the bonus money was 6 or 7 million big pat likely would have jumped all over that deal, but with no assurance of seeing the last year in the contract, he was smart for rejecting it........


    after that offer, TD and big pat's agent never talked again, right up to today, when another offer has not been made by the bills........


    you guys can keep painting big pat "greedy" and "money hungry", but the fact remains TD lowballed him with an offer and then froze him out........is that how you treat a player you want to return to your team and retire with your uniform on? i don't think so........it is disrespectful and just drives a player away from the team.........


  8. I heard an interesting tidbit, they can only interview 60 players on each team.



    That's true. However, Donahoe is smart and sometimes doesn't waste his time interviewing people he's already spoken to or has a good feel for. I think TD uses the interview as a way to weed out someone who is on the bubble, or guage the need to look at someone further.

  9. I can't pull up the sound one. If that guy made a racist remark, then the beat down was justified (maybe not 7 punches, though). Hate to pull a 180 on my earlier post.



    No, I'm sorry, there's no friggin reason for that type of violence. Some smartass remark is no excuse for beating the crap out of someone, then attempting to rob them of their cell phone. No way.

  10. Here's what I'd do: If you don't turn in your card by the alotted time, the next team in line has the first pick, but you don't lose your pick. After the next in line selects, you can make your pick at ANY TIME. You could wait until the 11th pick if you wanted, and then stick your nose in there and submit your card.


    Leave the unwanted position in the Fin's lap.



    That's actually quite interesting. You would actually end up spending less $$. However, I have to think that you could trade down from 1 to 10 for a first and a 7th, which is actually crazy cheap and end up getting more value and still have less of a rookie cap hit.

  11. So tell it... I'm bored!  :D


    Cliff Notes version ...


    Todd turned into Wadd (as in Johnny), which begat Wads, which begat Wadsworth, which begat Wadsworth P, which begat Wadsworth P. Kumquat, which begat Wadsworth P. Kumquat III, which begat Wadsworth P. Kumquat III, Esq., which begat Sir Wadsworth P. Kumquat III, Esq.


    I was also called Todd the Rod in some circles, which morphed into TTR.

  12. so you agree with the bledsoe trade? the bledsoe extension? the prioleau extension? the troy vincent addition? the ryan denney pick and trade-up? the mike williams pick? the bryce fisher release? the larry centers release? the decision not to replace peerless' production in '03?


    there is plenty of logic behind my critique.......you just choose to ignore it (along with 4 years out of the playoffs, which i think is a pretty big issue)........



    Ok, so you disagree with signing Fletcher, Spikes, Sam Adams, and Posey? You disagree with drafting Clements, Schoebel, Evans, McGahee, Henry, Jennings, etc? You disagree with hiring Mularkey? You disagree with Donahoe fixing the cap situation? You disagree with signing Milloy to replace Wire? You disagree with getting a 1st round pick for Peerless? You disagree with Donahoe cutting Rob Johnson? You disagree with donahoe not resiging Wiley? Right back at ya, bud.


    I see little logic behind your critique, because not once have you mentioned the good things Donahoe has done. Most people who can think logically weigh the good against the bad and come up with a reasonable evaluation. You, on the other hand, don't do that.


    Now I'm not going to put you on my ignore list like some other dolts would around here, but unless you can put forth a reasonable argument as to why you can't evaluate someone reasonably, there's no reason to continue this discussion.

  13. Here we go again. Tis the season where some people feel that every player that is released with a name that is slightly familiar should end up on the Bills somehow. Magnify that 2x if the player is an ex-Bill.


    I've even heard people saying they want Flutie to come back! For God's sake, people, let's get real!

  14. well, we'll have to agree to disagree........i think 2 out of 5, is poor, not great.........


    he extended travis only because travis came begging for more money because he was broke.........really a no-brainer for TD.........


    is there anything TD has done (or not done) that you disagree with? you seem to do a lot of apologizing for a guy who hasn't been able to get his team in the playoffs for 4 seasons.........



    Actually, yes. I would have fired Williams after year 2. I would have not let Williams talk me into getting Robinson as a LB. I would have not let Rusty Jones go, or put him in a position where he felt compelled to go. I would made getting a good kicker a higher priority. Other than that, I think he's done a great job.


    You may see me as an apologist, however you seem to do quite a bit of accusing without much logic behind it.

  15. yea, lowball offers........i wonder why they didn't take them?


    answer me this -- do jennings and williams want more, less, or the same now compared to what they wanted in the summer?



    You do know what negotiations are, don't you? Ever bought a car? Ever negotiated a salary yourself? Has an employer ever offered you a salary without expecting you to negotiate?

  16. i have given him credit on moulds and schobel.......but still, 2 out of 5 isn't a great ratio when it comes to retaining good, young talent........



    Give me a friggin break! Two out of five is a GREAT ratio when retaining young talent. Expecially when it has been shown that Peerless isn't as great as expected. You also forget that he extended Travis, which allowed us to be in a position to trade him this year.


    You seem to be rewriting history just to fit your argument.

  17. because he didn't do it with peerless, winfield, or jennings.......



    Ya know, it really takes two to tango. We didn't do it with peerless and it was friggin brilliant. Peerless is a POS and would have wanted too much money. Winfield is great, but he was overpaid and our defense had more interceptions WITHOUT him. And you are forgetting that TD actually did offer both Jennings and Williams contracts BEFORE training camp last year.


    Let's not rewrite history.

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