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Posts posted by todd

  1. I guess it depends on how much exersize and attention you will be able to give them and the size you think your family can handle. I've always been partial to Labs, Goldens and Cocker Spaniels. I also like Newfoundlands, but they are quite big.


    We have a cocker spaniel right now - about a year old - and she is awesome. Very affectionate & pretty damn smart. She's black & white. If you decide to go the Cocker route, stay away from the tan colored ones. They have a tendency to have more problems than others because for a while that color was very desirable and they were overbred.


    Sophie is great with kids and loves other dogs & people.


    Here's some pictures of her:




    I have dobies my whole life.  Had to put my last one down about six months ago.  My wife and daughter would like another dog, but all I know is Dobermans.  I could do research but there are some many breed and was wondering if any of you could suggest a good inside, family breed of dog...kinda point me in the right direction. Thanks


  2. Two other cableladies and I just got our new Season Ticket assignments !!


    Section 123 Row 7 Seats 15,16,17


    OMG !! I can see the guys' butts from up-close and personal now !!


    :o  0:)  0:)



    If you are that close to the field, how will everyone be able to tell the difference between you & the pretty cheerleaders? :)

  3. It depends. During the winter when it is dry it's something you should consider. During the summer it's humid enough to leave out.


    Sometimes you can get the humidity at the time the guitar was built.


    I just bought a Taylor 414 acoustic guitar.  Man is it amazing.  I dropped about 1.4K (a little over my price range) but damn it was worth it.  The one thing that bothers me is that the owner manual streeses the use of a guitar moistener to prevent warping the wood.  Is this really needed?  They have me paranoid now about taking the gutiar out of my case and leaving it on a stand.  Is this moistener really needed? or are they just trying to scare me into buying something I dont really need?  Any advice would be appreciated.


  4. Hope they stand a chance....they need a LOT of support...





    Pretty cool! It tells you something when residents are pissed off enough to shake off complacency and boot the local government.


    IMHO, Buffalo government has tried to keep things "just good enough" so that something like this doesn't happen. Too late for that. The ratio of county employees to citizens is amazing! How could they get away with something like that?

  5. To be more accurate, he was in the trenches during WWI, the first real mechanized war with chemical warfare, tanks, airplanes, machine guns, etc.


    When Hitler was doing his crazy crap in the mid-late thirties is when he really started writing these books.


    His relationship with CS Lewis & their discussions about Catholocism, his experiences in WWI as a doughboy, and his observations of WWII while getting bombed in England helped shape the story as it relates to the struggle between good & evil.


    He clearly had strong opinions about the use of technology for violence. But that's the stuff that makes you think and distracts you from the special effects.


    Not to mention the conflict between good & evil in Gollum, which you can write forever about. I actually did in college.


    If you had read those books you would understand the parallels of Middle Earth and the world according to Tolkien during WWII!  He actually started to write this masterpiece while under fire in the trenches as a Brit soldier. 


    Peter Jackson isn't going to hold your hand and lead you thru the story like a toddler.  He's going to assume you read those books so you come prepared with some background info.  Jackson did a brilliant job, however, weaving this tale for those uncultured saps out there who think reading is evil.  *sigh*


    The movies were great but the reading experience is something I'll take with me to the grave.


  6. David Boston's frame can't support his weight. That's why he's hurt all the time. He gained all that weight by taking steroids. I'd never want that wanker on the Bills.


    The one problem I hear from NFL coaches regarding David Boston is that he is too big to be a WR. They want him to get rid of some of his body mass.


    Why not convert him to a tight end, and let him hit the weights as much as he wants.


    Wasn't he close to being 250? Let him add another 10 pounds of muscle, and you would have a pretty fast tight end I would think.


    Any one sign him yet?


  7. Not an action fan myself, personally one of my favorites in Memento - so I love movies that make you think. Maybe sometime soon I'll have 9+ hours to kill, but it just doesn't seem like a genre I'm at ALL interested in...



    Well, it certainly isn't for everybody. If you're into computers and stuff the giant linux cluster they used to render all the battle scenes is pretty wild. But I'm a geek.

  8. I would suggest that people read The Hobbit before watching the trilogy. That is much more accesible, and sets up the trilogy well. It's also a pretty quick read.


    I think the books AND the movies are amazing. Of course I love to read and have read the trilogy 6 or 8 times.


    There's more to LOTR than just being entertained with special effects, although that is really cool. The story itself is excellent. Tolkien actually invented his own friggin LANGUAGE for the Elves, with grammar and everything. You can actually learn to speak this language. Pretty friggin amazing, IMHO.


    I hate to sound like a snob, but if what you want to get out of a movie is to be entertained by explosions, go rent Die Hard or something. LOTR will make you think. If you don't like to think, don't bother.

  9. We may not agree on Donahoe, but we're in 100% agreement on this one.


    You must be a democrat.


    Instead of constantly raising taxes, why not cut out all the inflated governmental expenditures?


    Start with the dupicative, multiple layers of government including the school systems.


    why do you 14 Buffalo common council seats, in addition to the County managers when the whole area will under the control of state boards?


    Erie County employs more workers than Cook County, home of Chicago - a slightly larger city than Buffalo.


    Cut the fat and politicians, not the beneficial programs


  10. if that is his strategy, i think it blows.........detriot had keroy kennedy in town and put the full court press on him because he was scheduled to go to miami next.........they did everything they could to get him signed and wouldn't let him get on that plane........they got their man, and that is the bottom line.........


    and where is demulling headed next again? hmmmmmmmmm



    Say something good about Tom Donahoe. I dare you. :huh:

  11. I only know of a few "extremists" that back TD. Most people understand his flaws and errors (Drew, GW, Travis and MW).



    Absolutely. I know of far more extremists that hate TD and find it difficult to see that he has done ANYTHING good at all. I think mostly what people disagree on are what TD's mistakes are.


    For example, I think TD's biggest mistakes are:


    GW, the kicking position, and not getting rid of BOTH RJ and Fwootie that first year.

  12. What? So you suggested earlier that TD is at worst the 4th best GM in the NFL, and you have "nothing to refute?"




    Back that statement up first before you start calling everyone else morons.



    What are you suggesting? That I'm a moron?


    Here's what I asked:


    My original post

    If someone doesn't care to give details for me to refute, why should I?

  13. Moron is a blanket statement, especially in the context of a football fan board.  This isn't the math olympiad.  Being a fan doens't necessarily constitute being a student of the game.  So if you want to say that some people have no grasp of "reality" then I can agree with you... but to judge their level of intelligence on a football message board is kind of a stretch.



    Of course being a fan doesn't necesitate being a student of the game, but I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to have just a little understanding of a process if they'd like to discuss it.

  14. todd,


    Bill from NYC just named 4 better GM's than TD. Why don't you refute his post with more details, and support your dissent with logical arguments?




    - a moron



    Nice try. I have nothing to refute - there's no substance to his examples. BTW - you didn't answer my question properly either.

  15. Too bad he took so long to develop, otherwise he'd still be a Bill.  I wonder if he'd want to return and how much he's asking for?



    Let's not forget to mention the faith that our Bills organization put in him by drafting him and paying him despite his desire to fulfill his AF committment. Not every team would do that.

  16. You know Todd, it would have been nice to have a discussion where perhaps in the end we agree to disagree and not had to interject personal inuslts like calling people morons becuase they disagree with you.  From your response, obviously, that isn't going to happen.  Just one more adult male on the TBD acting like a 12 year old in a locker room rank fight because lord knows, that is just what this place needs more of.



    Whatever, Mick. I mentioned the word moron, because to tell you the truth there are plenty of people who ARE morons. I know it sounds elitist, but when you read 100 posts saying "we should sign XXX" or "we shoulda done xxx" it drives me nuts. What kind of MORON thinks that decisions are made in a vacum? I'll stand by my moron statement not because someone disagrees with me - that's where you are completely wrong - but because if someone is incapable of supporting an argument with logic, they ARE a moron.

  17. Moving to Vonage and using a cable modem is still cheaper than paying for long distance carrier, local carrier, and internet connectivity.


    What is everyone using for the local call provider?  We are using Verizon and it costs us about $42/month.  There must be something cheaper!  Any alternatives?


    Note: We still use a modem to connect to the Internet...still have basic cable...etc.  So before everyone starts throwing out grandiose ideas, keep that in mind.  We watch our pennies from month to month.  We have been managing on one income for the last 5 years.  Any ideas to help trim a few $$ from the budget would be much appreciated.


  18. Put that blame on the front 7. They couldn't stop the Scrubs from running

    over them....Some whinni name Willy parker ran roughshod over us on

    that day...On a 9 minute drive, they ran the ball every single time and our

    front 7 couldn't stop them and get off the field....



    Again, the Pitt starting o-line played the entire game. Let's not rewrite history.

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